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Land and Real Estate Management and Planning
Academic Curriculum

1 Year, 1 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
001.00 MATHbCBG Mathematics 6 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Galina Pelova
002.00 INFbCBG Applied Informatics 5 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihail Mateev
003.00 STbCBG Statistics 5 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Yuliana Boneva
004.00 PFIEbCBG Physical Factors Impact Evaluation 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mato Nadoliiski
005.00 MEbCBG Market Economy 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Econ. Toncho Tonchev
006.00 BAbCBG Basics of Law 3 Continuous Lawyer Pavlina Kyuchukova
007.01 ENbEBG English Language 2 »» Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boyan Aleksiev
007.02 GEbEBG German Language 2 »» Lecturer Ani Manova
007.03 FRbEBG French Language 2 »» Senior Lecturer Borislav Kolev
007.04 BULbEBG Bulgarian Language for Foreing Students 2 »»
008.00 SPObFBG Physical Education 1 »» Senior Lecturer Sasho Cenov

1 Year, 2 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
000.01 SUbCPG Practical Training in Surveying 2 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Christina Mickrenska
000.02 LRbCPG Practical Training in Land Resources 1 Pass/Fail Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Margarita Mondeshka
007.01 ENbEBG English Language 2 »» Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boyan Aleksiev
007.02 GEbEBG German Language 2 »» Lecturer Ani Manova
007.03 FRbEBG French Language 2 »» Senior Lecturer Borislav Kolev
007.04 BULbEBG Bulgarian Language for Foreing Students 2 »»
008.00 SPObFBG Physical Education 1 »» Senior Lecturer Sasho Cenov
009.00 SUbCBG Surveying 6 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Christina Mickrenska
010.00 SOILbCBG Soil Science 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Margarita Mondeshka
011.00 FMbCBG Financial Mathematics 3 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tzanko Donchev
012.00 TBKbCBG Theory of Book-keeping 3 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Kameliya Savova
013.00 BDGSbCBG Base Date anf Graphic Systems 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ivan Kunchev
014.00 SCbCBG Sociology 3 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kiril Kertikov
015.00 RELAbCBG Property Law 3 Continuous Lawyer Pavlina Kyuchukova

2 Year, 3 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
007.01 ENbEBG English Language 2 »» Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boyan Aleksiev
007.02 GEbEBG German Language 2 »» Lecturer Ani Manova
007.03 FRbEBG French Language 2 »» Senior Lecturer Borislav Kolev
007.04 BULbEBG Bulgarian Language for Foreing Students 2 »»
008.00 SPObFBG Physical Education 1 »» Senior Lecturer Sasho Cenov
016.00 ARCbCBG Architecture 5 Exam
017.00 BCEQbCBG Building Structures and Equipment 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Petar Hristov
018.00 BMIbCBG Building Materials and Insulations 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ivan Doykov
019.00 GISbCBG Geographic Information Systems 5 Exam Prof. Dr. Eng. Pаvеl Pаvlоv
020.00 HYDHbCBG Hydrology and Hydraulics 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Martina Pechinova
021.00 TCLbCBG Trade and Contractual Law 3 Continuous Lawyer Pavlina Kyuchukova
022.00 PHbCBG Philosophy 2 Continuous
022.01 PH_bEBG Philosophy 2 Continuous Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Diana Yordanova
022.02 SCVbEBG Society, Culture, Values 2 Continuous Prof. Dr. Todor Todorov

