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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Elena Dimitrova

Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning - Guest lecturer

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Elena Dimitrova
Office Room A1006
E-mail eldim_far@uacg.bg
Year Started 1983


Urban Analysis: compulsory, first semester, BSc Programme in Urbanism; 2002-continuing;
Sustainable Development – Part I: compulsory, second semester, BSc Programme in Urbanism; 2002-continuing;
Устойчиво развитие – Part II: optional, third semester, BSc Programme in Urbanism; 2003-continuing;
European Planning Systems: compulsory, sixth semester, BSc Programme in Urbanism; 2004-continuing;
Contemporary Urban Practice , optional, eight semester, BSc and MSc Programmes in Urbanism; 2006-continuing;
Planning Theory – Part II: compulsory, first semester, MSc Programme in Urbanism; 2006-continuing;
Policy for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development: optional, tenth semester, Master’s in Architecture Programme; 2000-continuing;


PhD in Architecture - 1990, Faculty of Architecture, Higher Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, (after 1995 – University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy), Sofia;
Higher education (1971 – 1976): Master of Architecture, Diploma defence on July 1976, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture at Higher Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering, (after 1995 – University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy), Sofia;
Secondary education (1967 – 1971): First English language School, Sofia.
Postgraduate education and qualification
Specializations abroad:
Norway - NTNU, Trondheim, EEA grant, April 2012; Sweden – grant of the Swedish Institute (contract No. 00839/2005), Chalmers University, Gothenburg, May-July 2006; Germany- DAAD grant (section 324, contract. No A/02/14742); едномесечна специализация (July-August 2002), BAUHAUS Foundation, Dessau, topic of specialisation “Influence of the transition period on the socio-cultural and spatial identity of the settlements and the new challenges to spatial planning in CEE countries”
Salzburg Seminar, session 399: The Global Entrepreneurial City, May 2002:
International BAUHAUS seminars on sustainable regional development , BAUHAUS Foundation, Dessau, on-site meetings in Glivice, Poland (1996) and Nottingham, UK (1997).
Short-term specializations within the TEMPUS programme:
TEMPUS S-JEP 12540/97 (Development of a European Bachelor in Urbanism Programme); two-week visits to partner institutions: University College Dublin (1998); School of Arts; Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh (1999).
TEMPUS S-JEP 11294/96 (GIS Applications in Urban Planning); one-month visits to partner institutions: East London University, UK (1998); IUAV, Venice (1997, 1999);
TEMPUS JEP-07312-94 (Development of an Inter-University Centre for international Master’s in Management programmes); two-week visits to partner institutions: Technological Education Institute, Larissa, Greece (1997), University of Lincolnshire & Humberside, UK (1996, 1997).
Specializations in Bulgaria
Educational programme in Municipal Energy Planning and the energy conservation process, UNDP, GEFF, Eneffect, Sofia (certificate, 2001)

Language Skills


Science Interests

Spatial and socio-cultural aspects of sustainable development; interdisciplinary research on urban sustainability; spatial identity of the European city; contemporary challenges to South-East European cities; cultural heritage preservation and sustainable urban development.


Bulgarian National Committee of ICOMOS; CIVVIH (International Scientific Committee on Historic Towns and Villages); Union of Architects in Bulgaria

Participation in Research Projects

Participation in COST Programme:
National representative and MC member in Action CC16222: WISE_ACT (Wider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected Transport, ); Action TD 1408: INTREPID (Interdisciplinarity in research programming and funding cycles , 2015-2019); Action TU 1104: Smart Energy Regions (2012-16); Action C 20: The Urban knowledge Arena (2005-09)

Contracts within EC framework research programmes:

ECHOES project (Horizon 2020, contract No. 727470, project title: Energy choices supporting the Energy Union and the Set-Plan), contact person and team leader for UACEG
PETUS project (FP5, Practical Evaluation Tools for Urban Sustainability) contract No. EVK4-CT-2002-00101, 2002-2005) contact person and team leader for UACEG.

