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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Vesela Zaharieva

Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering, Department Hydraulics and Hydrology - Head of department

Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering, Department Hydraulics and Hydrology

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Vesela Zaharieva
Office Room A423
Phone 0988634189
E-mail vesela.zakharieva@gmail.com
Marital Status single


University of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, Faculty of Hydrotechnics, Sofia
Sept. 1982 – July 1987
MsC Engineer
University of architecture, civil engineering and geodesy, Faculty of Hydrotechnics, Sofia
February 2003 – March 2004

Participation in Research Projects

*General Schemes of Water Resources Utilization in River Basin Management – Contract Institute of Water Problems, BAS – MoEW, 1999-2000.
*Environmental Assessment of Middle Vacha, 2001.
*Dynamic Modelling of Sofia Trunk Water Supply Network Between the Water Treatment Plants, Water Chamber Simeonovo and the Water Tanks. Phase 1: Project Preparation. 2003.
*Environmental Assessment of Middle Iskar, 2004

Other Posts and Activities

Computational Hydrology, Computational Hydraulics, Water Resources Modeling, Environmental Assessments


20. V. Zaharieva, Mathematical Model for Ecological Flow Determination, Annuaire de l’universite d’architecture, de genie civil et de geodesie – Sofia, vol. XLI, fasc. VI, 2004. (bul)
21. V. Zaharieva, Determination of Ecological Flow After the Intake for the Small-Scale Hydropower Plant “Manastirska”, Annuaire de l’universite d’architecture, de genie civil et de geodesie – Sofia, vol. XLI, fasc. VI, 2004. (bul)
