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Prof. Dr. Eng. Temenoujka Bandrova

Faculty of Geodesy, Department Photogrammetry and Cartography - Head of department

Faculty of Geodesy, Department Photogrammetry and Cartography

Prof. Dr. Eng. Temenoujka Bandrova
Office Room R421; Laboratory on Cartography
Phone https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Temenoujka-Bandrova
Fax https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4778-5557
E-mail bandrova_fgs@uacg.bg
Website www.cartography-gis.com, www.maps.bg
Year Started 1995


2001 to present - Lectures in Map Projection, Visualization of Geodata, Virtual Cartographic Modeling, 3D cartographic modeling

2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Erasmus teachers exchange with Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, Ghent, Belgium

2011 - Lectures in Homk Kong University

2005 Lectures in Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan, Ecology Project 04; Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, Inolec Project; Geographic Institute, Bogota, Colombia; Internet Cartography

1996 - 2000 Exercises in Map Projection, Cartography, Geomorphology, Topographic Drawing

1996 to 2007 Internship in Geomorphology


1. 1997-2001 Ph.D. thesis “Designing of Symbol System for 3D City Maps”University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy - Sofia

2. 1996 Specialization “Designing of 3D Symbols for Representation of Different Objects in 3D City Models”Institute for Computer Graphics – TU Graz, Austria

3. 1988 Specialization “Large-scale topographic maps” HIACI – Sofia, Bulgaria

4. 1983 – 1988 HIGHER INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTURE AND CIVIL ENGINEERING (HIACI)Specialty: Geodesy, Photogrammetry and CartographyAcademic degree: CIVIL ENGINEER IN GEODESY, PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND CARTOGRAPHY,Graduated in cartography as leader of graduates in geodesy, photogrammetry and cartography

5. 1980 – 1983 STATE HIGH - SCHOOL, SofiaMathematical class, graduated with gold medal

Language Skills

English, Russian

Professional Skills

1. Educational works / teaching in the area of cartography: map projections, thematic mapping, atlas cartography, Internet cartography, Map publishing, 3D mapping, Early Warning and Crisis management, Geoinformation Systems and technologies

2. Editor's works and compiling and design of maps, atlases and other cartographic products

3. Project and team managing

4. Organizing of International and National events

Science Interests

Cartography, 3D virtual mapping, Map Projection, Children and school cartography, Ecology and Cartography, Cartography and GIS for early warning and crizes management


1. 2011 to present: President, Bulgarian Cartographic Association

2. 2011 to present: International Society of Digital Earth, Member of ExCom

3. 2004 to present: Association for Geospatial Information in South-East Europe (AGISEE)

4. 1998 to present: International Cartographic Association - Member of Commission “Cartography and Children”, Commission on Gender Cartography, Commission on Planetary Cartography, Working Group on Cartography and Early Warning and Crisis Management

5. 1995 to 2011: Union of Surveyors and Land Managers in Bulgaria

Participation in Research Projects

1. 2013-2015 EU Erasmus Lifelong Learning Programme, Geographic Information: Need to Know (GI-N2K): towards a more demand-driven geospatial workforce education / training system, member of P11, http://www.gi-n2k.eu/

2. 2012-2016 Member of Management Committee [TD1202 BG] to COST Action TD1202COST 'Mapping and the Citizen Sensor' 2012-2016

3. 2009-2010 Academic Center Remote Sensing and Mobil Infrastructure of spatial data Competition “Building and developing of science infrastructure”Competition 2009 of UACEG
- Project manager
4. 2009-2010 Research and Analysis of thematic mapping possibilities for plans creation of disaster management Competition 2009 of scientific projects for help of students’ PhD theses, UACEG
- Project manager
5. Possibilities for Creating and Updating of Navigation Maps on the Base of Aerospace photos and Other Graphical Sources, Competition 2008 of UACEG
6. 2000 Conception for updating of symbols for cadastral maps of the settlements and undeveloped land in scales 1: 1 000 and 1: 500 and symbols for topographical maps in scales 1: 10 000, 1: 5 000 and 1: 2 000 Ministry of Building reconstruction
- Project manager