Research project, AEIDL, Belgium; Contract nr. 2011.CE.16.0.AT.035, EC–DG REGIO. Field expert in Good practice in urban development: projects and approaches supported by the European Regional Development Fund during 2007-2013 programming period, 2011– 2012,

Contracts with Austrian Research Liaison office, Sofia (ASO Sofia):
Organization of a Regional conference on Shifting Planning Culture in South-East Europe: Development of Strategic Approaches in Urban Planning, April 18-20, 2008, Ohrid; in collaboration with Faculty of Architecture at St. St. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, Macedonia, financial support by Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and research within the Austrian Initiative for research cooperation with South-Eastern Europe.
Research project on: Activating the Potentials of Public Urban Green Spaces, partially funded by Austrian Science and Research Liaison Office, Sofia; contract No. 2005-1101, project leader: http://www.aso.zsi.at/en/bul/projekt/803.html, (2005-2006), Partners: BOKU (University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences), Vienna – project leader; UACG; Institute of Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; St St Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje.
Participation in competition-based contracts with the National Science Fund at the Ministry of Education and Science:
Research project on Integrated Approach to the Evaluation of Ecotourism Impact on the Spatial Sustainability of Villages and Their Environment, contract No. ТН 1403/04 (first stage 2004-2005, second stage 2006-07), team leader.

Research project entitled Sustainable Development Strategy for the Small Settlements in Sofia Municipality, contract No. ТN 712/97 (1997–2001), team leader.

Research projects, contracts with the Research and Design Centre at UACG:

Sustainable Development Principles in Architecture and construction – applicability in the educational process, contract BN 63/2005 (2005-2007), (team leader Dr E. Sentova)
Needs for Experts in the planning filed in Bulgaria (2003-2004), (team leader Prof. Dr V. Troeva)
Influence of the sustainable development concept on planning theory and practice (2001- 2003), (team leader);
Spatial organization of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises – Harmonization with European Standards (2001- 2003), (team leader Prof. Dr J. Radev)
Fields of Building Waste Rational Application (2001- 2003), (team leader Dr R. Hadjieva-Zaharieva).

Participation in International Projects

International collaboration in the filed of scientific research:
Co-ordinator, Regional Academic Workshop on urban development in South-eastern Europe, May 2007, UACG, Sofia; Faculty of Architecture in collaboration with Stability Pact for SEE (Housing and Urban Management Initiative)
International research seminar on Public Participation in the process of urban and regional planning: the contribution of science, practice and administration; Joanneum Research Institute, Graz, 18-20 January 2007; grant of ASO-Sofia (Austrian Research Liaison Office with SEE).
Co-ordinator, Regional Academic Roundtable on Academic Cooperation for Sustainable urban and residential development in South-eastern Europe, March 2006, UACG, Sofia; initiated by Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Architecture at UACG in collaboration with Eneffect and the Stability Pact for SEE (Housing and Urban Management Initiative).
Preliminary investigation in the preparation of INTERREG IIIB project on Rehabilitation and Development of Mining Regions, acronym READY; contract No. 2005-02 с Leibniz Institute for Ecological and Regional Development (IOER), Dresden;
Participation in COPEX 2000, Vienna, International Brockerage Event for East-West Research Co-operation, Vienna 5-6 June 2000, presented research project proposal entitled The urban periphery: the dynamics of spatial identity in the local socio-cultural context.
International projects in the field of architectural and planning education :
One-year Bulgarian-Austrian educational project entitled «Bulgarian Black Sea Coast: Integrating Preservation and Development» (2007/2008), participating на 14 Bulgarian students from the MSc in Urbanism Programme, UACG; partner institution: TU-Vienna; November 2007, first stage, one-week workshop in Sozopol; April 2008, visit of the Bulgarian group to Vienna, Austria, one-week closing seminar of the project.
European TEMPUS Programme:
TEMPUS S-JEP 12540/97 (Development of a European BSc in Urbanism programme); Partners: UACG (coordinator); University College Dublin; School of Arts; Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh.
TEMPUS S-JEP 11294/96 (GIS Applications in urban Planning); East London University, UK (coordinator); IUAV, Venice; UACG, Sofia;
TEMPUS JEP-07312-94 (Development of an Inter- University Centre for International MSc in Management Programmes); University of Lincolnshire & Humberside, UK (coordinator); UACG, Sofia; Technological Education Institute, Larissa, Greece.
Romualdo Del Bianco Foundation Programme, Florence (http://www.fondazione-delbianco.org):
2001, 2005 and 2007, Leader of UACG student groups participating in the Foundation Winter meetings (one-week workshops entitled City as an Educational Polygon;
2002, December, one-week seminar entitled Coming closer by discovering the unknown: cultural tourism challenges to sustainable spatial development, leader of the Bulgarian group (author of project proposal in collaboration with Hr. Staneva).
Participation in International projects and networks in the field of higher education
1996, April, International Seminar "Tendencies in Research and Education In the Field of Spatial Economy and Planning in CEE Countries", Lodz, Poland; presented paper on Spatial Planning Education in Bulgaria: Traditions, Problems and Alternatives of a New Approach”,
Participation in International Seminars
2008, October, Interdisciplinary French-Bulgarian seminar on Monumental complexes of the communist regimes in contemporary European cities, organised by: L'association "Archinef", Lyon, L'association "Images-A-Mots", La Foddation "Sand-Glass" in Sofia; presentation entitled Metamorphoses of public space in post-socialist Bulgarian Cities: challenges to memory.
1999, June, International seminar on Computer Technologies in Urban Planning, UACG, Sofia, paper entitled: Indicators for sustainable spatial development - challenges to urban planning education.
National projects – practical activities of general character related to education
2000-2005, United Nations Development (UNDP), project on Energy Efficiency Strategy to Mitigate Green House Emissions, Eneffect, lecturing in Sustainable Development and Communications during the application of Municipal Energy Efficiency programmes.
Participation in international meetings and conferences
2007, October , Fifth Regional Vienna Declaration meeting, Podgorica, Montenegro, organised by: Stability Pact for SEE, Ministry of Economic Development , Republic of Montenegro; presentation entitled: “Integrating Academic Research Potential in South-Eastern Europe to Meet Emerging Urban Challenges”.

