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Проект по специални стоманобетонни конструкции

Проект по специални стоманобетонни конструкции

Two separate course projects are developed.
The first project covers the design of a one-span, one-story precast frame structure of a warehouse building. The following reinforced concrete elements are analyzed, designed and detailed: prestressed roof solid beam; precast roof purlins; roof panels; precast rectangular column; precast cup shape single foundation.
The structure of the building is analyzed without taking the seismic actions into account.
The second project covers the design of the reinforced concrete structure of a sunken cylindrical water tank. 3D computer based design model is used. The following elements are analyzed, designed and detailed: thin roof shell structure; support ring; cylindrical shell wall; ring foundation; bottom of the tank.
The structure of the building is analyzed without taking the seismic actions into account.

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