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Prof. Dr. Eng. Zdravko Petkov

Faculty of Structural Engineering, Structural Mechanics - Lecturer (retired)

Prof. Dr. Eng. Zdravko Petkov
Office Room 435
Phone 02 9635245 /445
E-mail zbp_uacg@abv.bg
Marital Status married


• Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity;
• Stability of Structures;
• Structural Dynamics and Seismic Analysis.


1989 - PhD, Thesis entitled “A Study of Seismic Behaviour of Plane Reinforced Concrete Frames Using Direct Integration Methods”,
1974 - Master in Construction of Buildings and Civil Engineering Structures, UACEG

Language Skills

• English /written and spoken/;
• Russian /written and spoken/


Science Interests

• Evaluation of the seismic performance of structures in time and frequency domain;

• Seismic response and seismic effects reduction using passive and active devices;

• Repairing and strengthening of structures damaged under earthquakes.


2002 -            Chamber of Engineers in the Investment Design

1999 - 2010   Vice-President of the National Committee of Earthquake Engineering

Academic Positions

Administrative Positions Undertaken
2000 – 2008 Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (responsible for student’s and academic exchange with other universities and international cooperation, responsible for research work and academic promotion of the staff in the faculty)

Science Keywords

• Seismic resistance design;
• Performance based seismic design;

Other Posts and Activities

Teaching – lectures and classes, Research activity within the subject of performance-based seismic design, Seismic soil-structure interaction, Step-by-step numerical integration, research on European system of standards. Essential part of the research work is carried out as supervisor of Ph.D. students. Five of them have already defended their theses, 4 of them are lecturers in UACEG, one is working
in the practice. International collaboration – contact person of UACG in University of Firenze – Italy,
Ruhr University – Bochum, Germany, Bauhaus university – Weimar, Germany, KaHo St. Leuven –
Gent, Belgium and Universities of Girona and Granada – Spain, Summer Academies in Bauhaus, Weimar and Tor vergata, Rome, Italy.

Member of a research team working on the problems of computational modeling of spatially variable
seismic action – non-uniform and horizontal ground acceleration distribution at the base of the buildings, 4 years working on Eurocode 8, Leader of the team developed the National Annex and National Parameters for Part 6 of EC8 – Masts, Chimneys and Towers.

Member of design team, main subject – preparation of design projects of TV (R/C – steel) towers,
communication buildings (R/C with masonry infill), truss towers (transmission towers) and ordinary R/C
residential houses and buildings.