2007, August, Architecture Symposium: Urban Movements, European Forum Alpbach 2007 “From Vienna to Istanbul – Urban Diversity”), Alpbach, Austria; presentation entitled Sofia 2007: Images of Change.
2007, May, Regional Academic Roundtable on Urban development in South-Eastern Europe, UACG, Sofia; Faculty of Architecture in collaboration and with the financial support of the Stability Pact for SEE, Residential Policy and Urban Management Initiative; presentation entitled Urban Sustainability in the Regional Context: Research Challenges and Outcomes.
2004, November, International Symposium on Renewal of the City, Skopje; organised by the city of Skopje и Goethe-Institute; paper presented: Sofia: Social Transformations, Spatial Identity and Challenges to Sustainability in Recent Urban Development.
2000, September, International Conference in Urban Planning on Heritage: opportunity or Threat? From preservation to Sustainable Urban Development, Ohrid, Macedonia, presentation, rapporteur of Working Group 3: Renewal and Cultural Heritage..
1999, June, EU conference on Human Resources and Cultural Infrastructures: Access to a new interpretation of European Integration, Leipzig.
1999, November, International Walter Gropius, Bauhaus Foundation, Dessau, Germany; presentation on Sofia development.
1998, November, Regional Conference on Sustainable development in Central and Eastern Europe, Sofia; organised by ICLEI; rapporteur, Finance and management Section, published report.
1998, March, Conference on EC Enlargement, organised by the Green parties’ Group in European Parliament and European Green Parties Federation, Warsaw; presentation entitled “Sustainable Development of the Settlement Network in Bulgaria: Local Dimensions of European Strategies”;

Academic Positions

Member, Specialised Scientific Council in Architecture at the Higher Attestation Commission (2007 – 2010)
Member, Faculty Council, Faculty of Architecture, UACG, Sofia (2003 – 2017)

Science Keywords

natural and urban environment; sustainable urban development; methods for evaluation of urban sustainability; energy efficiency ; municipal strategies for sustainable development; public participation in urban planning and governance, urban and regional mobility; cutural heritage preservation.


