Начало / Международна дейност / ЕРАЗЪМ+ Програмни страни (асоциирани към Програмата) / Партньори /

University of West Attica

University of West Attica
Държава Гърция
Тематични направления

Строителен факултет

Геодезически факултет



 The University of West Attica (UNIWA) was founded in March 2018 by the National Law 4521.

The foundation of the newly established University resulted from the merging process of the former Technological Educational Institute of Athens and the Piraeus University of Applied Sciences.

Our University offers contemporary Undergraduate and Postgraduate study programmes, which give our graduates the opportunity to acquire specialized scientific knowledge, skills and competences, linking academia to both society and the labor market.

According to official data, UNIWA is the third largest university in the country with regard to the number of undergraduate students whereas it hosts over 57,800 students in total.

Course Catalogue: https://erasmus.uniwa.gr/en/erasmus/course-catalogue/

Уебсайт https://www.uniwa.gr/en/

Факултети и специалности

Факултет / Специалност Строителен факултет
Бр. студенти 2
Времетраене 5
Учебен цикъл 1
Езикови изисквания EN/B2
Бр. преподаватели 2
Срокове за кандидатстване

Nomination Deadline:

Autumn Semester: 31st May

Spring Semester: 15th November

Application Deadline:

Autumn Semester: 30th June

Spring Semester: 15th December


Координатори в приемащия университет

Application procedure for nominated students:

Egaleo Park Campus - 28 Ag. Spyridonos str., Egaleo 12243, Attica

Erasmus+ Studies
+302105385178 +30 210 538 5172, +30 210 538 5170


Website for information: https://erasmus.uniwa.gr/

Координатори в УАСГ

Erasmus Coordinator Faculty of Building and Civil Engineering:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Lachezar Hrischev, e-mail: lhrischev_fce@uacg.bg

Факултет / Специалност Геодезически факултет
Бр. студенти 2
Времетраене 2
Учебен цикъл 1
Езикови изисквания EN/B2
Бр. преподаватели 2
Срокове за кандидатстване

Nomination Deadline:

Autumn Semester: 31st May

Spring Semester: 15th November

Application Deadline:

Autumn Semester: 30th June

Spring Semester: 15th December

Координатори в приемащия университет

Application procedure for nominated students:

Egaleo Park Campus - 28 Ag. Spyridonos str., Egaleo 12243, Attica

Erasmus+ Studies
+302105385178 +30 210 538 5172, +30 210 538 5170

Website for information: https://erasmus.uniwa.gr/

Координатори в УАСГ

Erasmus Coordinator Faculty of Geodesy:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Christina MICKRENSKA
e-mail: kmikrenska_fgs@uacg.bg