Main Publications since 2005

- In English
Bonev, Z., D. Kisliakov (2005). Concrete Gravity Dams: Earthquake-Induced Behaviour Analysis Based on the Concept of Non-Linear Response Spectra, Technische Universität Dresden – Fakultät Bauingenieurwesen, Institut für Wasserbau und Technische Hydromechanik, Wasserbaukolloquium 2005 “Stauanlagen am Beginn des 21.Jahrhunderts”
Bonev Z., A. Strashimirov (2005). Modal Pushover Analysis Considering Structures with In-Plane Flexible Floor Diaphragms, 4-th European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures, Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece, 26-27 August, 2005.
Bonev Z., A. Strashimirov (2005). Pushover Analysis of Complex 3D Structures, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering "Earthquake Engineering in the 21st Century - IZIIS 40 EE-21C", 27 th August - 1st September, 2005, Skopje/Ohrid, Macedonia.
Bonev Z., S. Ganchev, D. Blagov and Ali Zerzour (2005). Behaviour Factor Evaluation Accounting for the Elastic Foundation, International Conference on Earthquake Engineering "Earthquake Engineering in the 21st Century - IZIIS 40 EE-21C", 27 th August - 1st September, 2005, Skopje/Ohrid, Macedonia.
Popova E., R. Iankov, Z. Bonev (2006). Bounding the Response of Mechanical Structures with Uncertainties in all the Parameters. In R.L.Muhannah, R.L.Mullen (Eds): Proceedings of the NSF Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC), Svannah, Georgia USA,
Feb. 22-24, 2006, 245-265.
Schanz T., Z. Bonev, A. Taushanov, R. Iankov, F. Wuttke (2007). A Study of Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction Effects on the Seismic Behaviour of Plane Structures, Proceedings of the Jubilee Scientific Conference devoted to 65-th years anniversary of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy – Sofia, 17-18 May, 2007.
Schanz T., Z. Bonev, V. Georgiev, R. Iankov (2007). Application of Capacity Spectrum Method to Soil-Foundation-Structure Interaction Problems,Proceedings of the Jubilee Scientific Conference devoted to 65-th years anniversary of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy – Sofia, 17-18 May, 2007.
Bonev Z., V. Georgiev, At. Nikolov, B. Belev (2007). Influence of Foundation Flexibility and P- Effect on Target Displacement and Behaviour Factor, Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Design, Construction and Maintenance of Structures, MDCMS, Hanoi, Vietnam, 10-11 December, 2007.
B. Belev, A. Nikolov, Z. Bonev (2007). Analysis and Design of Structures with Displacement-Dependent Damping Systems, Proceedings of the International Conference on Modern Design, Construction and Maintenance of Structures, MDCMS, Hanoi, Vietnam, 10-11 December, 2007.
Bonew Z. and D. Blagov, (2008). Effective Column Length Factor Evaluation Including Influence of the Slabs, Proceedings of the International Conference on Civil Engineering Design and Construction (Science and practice), 12-14 September, 2008, Varna Free University “Chernorizets Hrabar”, Varna, pp. 127-137.
Schanz T., Z. Bonev, F. Wuttke, R. Iankov and V. Georgiev, (2008). Design Seismic Performance of R/C Frame Structures Taking into Account the Foundation Flexibility, in T. Schanz and R. Iankov (eds.), Coupled Site and Soil-Structure Interaction Effects 241with Application to Seismic Risk Mitigation, NATO Science for Peace and Security, Series C: Environmental Security, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2009, pp. 255-271.
Z. Bonev, G. Necevska-Cvetanovska, E, Vasseva, R. Apostolska and D. Blagov (2008). Design Seismic Response Evaluation of Wall Systems Inclusing Foundation Flexibility, in T. Schanz and R. Iankov (eds.), Coupled Site and Soil-Structure Interaction Effects 241with Application to Seismic Risk Mitigation, NATO Science for Peace and Security, Series C: Environmental Security, Springer Science + Business Media B.V. 2009, pp. 241-254.
R. Apostolska, Z. P. Bonev, D. Blagov, E. Vasseva and G. Necevska-Cvetanovska (2008). Proceedings of COST Action C26: Urban Habitat Construction Under Catastrophic Events, WG 2 , Datasheet No. 2.7, Editor: F. Mazzolani (Chairman), Malta, October, 2008.
Blagov D., V. Georgiev and Z. Bonev, (2008). Influence of Flexible Foundations on the Design Response of Buildings with Accidental Eccentricity, Proceedings of the 5th European Workshop on the Seismic Behaviour of Irregular and Complex Structures (EWICS), Editor: Aurelio Ghersi, 16-17 September, 2008, pp. 375-386, Catania, Italy.
Bonev Z., B. Belev, D. Blagov and At. Nikolov, (2009). Seismic Vulnerability of Existing Buildings: Sourses, Assessment and Mitigation, National Scientific Seminar on Incident and Incident Prevention for Construction Works, pp. 262-274, Hanoi, Vietnam, 10th December, 2009.
Cvetanovska G. N., R. Apostolska, J. Cvetanovska, E. Vaseva, Z. Bonev, D. Blagov, (2011). Seismic Response of R/C Buildings using Capacity Spectrum Method with Included soil Flexibility, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 31 August – 03 September, 2011, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Bonev Z., E. Vaseva, D. Blagov and K. Mladenov, (2011). Seismic Design of Slender Structures Including Rotational Components of the Ground Acceleration – Eurocode 8 Approach, Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 31 August – 03 September, 2011, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

- In Bulgarian
Bonev Z., D.Blagov and A. Strashimirov, (2005). Generalized Capacity Spectrum Method Taking into Account Elastic Properties of the Soil, Scientific and practical conference on risk management in critical situations and protection of the people, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Proceedings, November, 2005 (in Bulgarian).
Bonev Z., (2005). Analysis of Base Isolated Structures in Frequency Domain, Journal “Stroitelstvo”, Vol. 1, pp. 14-19, 2005 (in Bulgarian).
Bonev Z and A. Taushanov (2006). Earthquake Resistant Design of Structures Through Linear Response Spectrum Method, Inyegra Engineering, March 2006 (book for students, Ph.D. students and engineers, in Bulgarian).
Bonev Z., (2006). On Calculation of Displacements in Seismic Resistant Design Basing on Linear Response Spectrum Analysis, Journal “Stroitelstvo”, Vol.1, 2006 (in Bulgarian).


More Info

Communication skills and ability to work in multicultural and interdisciplinary environment gained in
numerous participations in European initiatives in higher education and research: COST Programme,
Copernicus EU Projects, leading the participation of the Faculty in Summer academies in Germany
and Italy, Skills in preparation of multidisciplinary type of education with multinational students,

Skills in coordination and administration of research international projects in the field of European standards and how to implement them into the education and practice, coordination of research projects related to earthquake engineering, coordination of project for ancient and historic buildings, cultural heritage and monuments.


Study materials