Papers in foreign journals
Biresselioglu, M.Efe, A. Burov, G. Carrus, M. H.Demir, E. Dimitrova, I. Fritsche, I. Kaplan, D. Melike, C.Klöckner, G. Koksvik, G. Masson , M. Tasheva, L. Tiberio, D. Velte, S. Vesely (2017). Social Science Perspectives on Electric Mobility, Smart Energy Technologies, and Energy Use in Buildings – A comprehensive Literature Review. Technical Report, Project: ECHOES - Energy Choices suppting the Energy union and the Set-plan
Dimitrova, E. M. Tasheva-Petrova, A. Burov, I. Mutafchiiska (2018) Energy Sensitive Spatial Planning as A Public Sector Tool Towards Sustainable Economic and Territorial Development. Chapter in Finka, M., Jaššo, M. (Eds.): The Role of Public Sector in Innovative Local Economic and Territorial Development (In Central, Eastern And South Eastern Europe), Springer (in print)
Dimitrova, E., A. Burov, D. Kaneva, (2017). The Future Created Together: Building Participatory Planning Culture for Urban Resilience. In Tollin, N. et al (eds) Participation and Governance For Urban Resilience: Exploring Co-Evolution and Co-Design Approaches. Springer Book Series: Resilient Cities: Re-thinking Urban Transformation, Book 6 (In print).
Dimitrova, E. (2016). Introduction to Lifelong Learning, In Calzada, J.R., I. Kalteneger, J. Patterson, F. Varriale (eds). COST Action 1104 Smart Energy Regions – Skills, knowledge training and supply chains, COST Association, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University; pp.54-58. ISBN 978-1-899895-21-2.
Dimitrova, E. (2016). The MODEL (Management of Domains Related to Energy in Local Authorities) Project in Bulgaria, In Calzada, J.R., I. Kalteneger, J. Patterson, F. Varriale (eds). COST Action 1104 Smart Energy Regions – Skills, Knowledge, Training and Supply Chains, COST Association, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University; pp. 72-77; ISBN 978-1-899895-21-2.
Dimitrova, Е., R. Zaharieva (2015). ISDE: Informal teachers’ network for mutual support in ESD, Bulgaria, pp. 88-94. In Leading Practice Publication: Professional development of university educators on Education for Sustainable Development in European countries. Editors: Tilbury, D. et al, Charles University in Prague, Prague.
Dimitrova, E. (2015). Green infrastructure in the urban process: chances for a new planning culture. Abstracts, SPA-CE.NET conference „Green Infrastructure in Central, Eastern and South Eastern Europe: Is there a universal solution to environmental and spatial challenges?, 27-29 September.
R. Zaharieva, Е. Dimitrova (2015). Thermal Insulation from textile waste based materials for the construction industry in Bulgaria. In Calzada, J.R., I. Kalteneger, J. Patterson, F. Varriale (eds). COST Action 1104 Smart Energy Regions – Skills, knowledge training and supply chains, COST Association, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University; pp. 152-156. ISBN 978-1-899895-21-2.
Dimitrova, E. (2014). The 'Sustainable Development' Concept in Urban Planning Education: Lessons Learned on a Bulgarian Path. In Journal of Cleaner Production, 62, сс. 120-127. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.06.021
Dimitrova, E., A. Burov, K. Nakova (2014). Bulgaria. In. Jones, P. et al (еds), COST Action TU1104 – Smart Energy Regions, The Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University; pp.33-43
Andersen, H.T., E. Dimitrova, K. Schmeidler (2013). Urban Knowledge and Large Housing Estates in Europe. In Andersen, H. T., R. Atkinson (eds) Production and use of Urban Knowledge. European experiences. Springer, pp. 103-132.
Dimitrova, E. (2014). Urban challenges of energy efficiency and context-sensitive planning approaches in Bulgaria. Paper, 1st International Academic Conference on Places and Technologies, Belgrade, Serbia
Dimitrova, E. A. Burov, H.Nikolov (2013). Demand Responsive Transport Systems: Energy And Social Efficiency In The Sparsely Populated Regions Of Bulgaria. Proceedings, 3rd International Exergy, Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainability Workshop & Symposium (ELCAS3), 07-09 July, 2013, Nisyros, Greece.

