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Prof. Dr. Math. Mihail Konstantinov

Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Mathematics - Guest lecturer

Prof. Dr. Math. Mihail Konstantinov
Office Room R235
Student Hours In the winter semester of 2009/10 -> Monday 10:00 – 12:00, Room 235, Rectors Building of UACEG.
This homepage has been modified on October 29, 2009
E-mail mmk_fte@uacg.bg
Birth Place and Date Sofia


- Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry (in Bulgarian)(for students I course, Engineering Faculties)
- Mathematical Analysis – Parts I and II (in Bulgarian) (for students I course, Engineering Faculties)
- Applied Mathematics (in Bulgarian)(for students II course, Engineering Faculties)
- Mathematical Methods in Transport Design (in Bulgarian)(for students II course, FTE)
- Mathematical Foundations of Numerical Methods (in Bulgarian)(for students in master’s programs of FCE)
- Applied Mathematics (for students II course with German language learning)
- Transport Planning (for students III course with German language learning)
- Numerical Matrix Analysis (in Bulgarian)(for students IV course, Faculty of Applied Mathematics & Informatics, Technical University of Sofia)


- Master in Mathematics (Plovdiv University "P. Hilendarski", 1981)
- PhD in Mathematics (Institute of Mathematics & Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1986)

Language Skills

- English
- Russian

Science Interests

- General & Qualitative Theory of Differential and Operator Equations
- Analysis & Design of Linear Control Systems
- Perturbation Analysis of Operator Equations
- Numerical Methods and Algorithms
- Scientific Computing
- Applications of Mathematics

Science Activity

- 500 scientific papers and reports and 30 textbooks and monographs on mathematics and control theory in the country and abroad
- More than 1100 citations
- Referee of many international journals and other scientific editions
- Reviewer of "Mathematical Reviews" and ZBL MATH
- Participation in more than 160 scientific conferences and congresses with regular and invited contributions
- Participation in international scientific projects of NATO and EU
- Member of the scientific net NICONET and the international working group on software development WGS


- American Mathematical Society
- Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians (member of the Board of UBM from 1992 to 1996)
- Union of Scientists in Bulgaria

Academic Positions

- Research Fellow, Institute of Engineering Cybernetics & Robotics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (1979-1986)
- Assistant Professor in Mathematics, UACEG (1985-1986)
- Associate Professor in Mathematics, UACEG (1987-2001)
- Vice Dean, Faculty of Transport Engineering (1989-1999)
- Member of Senate of FTE (1989-)
- Member of Senate of UACEG (1991-1995)
- Member of Scientific Councils (Mathematics, Automation & Control Systems), Higher Attestation Commission (1991-)
- Vice Chancellor and Member of Senate of UACEG (1999-2003)
- Professor in Mathematics, UACEG (2002-)
- Member of Scientific Committee on Electrotechnics, Electronics & Automation, Higher Attestation Commission (2003-)
- Expert with National Agency for Estimation & Accreditation of Higher Education (2003-)
- Vice Dean of FTE (2004-)

Science Keywords

- Member of the Central Election Commissions of Bulgaria for parliamentary, presidential and local elections (1991-)
- Vice Chair of CEC for parliamentary and local elections (2003-)
- Advisor of the Organization for Security & Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) (1997-)
- International voting coordinator of OSCE (1997-)
- Advisor of the International Foundation of Election Systems (IFES) (1997-)
- President of the Board of the Bulgarian Institute of Analyses & Research (1997-).
- Leader of projects in the non-government sector (1993-)
- Leader and member of working groups developing new Bulgarian legislation in the area of science, education and elections (1997-)
- Representative of Bulgaria at the Council of Europe on electronic voting (2002-)
- Author of 250 articles in Bulgarian editions devoted to social and in particular to election issues

Other Posts and Activities

- Differential & Operator Equations
- Control Theory
- Numerical Methods and Algorithms
- Perturbation Analysis

More Info

- Honorary Visiting Fellow and Lecturer in British, German and French universities
- Chair and organizer of scientific sessions at international conferences and congresses
- Biographical data published in 10 biographical editions, incl. Who’s Who in the World



Линейни матрични неравенства в теория на управлението,
Андрей Йончев, Михаил Константинов, Петко Петков

Михаил Константинов

Матрични изчисления (с примери от MATLAB)
Учебник с монографичен характер по теория на матриците и матрични изчисления с използване на диалоговата система MATLAB.


Математически анализ - I част
Михаил Константинов


Photo Gallery

  • 2011
  • 2011


- Mathematical books
- Tourism