Participation in Design Projects

Project Manager in DataMap-Europe Ltd.
20 school atlases, more than 60 wall maps, approved by the Ministry of Education
www.datamap.bg; www.maps.bg

Participation in International Projects

1. Cross-border project between Bulgaria and Turkey from the EU – „STRANDJA/YILDIZ THE MOUNTAIN IS WITHOUT FIRES“ with subsidy contract № RD-02-29-21 / 05.02.2014

2. 15-19. Oct. 2012; Lectures within the project "Innovation of Teaching Geography", supported by the European Social Fund and the goverment of the Czech Republic

3. 2005 - 2012 Erasmus Projects/ Teaching mobility; Sofia - Budapest, Hungary, Sofia - Brno, Czech Republic, Sofia - Ghent, Belgium; Sofia-Lisbon, Portugal; Lecturer (45 hours)

4. 2005, 2007, 2013 Inolec Project National Project of Czech Republic Lecturer (15 hours)

5. 2005 Project: Ecology 04, Keio University, Tokyo (4 hours)

6. 2005 Project: "The best from Cartographic systems for Colombian Territory" Project between Colombia and European Union, Session manager "Maps in Internet" lecturer (8 hours)

7. 1993 – 1995 National Center of Cadaster Ltd. – SofiaParticipant in EC COPERNICUS Project 10239 “Innovative Computer – aided Interpretation of Cadastral Maps”, expert

Academic Positions

1. 2012 to present. Member of Academic Board of University of ACEG

2. 2008 to present: Erazmus Coordinator for Faculty of Geodesy

3. 2008 to present - Head of Laboratory, Department of Photogrammetry and Cartography, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG)
4. 2005 - 2012 - Member of the Control Counsel of the University of Architecture Civil Engineering and Geodesy
5. 2004 - 2007 - Member of Specialized Scientific Council in Geodesy
6. 2000 to 2007 - President of Club Woman in Science at University of ACEG and member of Control Council of National Association Woman in Science

Science Keywords

cartography, 3D map, map projections, ecology, school maps and atlases, mapping for early warning and crisis management, Geoinformation technologies, GIS

Other Posts and Activities

1. 2010 to present - Member of International Editor Board: International Journal of Digital Earth (accepted for coverage in Science Citation Index Expanded™ ) ISSN: 1753-8955 (electronic) 1753-8947 (paper); Publisher: Taylor & Francis, Refereed Journal

2. 2008 to present - Erasmus Coordinator for Faculty of Geodesy, UACEG

3. 2008 to present - Member of International Editor Board: Cartography and Geoinformatics, Croatian Cartographic Society, ISSN: 1333-896X, Refereed Journal

4. 2007 -2011 - Co-chair of Commission “Cartography and Children”, International Cartographic Association

5. 2005 to present - Head of section Cartography in Union of Surveyors and Land Managers in Bulgaria

6. 2004 - 2011 Member of Editor’s group of Magazine “Geodesy, Cartography and Land Managers”, Bulgaria

7. Lectures on Children cartography for early warning and crises management in Hong Kong, 2011 and Nitra, Slovakia, 2011 





 2014 г.

1. Пашова Л, Бандрова Т. Дали България постига европейски измерими резултати при прилагане на директивата INSPIRE. Геомедия, бр. 1, 2014 г., ISSN 1313-3365, стр. 38-45. http://www.geomedia.bg/index.php/article:1127

2. Bandrova T. (Invited presentation) Mapping Standards Principles and Proposal for Disaster Management. Special ICA Session, INTERGEO Eurasia, Istanbul 28-29 April 2014

3. Bandrova, T., Konecny, M., Zlatanova, S. (Eds.) Thematic Cartography for the Society ISBN 978-3-319-08180-9, Series: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 2014, XV, 357 p. 131 illus.  ISSN 1863-2246 ISSN 1863-2351 (electronic) ISBN 978-3-319-08179-3 ISBN 978-3-319-08180-9 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-08180-9 Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London


4. Bandrova T., Konecny M., Introduction, 5th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, e-Proceedings, publisher: Bulgarian Cartographic Association, 2014, Riviera, Bulgaria, ISSN 1314-0604, pp. 9-10, http://www.cartography-gis.com/docsbca/5ICCandGIS_Proceedings.pdf