Dimitrova, E., A. Burov (2010) Current Challenges and Innovative Approaches in the Development of Peripheral Regions in Bulgaria (the Case of Ivaylovgrad Municipality). In SPATIUM International Review, no. 23, October, Belgrade, Serbia, pp. 1-8
Dimitrova, E.,
A. Burov, H. Nikolov (2010). GIS in Urban Planning Education: Support for Integrated Approaches to Sustainable Urban Development. Proceedings, Third International conference on Cartography and GIS, Nessebar, Bulgaria, 15-20 June 2010, International Cartographic Association and UACG, Sofia.
Dimitrova, E. (2007)
L’espace public en Bulgarie: transformations et raisons d’etre au debut du XXIe siecle. ETUDES BALKANIQUES. Recherches interdisciplinaires sur les mondes hellenique et balkaniques. Cahiers Pierre Belon, 14-2007, L’espace public dans le Sud-Est europeen, volume dirige; par K. Tsoukala, De Bocard, pp.161-182 (in French)
Dimitrova, E. (2007) Testing PETUS: Expectations and outcomes of the Theory-Practice Dialogue on Urban Sustainability. In Indoor and Built Environment, International Society of the Built Environment, SAGE Publications, Vol. 16, issue 3, June, pp. 216-225. (in English)
Hadjieva-Zaharieva, R., E. Dimitrova, F. Buyle-Bodin (2003). Building Waste Management in Bulgaria: Challenges and Opportunities. Waste Management, Elsevier, vol. 23, issue 8. (in English);

Dimitrova, E. (2000). Spatial Aspects of the Socio-Cultural Local Context in Post-socialist Urban Planning. In Benson, J., M. Roe (ed.) (2000). Urban Lifestyles: Spaces, Places, People. Proceedings of an International Conference on Cities in the New Millennium, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 14-16 September 2000, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 139-145.

