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Programming and Application of Computer Systems

Programming and Application of Computer Systems
Faculty Faculty of Structural Engineering
Department Computer-Aided Engineering
Lead Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Vladimir Yakov
Additional Languages English, German

The discipline include main topics of information theory, design principles of computer software, operational systems, interpreters, linking editors, compilers etc. The principles of structural and object oriented programming are under consideration. The students receive skills on writing computer programs on program language Visual Basic for Applications.


Конспект по ПИИС за ССС
проф. д-р арх. Стоянка Иванова

Study materials

Програма с матрица - VBA
гл. ас. Стоянка Иванова

Ръководство за програмиране по ПИИС (с VBA)
проф. д-р арх. Стоянка Иванова

Examination rules

Изисквания за заверка в катедра АИТ
проф. д-р арх. Стоянка Иванова