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Geodesy regulated profession - External
Academic Curriculum

1 Year, 1 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
002.00 PACbCBG Programming and Application of Computer Systems 5 Exam Prof. Dr. Arch. Stoyanka Ivanova
003.00 LAAGbCBG Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry 6 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tzanko Donchev
004.00 SU1bCBG Surveying I 3 »» Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Borislav Aleksandrov
005.00 TOPCbCBG Topographical Cartography 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Stanislav Vasilev
006.00 MAN1bCBG Mathematical Analysis I 6 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tzanko Donchev
007.00 PH_bCBG Philosophy 3 Exam

1 Year, 2 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
000.01 SUP1bCBG Practical Training in Surveying - Part I 2 Continuous Prof. Dr. Eng. Pаvеl Pаvlоv
000.02 TOPCPbCPG Practical Training in Topographic Cartography 1 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Stanislav Vasilev
004.00 SU1bCBG Surveying I 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Borislav Aleksandrov
008.00 PHSbCBG Physics 4 »» Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zvezdelin Peikov
009.00 CADSbCBG CAD Systems 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ivan Kunchev
010.00 DEGbCBG Descriptive Geometry 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Math. Ekaterina Mihaylova
011.00 ECObCBG Ecology 3 Continuous

2 Year, 3 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
008.00 PHSbCBG Physics 3 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zvezdelin Peikov
012.00 MAN2bCBG Mathematical Analysis II 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tzanko Donchev
013.00 SU2bCBG Surveying II 4 »» Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ivan Kunchev
014.00 ECONbCBG Economics 3 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aneta Marichova
015.00 PHO1bCBG Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Part I 4 Exam
017.00 MPGIbCBG Mathematical Processing of Geodetic Measurements 4 »» Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Hristo Dechev

2 Year, 4 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
000.03 SUP2bCPG Practical Training in Surveying - Part II 2 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ivan Kunchev
013.00 SU2bCBG Surveying II 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ivan Kunchev
017.00 MPGIbCBG Mathematical Processing of Geodetic Measurements 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Hristo Dechev
018.00 AMATHbCBЕ Applied Mathematics 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marinka Martinova
019.00 EXLbCBG Administrative and Estate Law 3 Continuous

3 Year, 5 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
020.00 GI1bCBG Geo Informatics I 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Christina Mickrenska
021.00 DPIbCBG Digital Image Processing 4 Exam
022.00 TPLbCBG Territory Planning 3 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Anni Delieva
023.00 BCWENGbCBG Basic Course of Water Engineering 3 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Sava Tachev
024.00 GI2bCBG Geo Informatics II 4 Exam Prof. Dr. Eng. Pаvеl Pаvlоv
025.00 PHO1bCBG Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Part I 5 »»

3 Year, 6 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
000.04 GEOPbCPG Practical Training in Geodesy 2 Continuous Prof. Dr. Eng. Slaveyko Gospodinov
000.05 PHOTbCPG Practical Training in Photogrametry and remote sensing 2 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Plamen Maldganski
025.00 PHO2bCBG Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Part II 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Plamen Maldganski
027.00 ELLGbCBG Geodesy Ellipsoidal 5 Exam Senior Assist. Prof. Eng. Georgi Mitrev
028.00 URBLbCBG Urban Planning 4 »»

4 Year, 7 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
029.00 CR1bCBG Cartography I (Map Exprorations) 4 Exam
030.00 GASTbCBG Geodetic Astronomy 4 Exam Senior Assist. Prof. Eng. Georgi Mitrev
031.00 CARbCBG Cadastre 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Hristo Dechev
032.00 CPRJbCBG Cadastre - Project Assignment 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Hristo Dechev
033.00 CR2bCBG Cartography - part 2 4 »»
034.00 DUPbCBG Detailed Spatial Development Plans 4 Exam Chief Assist. Prof. Eng. Ruska Dimitrova
035.00 TEGbCBG Theory of the Earth's Figure and Gravimetry 5 Exam Prof. Dr. Eng. Elena Peneva

4 Year, 8 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
033.00 CR2bCBG Cartography - part 2 4 Exam
037.00 HRWbCBG Highways and Railways 3 Continuous Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Vladimir Popov
038.00 RV1bCBG Real Estate Valuation - Part I 3 Exam

5 Year, 9 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
000.07 RVbCPG Practical Training in Real Estate Valuation 1 Continuous
043.00 GNSbCBG Global Navigation Satellite Systems and Networks 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. D.Sc. Eng. Dimitar Dimitrov
044.00 LM1bCBG Land Planning I 4 Exam
045.00 MMbCBG Management and Marketing 3 Continuous
046.00 SATGbCBG Satellite Geodesy 3 Continuous