publications in Bulgarian

Димитрова, Е., М. Ташева-Петрова, А. Буров, И. Мутафчийска (2017). Местното ниво на управление в европейския процес на енергийна трансформация – социотехнически фактори на ефективността. Доклад, Международна юбилейна научна конференция „75 години УАСГ“, 1-3 ноември, Сoфия.
Ташева-Петрова, М., Е. Димитрова, И. Мутафчийска (2015). Образованието по урбанизъм: обществени потребности и възможности за професионална реализация, Годишник на УАСГ, том XLVIII, Свитък VIII-A Научни изследвания I 2014-2015, София, ISSN 1310-814X
Димитрова, E., М. Ташева-Петрова, А. Буров (2014). Системен подход за приложение на ГИС с отворен код в пространственото планиране в България. Годишник на УАСГ том XLVI, Свитък IX-A Научни изследвания I 2013-2014- , София, ISSN 1310-814X
Димитрова, Е., А. Буров, Х. Николов (2013). Велосипедът в живота на града. В сп. Инженерни науки, БАН, бр. 4, сс. 36-45
Димитрова, Е., А. Буров, Х. Николов (2013). Гъвкав публичен транспорт в рядко населените периферни райони в България: възможности и предизвикателства пред пространственото планиране. Годишник на УАСГ, Научни изследвания 2012.
Димитрова, Е., Х. Николов (2012). Гъвкавите транспортни системи в концепцията за устойчива мобилност в рядко населените райони. Годишник на УАСГ, том 8, свитък VIII. Научни изследвания 2011, сс. 37-44.
Димитрова, Е. (2012). Съвременните императиви за ресурсна и енергийна ефективност: отражения върху етиката на пространственото планиранe. Доклади, том 1, Юбилейна конференция с международно участие УАСГ 2012, 15-17 ноември 2012, сс. 249-254.
Димитрова, Е. (2012). Международни професионални мрежи в полето на урбанизма: възможности за образователно и изследователско сътрудничество. Доклади, том 1, Юбилейна конференция с международно участие УАСГ 2012, 15-17 ноември 2012, сс. 331-336.
Димитрова, Е. (2011). Идеята за устойчиво развитие: въздействие върху теорията на пространственото планиране. Годишник на УАСГ, София, свитък XLV, том 1, 2004-2010, сс. 53-61.
Димитрова, Е. (2010). Интегриран образователен подход към проблематиката на устойчивото градско развитие. Годишник на УАСГ, Международна научно-приложна конференция УАСГ 2009, Том XLIV, Св. I, Архитектура, сс. 53-64.
Димитрова, Е. (2010). Днешният ден на София: уязвимост и жизненост на публичното градско пространство. В Сборник материали от научна конференция “Проблеми на културното наследство на София”, ОП Стара София, Софийски исторически музей, с. 234-238.
Dimitrova, Е. (2008) Southeast European Cities – Challenges to Spatial Policies towards Sustainable Development. In Proceedings, Jubilee Scientific Conference with international participation, University of Economics, Varna pp. 30-36.
Dimitrova, Е. (2008) Sofia as a primer: Sensory decoding of the contemporary city in the education of urbanism. Proceedings, scientific conference “Sofia and its cultural heritage” 9-11 November 2005, Sofia, pp. 220-223
Grimm-Pretner, D., E. Dimitrova, P. Rode, (2007) Open space: planning with respect for the urban context. Proceedings, Jubilee Conference with international participation, May 2007, UACG, Sofia
Dimitrova, Е. (2007) Education for Sustainable Development: between the Theory of Spatial Planning and the Practice of Urban Governance Proceedings, Jubilee conference with international participation, May 2007, UACG, Sofia
Dimitrova, Е., А. Markova, И. Kovacheva (2007) Applied Research on Urban Sustainability: Methodological Approaches and Effectiveness of the Practical Results. Proceedings, Jubilee conference with international participation, May 2007, UACG, Sofia
Dimitrova, E. (2006) Technical Infrastructure and Urban Sustainability: Lessons Learned from European Research and Practice. Proceedings, Scientific conference with international attendance on Building Entrepreneurship and real estate property, University of Economics,
Varna, November, pp. 46-52.
Dimitrova, Е. (2006) Challenges of the Sustainable Development Idea to the Educational Process in Architecture and Urban Planning. Proceedings of Jubilee scientific Session, Liuben Karavelov Higher School of Civil Engineering, Sofia, vol. III - Architecture,.pp. 27-32.
Dimitrova, Е. (2005) “Best Practices”: Applicability of Local Practical Experience in Scientific Research. Proceedings, Jubilee Scientific session, Liuben Karavelov Higher School of Civil Engineering,, Sofia, vol. 1, pp III 77-81., Sofia, vol. 1, pp.III-77-82
Dimitrova, Е. (2004). Practical Evaluation Tools for Urban Sustainability: The Interaction between European and Local Bulgarian Context. In Proceedings of Scientific conference with International participation, Liuben Karavelov Higher School of Civil Engineering, Sofia, vol. 1, pp.II-216-220
Dimitrova, E. (2004) Sofia: the Living City. In Zheleva-Martins, D. et al (ed) Sofia and its images. International symposium, Union of Scientists in Bulgaria, Centre of Architectural Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, National Art Gallery, Sofia Art Gallery, CD-ROM.
Dimitrova, E. (2003) Evaluation of Urban Sustainability - Interaction of Planning Theory and Practice. In Proceedings, Jubilee Scientific Session of Liuben Karavelov Higher Institute of Construction, Sofia, vol. 1, pp. II 31-36.
Dimitrova, E., B. Scurrell (2002). “Shrinking” European Cities: Challenges to sustainable urban development. In Jubilee Annual, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia, pp.177-186.
Dimitrova, E., R. Hadjieva-Zaharieva (2002). Ecological footprint of the city: building waste recycling in the context of sustainable urban development. In Jubilee Annual, UACG, Sofia, pp. 187-196
Dimitrova, Е. (2002). Sustainable Urban Environment: European Priorities and Challenges to Bulgarian cities. Proceedings of Jubilee scientific Session, Liuben Karavelov Higher School of Civil Engineering, May 2002, Sofia, vol. I, pp. II 107-112.
Dimitrova, Е. (2001) Spatial Planning as a policy instrument for sustainable development. In Proceedings of the Scientific session of Liuben Karavelov Higher Civil Engineering School, May-June, Sofia, vol. 3, pp. II 62-69.
Dimitrova, E. (2000). ‘Sustainable Development’ Dilemmas in the Education of Bulgarian Town Planners. Annual of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering & Geodesy (UACG), Vol. XV, Notebook I, 1999-2000, Sofia, pp.255-263.
Dimitrova, Е. (1997). Problems of the interdisciplinary dialogue on the sustainable development of urban structures. UACG Annual, vol. ХХХIX, notebook V, Architecture, Sofia, pp. 119-125.
Dimitrova, E. (1997) . Agricultural schools in Bulgaria. Traditions and perspectives of regional and spatial development. In Annual of UACG, vol. ХХХIX, notebook VI, Architecture, Sofia, pp.43-53.
Dimitrova, E. (1996). A Dam …. and something else. (the prediploma Landscape Planning Project on the development of eco-tourism around the Iovkovtsi dam). In Arhitektura (Architecture), Journal of Union of Architects in Bulgaria, No.6, pp. 7-8,
Dimitrova, Е. (1994). The continuing Vitality of Modernism. In Arhitektura (Architecture), Journal of Union of Architects in Bulgaria, No 1, pp. 46-49.