5. Bandrova T., Konecny, Yotova A., Cartography Development and Challenges on the Basis of Big Data 5th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, e-Proceedings, publisher: Bulgarian Cartographic Association, 2014, Riviera, Bulgaria, ISSN 1314-0604, pp. 164-173, http://cartography-gis.com/docsbca/5ICCandGIS_Proceedings.pdf

6. Deeb R., Bonchev S., Bandrova T., De Maeyer Ph., How to Design User’ Friendly Multilingual Maps? Cyrillic and Latin Labels, 5th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, e-Proceedings, publisher: Bulgarian Cartographic Association, 2014, Riviera, Bulgaria, ISSN 1314-0604, pp. 211-219, http://cartography-gis.com/docsbca/5ICCandGIS_Proceedings.pdf

7. Savova D., Bandrova T., 3D Mapping of Mountain Territories - Virtual Visualization by 3D Symbol System, 5th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, e-Proceedings, publisher: Bulgarian Cartographic Association, 2014, Riviera, Bulgaria, ISSN 1314-0604, pp. 388-396, http://cartography-gis.com/docsbca/5ICCandGIS_Proceedings.pdf

8; Bandrova T. Atlas on Geography and Economics, 11.-12. Grades, DataMap-Europe Ltd., Sofia, pages 80, 2014, ISBN: 978-954-519-015-5.

9. Matanov Hr., Bandrova T., Atlas on History and Civilization, 5. Grates, DataMap-Europe Ltd., Sofia, pages 32, 2014, ISBN: 978-954-519-021-6.


1. Real-time Raster Projection For Web Maps, blind review for ISDE, Taylor&Francis, 2014

2013 г.

1. Боянова К., Бандрова Т., 3D картографиране за нуждите на архитектурата, Геомедия, брой 1, 2013, стр. 30-36, ISSN 1313-3365. http://www.geomedia.bg/index.php/article:945

2. Bandrova,T., Konecny, M.: Mapping Standards Principles and Proposals for Disaster Management. Proceedings, CEGeoIC Bogota, Feb. 6-8, 2013, International Conference on Environmental Information and Communication, ISBN 978-3-00-040771-0, CODATA-Germany LNIS, pp. 135-145, http://www.codata-germany.org/ 

3. Бандрова Т., Лабораторията по картография в УАСГ вече носи името на проф. д-р инж. Бенямин Коен, сп. Геомедия, бр. 3, 2013, стр. 52-53, ISSN 1313-3365

4. Бандрова Т., Вацева, Р., Осми национален конкурс за детска карта "Моето място в съвременния свят".  сп. Геомедия, бр. 3, 2013, стр. 25-27, ISSN 1313-3365

5. Bandrova T., 3D Cartographic Modeling in Educational Process, 26th International Cartographic Conference, 25-30 August 2013, Dresden, Germany, On-line Proceedings, ISBN 978-1-907075-06-3


6. Bandrova T., Bonchev St., 3D maps – scale, accuracy, level of details, 26th International Cartographic Conference, 25-30 August 2013, Dresden, Germany, On-line Proceedings, ISBN 978-1-907075-06-3


7. Бандрова Т., Дюлгеров Н. Атлас История и цивилизация 10. клас, идз. ДатаМап-Европа, 48 стр. ISBN 978-954-519-049-0

8. Bandrova T., Konecny M. Digital Earth – Young Generation’s Comprehension and Ideas, 8th International Symposium on Digital Earth, 26-29. 08. 2013, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, On-line Proceedings, IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 18 (2014) 012007, doi:10.1088/1755-1315/18/1/012007, http://iopscience.iop.org/1755-1315/18/1/012007

9. Pashova L., Bandrova T., Kastreva P, Idrizi B. Prospects for the development of Web Geo-Services between Bulgaria and FYROM by applying the INSPIRE directive. INSPIRE and integrated land & water management scientific workshop. SDI Days 2013, Proceedings, pp. 71-78, Sibenik, 26/27. Sept. 2013, Croatia, ISBN 978-953-293-519-6 (printed), ISBN 978-953-293-520-2 (digital), publisher: State Geodetic Administration, Croatia