2 Year, 4 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
007.01 ENbEBG English Language 2 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Boyan Aleksiev
007.02 GEbEBG German Language 2 Continuous Lecturer Ani Manova
007.03 FRbEBG French Language 2 Continuous Senior Lecturer Borislav Kolev
007.04 BULbEBG Bulgarian Language for Foreing Students 2 Continuous
008.00 SPObFBG Physical Education 1 »» Senior Lecturer Sasho Cenov
022.00 PLbCBG Urban Planning 4 Exam Prof. Dr. Arch. Veselina Troeva
023.00 CARbCBG Cadastre 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Christina Mickrenska
024.00 PTbCBG Photogrametrical Technologies 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Borislav Marinov
025.00 HSTbCBG Hydraulic Structures 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Maria Mavrova - Guirguinova
026.00 WSbCBG Water Supply and Sewerage Systems and Structures 5 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Viden Radovanov
027.00 ECOEPPbCBG Ecology and Environment Protection 3 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Margarita Mondeshka
028.01 EGHGbEBG Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology 3 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng.Geol. Assia Bozhinova-Haapanen
028.02 REbEBG Regional Economy 3 Continuous Prof. Dr. Eng. Milena Moteva
1 1 Theory of Values 1 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Симеон Кюркчиев

3 Year, 5 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
008.00 SPObFBG Physical Education 1 »» Senior Lecturer Sasho Cenov
029.00 SPbCBG Spatial Planning 5 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Nadejda Yarlovska
030.00 IDSSSbCBG Hydraulic Systems 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Dimitar Georgiev
031.00 TSREbCBG Transport Systems and Equipment 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Yagoda Todorova
032.00 PMbCBG Principles of Management 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ana Stoeva
033.00 MRKMbCBG Marketing 4 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Сия Велева
034.00 BVbCBG Business valuation 4 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Violeta Kasarova
035.01 MREbEBG Land Melioration and Reclamation 4 Continuous Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Angelina Daskalova
035.02 WRMbEBG Water Resources Management 4 Continuous Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Silvia Kirilova

3 Year, 6 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
000.03 PTSPbCPG Practical Training in Planning of Agricultural Territories 1 Pass/Fail Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Georgi Andonov
008.00 SPObFBG Physical Education 1 Pass/Fail Senior Lecturer Sasho Cenov
036.00 ATPbCBG Agricultural Territory Planning 6 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Georgi Andonov
037.00 URBbCBG Urban Territory Planning 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Mincho Nenchev
038.00 MLbCBG Land Management 5 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Nadejda Yarlovska
039.00 PVbCBG Principles of Valuation 5 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ivanka Kamenova
040.00 IUTDbCBG Introduction in Town Regulation and Vertical Leveling 5 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Емилия Илиева
041.01 PDTbEBG Planning of Damage Territories 4 Continuous Prof. Dr. Metody Teoharov
041.02 FTPbEBG Forest Territory Planning 4 Continuous Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Ilko Dobrichkov

4 Year, 7 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
000.04 RVbCPG Practical Training in Real Estate Valuation 2 Pass/Fail Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ivanka Kamenova
042.00 REVbCBG Real Estate Valuation 6 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ivanka Kamenova
043.00 LUPRbCBG Land Use and Protection 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Margarita Mondeshka
044.00 IPMbCBG Institutions and Property Management 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Yordan Botev
045.00 IMbCBG Investment Management 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Margarita Alexandrova
046.00 MPRbCBG Project Management 5 Continuous Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Tamara Ilieva-Cvetkova
047.01 IPAbEBG Intellectual Property Assessment 4 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veneta Tsakova
047.02 PAMbEBG Protected Areas Management 4 Continuous Prof. Dr. Metody Teoharov

4 Year, 8 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
000.05 PTREbCPG Practical Training in Real Estate Management 1 Pass/Fail
000.06 PDFT5bCPG Pre-Diploma Training 2 Pass/Fail
048.00 REMbCBG Real estate management 5 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Nadejda Yarlovska
049.00 CRRbCBG Construction Reguirements and Regulation 4 Exam
050.00 VMEbCBG Valuation of Machinery and Eguipment 5 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Evgeny Sokolov
051.00 VCCMbCBG Valuation of Cultural monuments 5 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Arch. Yordanka Kandulkova
052.00 DW5bCBG Diploma Thesis - design, development and presentation 10 Exam