Papers presented at international conferences (refereed/ published, in English)
Dimitrova, E. (2008) Urban Planning Education for Sustainable Development: Linking Professional Capacity to Personal Value Systems and Motivation for Action, EESD conference, Graz, Austria
Dimitrova, E. (2007) Public participation in spatial planning: challenges to the planning profession in SEE countries, the case of Bulgaria, International seminar on “Public involvement in urban and regional planning processes: the contribution of science, practice and administration”, Joanneum Research Institute, Graz, January 18-20;
Dimitrova, E. (2006) PETUS Project: Linking Knowledge to Action on Urban Sustainability. Presentation, COST C20 meeting, Gothenburg, September;
Dimitrova, E. (2005) Testing PETUS: expectations and outcomes of the ‘theory-practice’ dialogue on urban sustainability, PETUS International Conference “Building a sustainable future”, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Dimitrova, E., T. Stoykova (2005) Urban planning practice, research and education: learning together, Poster, Abstract, Proceedings of International Conference for integrating urban knowledge and practice, Gothenburg, Sweden, p.206.
Dimitrova, Е. (2005) Public Space of contemporary Bulgarian cities in the dialogue between local and global. In: Dandolova, I. (ed.) Cities and Inequalities. From Local to Global., Proceedings, French- Bulgarian Colloquium in urban sociology, Association or researchers on residential and urban development (HURA), Sofia, p. 94-101 (in Bulgarian).
Dimitrova, E. (2004) Challenges to Planning Education: Linking ‘Sustainable Development’ Theory to Bulgarian Local Practice. Abstract, AESOP 2004 Congress, Metropolitan Planning and Environmental Issues, Grenoble, France, July, p.183
Dimitrova, E. (2004) Contemporary Balkan city: opportunities for integration in European research dialogue on sustainable urban development. In Proceedings, Balkan conference of architects on “Architecture and sustainable development in the Balkans” under the auspice of Bulgarian President, Union of Architects in Bulgaria, Chamber of Architects in Turkey, Sofia, April 2004 (in Bulgarian).
Dimitrova, E. (2002) Teaching Urban Sustainability to Architects and Planners: the Intercultural Challenge. Abstract. Proceedings, XVI AESOP Conference, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, 10-15 July, p.300.
Dimitrova, E., R. Hadjieva-Zaharieva (2001) Building-Waste Recycling in the Process towards Urban Sustainability in CЕЕ Countries, 2nd COST UCE Conference "The Future of the City. New Quality for Life, Bled, Slovenia, September 2001, pp.127-130.
Dimitrova, E. (2001) Planning Ethics In Transition – Challenges to Spatial Planning Education, First World Congress of Planning Schools, Abstracts. Planning for Cities in the 21st century. World Planning Schools Congress, Shanghai, July 11-15, ACSP, AESOP, APSA, ANZAPS, abstract No. 12010, p.279.
Dimitrova, E. (2000) Spatial Aspects of the Socio-Cultural Local Context in Post-socialist Urban Planning. In J. Benson, M. Toe (ed) Urban lifestyles: Spaces, Places, People. Proceedings of an International Conference on Cities in the New Millennium, Newcastle upon Tyne, Sept 2000, Balkema, Rotterdam/Brookfield, pp.139-145.
Dimitrova, E. (2000) Spatial Planning Education in Capacity-Building for Sustainable Development International Conference on Urban Planning “Heritage: Opportunity or Threat?”, September, 2-6, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Dimitrova, E., K. Sentova (2000) The Cost of Sustainability Values in Urban Planning - Who Pays the Bill? Third Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Vienna.
Dimitrova, E. (1999). Small Settlements at the Urban Fringe - Meeting Points for Theory and Practice. Paper, International Conference on Sustainable Development in the European Territory, Technical University of Athens, 12-17 May.
Dimitrova, E. (1995). Bulgarian Villages: Problems of Sustainable Development under Changing Social Conditions, Abstract. Proceedings, 9th AESOP congress, 16-19 August, Glasgow.