10. Pashova L., Bandrova T. INSPIRE Directive in Bulgaria until 2013 - rusults, problems and perspectives. SDI &SIM 2013 International Conference, Proceedings., pp. 149-161, 13-16. November 2013, Skopje, FYRoMacedonia, ISBN: 978-9989-936-43-2, COBISS.MK-ID 94982410,  http://pdfcast.org/pdf/proceedings-sdi-sim-2013


1. Belgium: New research project proposal by Philippe De Maeyer, submitted to the Research Foundation - Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek - Vlaanderen, FWO). Application type: New research project proposal 
- Applicant: Philippe De Maeyer;
- Title of the proposal: Neogeography maps: how, what, where and who? 
2. Hungary: Applicant: José Jesús Reyes Nunez
Title of the proposal: Rethinking Thematic Cartography for atlases visualized by mobile devices
OTKA ID: 108420
3. Croatia: Mastery of Permanent Cartographic Knowledge and Skills of Secondary Level Pupils After Finishing Elementary School for Cartography and Geoinformation journal; Kartografija I Geoinformacije, Journal of the Croatian Cartographic Society, Zagreb, ,ISSN 1333-896X, Croatia

4. Ms. Ref. No.: COMPAG-D-12-00246R1
Title: Prototyping the visualization of geographic and sensor data for agriculture
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Journal, Impact Factor: 1.846
5-Year Impact Factor: 2.204, Imprint: ELSEVIER, ISSN: 0168-16990168-1699

5. Пенев, П. Т., Картография, Учебник, София, 2013

26 International Conference on Cartography, Dresden, 2013 – for Commission on Education and Training

1. Reflexions on teaching practice in subjects mapping applied in higher education
2. University ‘Mapping’ Education in Australia – a Confusing Exposure?
3. Issues in cartographic education: how and how many?
4. Analyses of Visualization Methods of the Earth-quake Catalog Mapping for Educational Pur-poses
5. Perspectives on developing critical GI human capacity in a developing country context

Urban Spatial Literacy through ‘Google Street View, 8th ISDE Symposium Secretariat Date: 26 - 29 August 2013
Venue: Borneo Convention Centre Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia
Website: http://isde2013kuching.com/

"Fast Registration of Multi-source Three-dimensional City Models in Virtual Globes" for International Journal of Digital Earth, Taylor & Francis

Bandrova, T. (2005). Innovative technology for the creation of 3D maps. Data Science Journal, 4, 53-58. Retrieved from https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/dsj4/0/4_0_53/_pdf
Jayson Warkentin, Cartography: Moving into the Digital Future, 
FRST 497 Grad Essay, April, 2013, pp. 45, Monography https://circle.ubc.ca/bitstream/handle/2429/45486/Warkentin_Jayson_FRST_497_Graduating_Essay_2013.pdf?sequence=1


1. K. Boyanova, T. Bandrova: 3D Mapping for Needs of Architecture, 4th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Volume 1, Albena, 18-22 June, 2012, pp. 201-210, Bulgarian Cartographic Association ISBN: ISSN: 1314-0604

2. Bandrova T.: Cartographic Response to Changes in Teaching Geography and History, Maps for the Future. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, 2012, Volume 5, 203-217, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-19522-8_17 Springer, 2012 (http://www.springerlink.com/content/rk27338635670540/)

3. Geographical Vocabulary. Eds: Acad. Todor Nikolov and Prof. Boris Kolev, Academic Publishing "Prof. Marin Drinov", Sofia 2011, 297 pages, ISBN 978-954-322-217-9, T. Bandrova – author of cartographical terms

4. Bandrova T., Matanov Hr., Barumova M., Stanev, V., Historical Atlas South East Europe, Data-Map-Europe Ltd, Sofia, 2012, 80 pages (http://www.maps.bg/)

5. Djulgerov N., Bandrova T., Atlas on History and Civilization on 9. Grade. DataMap-Europe Ltd., 2011, 48 pages ISBN 978-954-519-046-9
Дюлгеров Н., Бандрова Т., Атлас по история и цивилизация за 9 клас, ДатаМап-Европа ООД, София, 2012, 48 стр. ISBN 978-954-519-046-9 (http://www.maps.bg/)

