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Eng. Svetlana Vasileva

Rector's administration, Главен експерт Образователни дейности - Chief Expert Educational Activities

Eng. Svetlana Vasileva
Office Room R214
Student Hours 10.00 - 12.00
Phone 02/8654940
E-mail svetlana_fhe@uacg.bg
Birth Place and Date Plovdiv
Marital Status married


1987 - English Language Secondary School – Plovdiv
1994 - Civil Engineer (Education and Qualification degree Master Engineer) – Structural Engineering, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG) – Sofia
Postgraduate qualification:
2001 - “Audit of Quality Management Systems” and “Statistical Methods for Quality Management”. Successfully passed examination for Internal Auditor of Quality Management Systems

Language Skills

• English
• Russian

Professional Skills

• Structural Engineer.
• Quality management systems – procedures and practices. Audit of quality management systems. EN ISO 9001:2000 requirements. Statistical methods for quality managements.
• Quality assurance in the high education – procedures and practices, principles of the European policy for quality assurance. European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). Accreditation of universities – procedures, documentation, legislation.
• Overall management of the activities, related to education in universities. Developing methodological guidelines for the implementation of new regulations and legislation, related to the education process. Management of the admission campaign. PR-activities and publicity of the University; preparation and organization of different kind of public events – conferences, celebrations, etc.

Participation in International Projects

TREE Project (Teaching and Research in Engineering Education), 2004-2008, funded by the European Commission under the thematic priority ‘Education’ as a Representative of UACEG, responsible for the educational activities and researches activities under the project’s guidelines, incl. themes of accreditation and quality management and assurance with relevance to EU directives.
AQUASTRESS Integrated Project funded by the European Commission under the thematic priority ‘Sustainable development, global change and ecosystems’ of the Sixth Framework Programme (2005-2009). Since October 2006 is in charge of the Evaluation activities and procedures of the participatory processes in Bulgaria under the guidelines of Cemagref, France.

More Info

• Preparation of University’s documentation for accreditation procedures of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy by FEANI. In September 2005 at its Annual Assembly FEANI approved the official report for the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy – Bulgaria. (FEANI – European Federation of National Engineering Associations. FEANI is officially recognised by the European Commission as representing the engineering profession in Europe. The federation also has consultative status with UNESCO, UNIDO and the Council of Europe. FEANI confers the title EURING to the engineers from accredited universities).


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