5 Year, 10 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
047.00 MPRbCBG Project Management 3 »» Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Eng. Tamara Ilieva-Cvetkova
048.00 GMGbCSG Geodetic Methods in Geodynamics 5 Exam Prof. Dr. Eng. Slaveyko Gospodinov
048.00 DGSbCSG Design of Geoinformation Systems 7 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ivan Kunchev
048.00 LPbCSG Landscape Development 4 Continuous
048.00 RESbCSG Remote Sensing 9 Exam
048.00 REGISbCSG Remote Sensing and GIS 4 Exam
049.00 TSGbCSG Signal Processing 4 Continuous Prof. Dr. Eng. Borislav Marinov
049.00 MCAbCSG Multipurpose Cadastre 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Christina Mickrenska
049.00 UTRbCSG Urban Traffic and Streets 5 Continuous
049.00 TSGbCSG Signal Processing 4 Continuous Prof. Dr. Eng. Borislav Marinov
049.00 RV2bCSG Real Estate Valuation - Part II 4 Exam
049.00 VGDbCSG Visualization of GEO Data 5 Exam
050.00 CSGbCSG Calibration and Standardization in Geodesy 4 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Borislav Aleksandrov
050.00 REGISbCSG Remote Sensing and GIS 5 Exam
050.00 REGISbCSG Remote Sensing and GIS 4 Exam
050.00 REMbCSG Real estate management 4 Exam
050.00 PCARTbCSG Cartographics - Project Assignment 4 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Petar Penev
051.00 GPSbCSG Precise GPS Surveying 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Yuri Tzanovski
051.00 LCONSbCSG Land Consolidation 3 Continuous
051.00 MAPPbCSG Production of Maps 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Petar Penev

6 Year, 11 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
000.01 IGSbEBG Integral Geodesy 4 Exam Senior Assist. Prof. Eng. Georgi Mitrev
000.02 GAPbEBG Gravimetrical Applications in Geology and Geophysics 4 Continuous
000.03 ASGDPbEBG Applied Software for Geodetic Data Processing 4 Continuous Prof. Dr. Eng. Pаvеl Pаvlоv
000.04 COMGbEBG Computer Graphics 4 Continuous
000.06 MM3DbEBG Multimedia Tools for 3D modelling 4 Exam
000.07 VGDbEBG Visualization of GEO Data 4 Continuous
000.08 MLbEBG Land Management 4 Continuous
000.09 NCARTbEBG Navigation Cartographics 4 Exam
000.10 VCMbEBG Virtual Cartographic Modelling 4 Continuous
000.11 OOPIPbEBG Object oriented Programming in GEO Image Processing 4 Continuous
000.13 EPHbEBG Engineering Photogrammetry 4 Continuous
000.14 AUCbEBG Computerized Cartography 4 Exam
000.15 MREbEBG Land Melioration and Reclamation 4 Exam
000.16 GBPbEBG Geometrical Basics of Perspective 4 Continuous Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Math. Ventzislav Radulov
051.00 APHbCSG Architectural Photogrammetry 4 Continuous
052.00 DGEbCSG Geoid Determination 5 Exam Prof. Dr. Eng. Elena Peneva
052.00 EPHbCSG Engineering Photogrammetry 5 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Plamen Maldganski
052.00 AD2bCSG Mathematical Processing of Geodetic Measurements II 4 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Hristo Dechev
052.00 LM2bCSG Land Planning II 4 Continuous
052.00 CARTSbCSG Cartography of Subjects 5 Continuous
053.00 MLABbCSG MATLAB programming 4 Continuous Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ivan Zdravchev
053.00 DPI2bCSG Digital Image Processing II 4 Continuous
053.00 RV3bCSG Real Estate Valuation - Part III 3 Exam
053.00 WEBbCSG WEB Design 4 Continuous
054.00 KAGbCSG Kinematics applications of GPS 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Yuri Tzanovski
054.00 PPHObCSG Photogrametry and remote sensing - Project Assignment 4 Exam
054.00 GI3bCSG Geo Informatics III 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Hristo Dechev
054.00 ERPRbCSG Erosion and Prevention 4 Exam
054.00 CSTbCSG Standards in Cartography 4 Exam
055.00 SGEbCSG Marine Geodesy 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Borislav Aleksandrov
055.00 GPSbCSG Precise GPS Surveying 5 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Yuri Tzanovski
055.00 SLUbCSG Sustainable Land Use 4 Exam
055.00 TOPC2bCSG Topographic Cartography - II 5 Exam
056.00 ISCbCSG Cadastre Information Systems 4 Exam Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Hristo Dechev

6 Year, 12 Semestre

CourseNr Code Discipline ECTS Exam Type Lead Lecturer
PDFT5bCBG Pre-Diploma Field Training 15 Continuous
DW5bCBG Diploma Thesis - design, development and presentation 15 Exam