6. Bandrova, T., Zlatanova S., Konecny M.: Three-Dimensional Maps for Disaster Management, ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., I-4, 245-250, doi:10.5194/isprsannals-I-4-245-2012, 2012,

7. Bandrova T., Bonchev S., A Multifunctional 3D Cartographic Mapping for Tourist Needs, 4th Digital Earth Summit, Wellington, New Zealand, http://digitalearth12.org.nz/view_event/a-multifunctional-3d-cartographic-mapping-for-tourist-needs

8. Bandrova T., 4th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Kartografija i Geoinformacije, Journal of the Croatian Cartographic Society, ISSN, 1333-896X, Vol. 11, Br.17, Zagreb, 2012, pp. 100-103. 


1. T. Bandrova, M. Konecny, G. Zhelezov, , 4th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, Volume 1, Albena, 18-22 June, 2012, pp. 538, Bulgarian Cartographic Association ISBN: ISSN: 1314-0604

2. T. Bandrova, M. Konecny, G. Zhelezov, , 4th International Conference on Cartography and GIS (Seminar with EU Cooperation on Early Warning and Crises Management), Volume 2, Albena, 18-22 June, 2012, pp. 132, Bulgarian Cartographic Association ISBN: ISSN: 1314-0604


1. Ms. Ref. No.: COMPAG-D-12-00246 Title: Prototyping the visualization of geographic and sensor data for agriculture Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, Manuscript number COMPAG-D-12-00246 for Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, publisher: Elsevier



1. Bandrova T. World meeting of cartographers and photogrammetrists, Geomedia, No 1, 2011, ISSN 1313-3365, pp. 18-19.

2. Bandrova T., Cartographic Response of Changes in Geographical and Historical School Curriculums. In: International Cartographic Association Workshop “Maps for the Future: Children, Education and Internet”, CD Proceedings, Editors: Laszlo Zentai, Jose Jesus Reyes Nunes, Publiser: ICA, Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics, Eotvos Lorand University. Orleans, France, 20 June-1 July 2011. pp.26-39.

3. Bandrova T., Milanova Y. Cartographic Application on the Base of Children's Understanding of Early Warning and Disaster/ Crisis Management. USB Proceedings. Publisher: The French Committee of Cartography. 25th International Cartographic Conference, Paris, 3-8 July, 2011, ISBN: 978-1-907075-05-6 http://icaci.org/documents/ICC_proceedings/ICC2011/Oral%20Presentations%20PDF/A3-Maps,%20GIS%20&%20hazards%20and%20disasters/CO-019.pdf

4. Bandrova T., Bonchev S. Multifunctional Cartographic Application of 3D Model, (keynote presentation) 7th International Symposium on Digital Earth Incorporating WALIS Forum 2011 and the State NRM Conference, 23-25 August 2011 Perth Australia, Conference Handbook Volume One

5. Stoimenova N., Bandrova T. Mapping of Climate Changes, Geomedia, Rubric Science No 4-5, 2011. (http://www.geomedia.bg/)

6. T. Bandrova, S. Marinova. World Prices forBulgarian Cartography. Geomedia Rubric Reportage No5, 2011 (http://www.geomedia.bg/)

7. Temenoujka Bandrova and José Jesús Reyes, ICA Commission report, ICA Commission on Cartography and Children, ICA News, No 56, 2011, (http://icaci.org/documents/newsletter/ica_news_56_2011_1_lq.pdf)

8. T. Bandrova, Children’s Map Contest in Bulgaria. ICA News, No 56, 2011, (http://icaci.org/documents/newsletter/ica_news_56_2011_1_lq.pdf)

9. Djulgerov N., Bandrova T., Atlas po History and Civilization on 8. Grade. DataMap-Europe Ltd., 2011, 48 pages ISBN 978-954-519-043-8

10. T. Bandrova, Three-Dimensional Mapping – Conceptions and Challenges, 7th Conference Cartography and Geoinformation, Split, 14-16 Sept. 2011; invited presentation,