Papers presented at national scientific conferences, sessions and seminars

Dimitrova, Е. (2008) Sofia of Today: vulnerability and vitality of public urban space. Paper, Scientific conference on the cultural and historic heritage of Sofia, 5-7 November.
Papers presented at university conferences, sessions and seminars
Dimitrova, E. (2008). Southeast European Cities – Challenges to Spatial Policies towards Sustainable Development. In Proceedings, Jubilee Scientific Conference with international participation, University of Economics, Varna pp. 30-36, (in Bulgarian)
Dimitrova, E. (2007) Bulgaria: Regional Policy and Spatial Development. Challenges on the European Path. Presentation, Seminar on Spatial and Environmental Planning in Central and Eastern Europe, Centre for Regional Planning and Regional Development, Department of Spatial Development, Infrastructure and Environmental Planning, University of Technology, Vienna, January 11-12;
Dimitrova, Е. (2000). Sustainability of Urban Development. Pride and Prejudice in the Spatial Planning of the Post-modern City. Jubilee conference, 50th anniversary of the Centre of Architectural Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences.


More Info

International Conference/ Symposium Papers and Presentations (in English):

Dimitrova, E. (2016). Towards a Gender-Sensitive Research Discourse In Support of Smart Energy Regions in Europe. Presentation, Smart Energy Regions International Conference, 11-12 February, Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Dimitrova, E. (2015). The City We Need Promotes the Values of Urban Culture. On-line presentation, Urban Thinkers Campus México: Legal course towards Habitat III, 17-20 November, Mexico City. http://unhabitat.org/events/urban-thinkers-campus-mexico-legal-course-towards-habitat-iii/
Dimitrova, E. (2015). Current Challenges to ICOMOS Experts in the Societal Dialogue on Heritage Preservation And Urban Development In Bulgaria. CIVVIH Scientific Symposium Heritage, Driver of Historic Towns and Urban Landscapes. Sustainable Development”, 16-19 September, Syros, Greece
Dimitrova. E., A. Burov, N. Naydenov (2013). The ‘Open Source’ Approach in Spatial Planning: Applicability Challenges in Bulgaria. SPACE-NET,10th Network Conference on the Role and Future of Spatial Planning in Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe, 26-27 September 2013, Dresden.
Dimitrova, E. (2013). International networks in planning education: do they bring us closer in a changing world? Abstracts, Joint AESOP-ACSP Congress “Planning for resilient cities and regions”, UCD, Dublin.
Dimitrova, E. (2012). Socio-Spatial Dimensions in Sustainable Resource and Energy Management in Bulgaria. Proceedings, 26th AESOP Annual Conference, METU, 11-15 July 2-12, Ankara.
Dimitrova, E. (2012). Integrating Past and Present in Sofia City Centre. World Heritage Cities in the 21st Century, International Colloquium on Challenges and Opportunities for the Conservation and Management of Urban Heritage. May 31st & June 1st, 2012, Bruges.
Dimitrova, E. (2012). Costs and Values in Facing the Historic Layers of Sofia City Centre. CIVVIH Scientific Symposium “Multilayered Historic Towns'', 18 - 20 May 2012, Izmir, Turkey.
Dimitrova, E., K. Nakova (2012). Urban aspects of energy efficiency: social dimensions and planning implications in current Bulgarian context. Proceedings, Technoport RERC conference, Trondheim
Dimitrova, E. (2012). Southeast European Challenges to Context Sensitive Urban Research. Open Discussion on Architecture and the \City, Thematic axis Architectural research. Exhibition of Schools in Architecture, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, January 2012.