11. Matanov, Hr., Bandrova T., Historical Map of Bulgaria, National Geographic Bulgaria, No 11 (73) November 2011

12. Bandrova T., J. Nunez, Barbara Petchenik Competition Poster, ICA News, Number 56, June 2011

13. Bandrova T., Children Map Contest in Bulgaria, ICA News, Number 56, June 2011

14. BandrovaT., The 7th International Symposium Digital Earth, GIS Forum WALIS and the Conference on Nature Resources Management NRM in Australia, pp. 8-9, No 6, 2011, in News, (http://www.geomedia.bg/)

15. T. Bandrova, The Association will work for standards for maps and map materials, Interview for newspaper “Building The City”, p.23, No 43 (726), 21-27 Nov. 2011 (www.stroitelstvo. info).



1. Bandrova T., S. Marinova (eds.)
Report on Bulgarian Cartographic Association, 2007-2011,
25th International Cartographic Association, Paris, 2011,


1. Bandrova T. International Cartographic Conference ICC 2009, Santiago Chile Geomedia No 2, 2010, pp. 38-41.

2. Bandrova T., 3rd ISDE Digital Earth and 3rd International Conference on Cartography and GIS. Kartografija I Geoinformacije, Journal of the Croatian Cartographic Society, Zagreb, 2010, Vol. 9, Br.14,ISSN 1333-896X, Croatia.

3. Bandrova T., Konecny M., Rusnakova M., Research of Students’ Cartographical Knowledge in Early Warning and Crisis Management. In Geographic Information and Cartography for Risk and Crisis Management. Lecture Notes in Geoinformatics and Cartography. ISSN 1863-2246, ISBN 978-3-642-03441-1 Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, 2010, pp. 361-378.

4. Bandrova T. Atlas of Bulgaria, Economics. ISBN 978-954-519-035-3, DataMap Europe, 2010, 64 pages.

5. Bandrova T., S. Bonchev, 3D Maps for Internet Application., 3rd ISDE Digital Earth Summit, CD Proceedings, Nessebar, Bulgaria, 2010, ISBN: 978-954-724-039-1

6. Bandrova T., Bulgarian Cartography: From Paper To Virtual Reality., 3rd International Conference on Cartography and GIS, CD Proceedings, Nessebar, Bulgaria, 2010, ISSN:1314-0604 (keynote presentation)

7. Bandrova T., 3rd ISDE Digital Earth Summit & ICA GIS, V1 Magazine, 2010, http://www.vector1media.com/events/event-coverage/14436-3rd-isde-digital-earth-summit-a-ica-gis


M. Konecny, S. Zlatanova, T. L. Bandrova (Eds.)
Geographic Information and Cartography for Risk and Crisis Management. Lecture Notes in Geoinformatics and Cartography. ISSN 1863-2246, ISBN 978-3-642-03441-1 Springer Heidelberg Dordrecht London New York, 2010

T. Bandrova, M. Konecny (Eds.) 3rd International Conference on Cartography and GIS, CD Proceedings, Nessebar, Bulgaria, 2010, ISSN:1314-0604

T. Bandrova, M, Konecny (Eds.) 3rd ISDE Digital Earth Summit, CD Proceedings, Nessebar, Bulgaria, 2010, ISBN: 978-954-724-039-1



1. Bandrova T., M. Konecny, M. Rusnakova, Cartography for Early Warning and Crises Management for Students’ Needs. Joint Symposium of ICA Working Group on CEW&CM and JBGIS Gi4DM “Cartography and Geoinformatics for Early Warning and Emergency Management”, January 19-22, 2009, Prague, Czech Republic, CD Proceedings, ISBN: 978-80-210-4796-9, pp. 59-67.

2. Vasilev S., T. Bandrova. The Specificities of the Symbol System for Navigation Maps. ICA Symposium on Cartography for central and Eastern Europe. Vienna, 16-17. February 2009, CD Proceedings, pp. 661-678.

3. Bandrova T. Atlas of the World. DataMap-Europe, Sofia, May, 2009, ISBN 978-954-8717-95-3, 96 pages.

4. Matanov Hr., Bandrova T., Atlas History and Civilization on 11. Grade and Students, DataMap- Europe, Sofia, 2009, ISBN 978-954-519-034-6, 80 pages.

5. Bandrova T. Atlas Geography and Economics on 8.grade. DataMap-Europe, Sofia, 2009, ISBN 978-954-519-033-9, 80 pages.

6. Bandrova T., Blind Maps Geography and Economics on 8. Grade. DataMap-Europe, Sofia, 2009, ISBN 978-954-519-032-2, 16 pages.

7. Bandrova T. New, Geographically Correct, History and Civilization Maps. The Dialogue in History, 22-23, 2009, ISSN 1311-7904, pp. 111-117 (invited paper in 11th Conference of Association of History Teachers in Bulgaria with International Participation, 19-20.09.2009 г.).

8. Bandrova T.. International Cartographic Association became 50 years. Geomedia, No 5, 2009.

9. Bandrova, T., S. Marinova, J. Milanova. Natural Disasters Mapping for Crises Management. UACEG, International Conference UACEG 2009: Science & Practice, 21-31 October 2009, CD Proceedings. 12 pages.

10. Bandrova, T., S. Marinova, J. Milanova. Natural Disasters Mapping for Crises Management.Annual of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sofia. Fascicule III Geodesy, Vol. XLIV, 2009, pp. 143-154.

11. Jacqueline Anderson and Temenoujka Bandrova. ICA Commission on Cartography and Children. Canada / Bulgaria, Children Map the World, ICA News, No 53, December, 2009

12. Bandrova T. Cartographers Have to Work with Children Newspaper “Azbuki”No. 41, 2009.

13. Bandrova T., New Historical Atlases For Educational Needs. Proceedings ICC 2009, Santiago de Chile, Chile (http://icaci.org/documents/ICC_proceedings/ICC2009/html/nonref/29_2.pdf)



T. Bandrova, J. Reyes, M. Konecny, J. Atwal, editors. Children Map the World, Selection from the Barbara Petchenik Children’s Map Competition Volume 2. ESRI Press, Redlands, California, printed in the USA, ISBN 978-1-58948-246-3, 2009, pp.130.

Joint Symposium of ICA Working Group on CEW&CM and JBGIS Gi4DM “Cartography and Geoinformatics for Early Warning and Emergency Management”, January 19-22, 2009, CD Proceedings, ISBN: 978-80-210-4796-9
Edited by: Milan Konecny, Sisi Zlatanova, Temenoujka Bandrova, Lucie Friedmanova, pp. 696.


More Info

1. 1999 Medal and diploma award - travel award for the best paper of an young author in 20th International Cartographic Association
2. 1986 Diploma award for the high quality report in the Student Scientific Seminar,Higher Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering

3. 2006, 2008, 2010 President of Local Organizing Committee of International Conference on Cartography and GIS
4. 2010 President of Local Organizing Committee of Digital Earth Summit
5. 1998 - 2008 National organizer of Barbara Petchenic Competition for drawings of children “A world map”
6. National representative for International cartographic exhibitions
7. 2007 - 2011 International organizer of Barbara Petchenic Competition for drawings of children “A world map”


Study materials

Координатни системи
Иван Георгиев, Пламен Гъбенски, Георги Гладков, Тошко Ташков, Димитър Димитров

Картни проекции - Учебник
проф. Т. Бандрова

Как да си направя Упражнение 6
д-р инж. Деница Савова

Coursework ans assignments

Индикатриса на Тисо по метода на Риц
Упражнение 3/ Картни проекции


Формати-проект картография
Български държавен стандарт

Photo Gallery

  • Geographic Information and Cartography for Risk and Crisis Management
  • Geographic Information and Cartography for Risk and Crises Management
  • Children Map the World, Volume 2
  • Атлас на света
  • Джобен атлас на България
  • Джобен атлас на света
  • Атлас по география и икономика за 11. -12. клас
  • Атлас по история и цивилизация за 11. клас
  • Атлас по география и икономика за 10. клас
  • Контурни карти за 10. клас
  • Атлас по география и икономика за 9. клас
  • Контурни карти за 9. клас
  • Атлас по история и цивилизация за 8. клас
  • Атлас по география и икономика за 8. клас
  • Контурни карти за 8. клас
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