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Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihaela Kouteva-Guentcheva

Faculty of Structural Engineering, Department Computer-Aided Engineering

Prof. Dr. Eng. Mihaela Kouteva-Guentcheva
Office Room 1053 - Faculty of Structural Engineering (Bldng B)
Student Hours

2022/2023, summer semester

Monday 15:30-16:30
Wednesday 10:30-11:30

1053, Camus B, Fac. of Str.Eng.

Students can contact me via MsTeams messages, e-mail or Foreign Students' Office


E-mail kouteva_fce@uacg.bg
Website www.uacg.bg
Marital Status married
Year Started 2013


Computer Systems in Civil Engineering, Faculty of Structural Engineering

Computer Aided Engineering, Faculty of Structural Engineering

Introduction to BIM - Faculty of Structural Engineering (MSc, elective)

BIM - Construction Management (Bchlrs)

The management of Natural Disasters and Emergency Situations, Faculty of Structural Engineering (MSc, elective)

Information Technologies, Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism (Bchlrs)

Applied Informatics, Faculty of Geodesy, Land and Real Estate Management and Planning (Bchlrs)


2012: PhD, NIGGG-BAS, Sofia, BG

2000-2001: Marie Curie Fellowship, University of Trieste, Italy

1990: MSc in applied mathematics and Informatics, IAMI - TU, Sofia, BG

1990: MSc in international eng. relations, UACEG, Sofia, BG

1988: MSc in Structural Engineering, UACEG, Sofia, BG

Language Skills

Bulgarian - mother tongue

English, Italian, Russian 

Professional Skills

 Lecturing Computer systems in the Civil Engineering; Research in the field of the engineering seismology and earthquake engineering; Qualified specialist in "Audit of energy efficiency for certifying buildings"; Expert-evaluator of international research projects EC - FP7 - ENV

Science Interests

seismic mechanics, seismic wave propagation modelling, strong motion analysis and modelling, relationship between strong motion parameters, describing the earthquake damage potential and level of damage in buildings

Participation in Research Projects

 Participation in 13 international projects, supported by NATO, EC, UNESCO, CEI and different bilateral collaborations.

Participation in many National Projects, among which 8 financed by the Ministry of Education (3 coordinated by M. Kouteva), 2 financed by the Ministry of Urban Planing and Regional Development (MUPRD), with private companies. More important projects are:
• 2007-2009, PROMIRA: Monitoring system of the Salt Deposit near Provadia - an Approach for Estimation and Mitigation of the Natural and Technological Risks, NSF;
• 2004–2006 , H3 1202/2003 Earthquake Scenarios for the Expected Seismic Loading for Engineering Purposes, NSF, project coordinator;
• 2007-2009, National Annexes of Eurocode 8, MUPRD;
• 2011, Impact Assessment of the Eurocode Implementation in Bulgaria, MUPRD.

Participation in International Projects

 2007-2009, CEI - Central European Initiative: Deterministic Seismic Hazard Analysis and Zonation of the territories of Romania, Bulgaria and Serbia;
2006-2008, INTAS Research Project 05-104–7584: Numerical Analysis of the 3D seismic wave propagation using modal summation , FE and FD methods;
2005-2007, NATO SfP 980468 project: Harmonization of the seismic hazard and seismic risk in the countries exposed to the Vrancea earthquakes";                                                                                              Bilateral collaborations with University of Trieste, Romanian Academy of Sciences, etc.

Academic Positions

1991-2010:  Assoc. Res., CLSMEE-BAS, BG

2001-2008: Junior Assoc., ICTP, Trierste, Italy

2010-2013:  Assoc. Res. , NIGGG-BAS, BG

since 2013: Assoc. Prof. , UACEG

Science Keywords

seismic wave propagation, strong motion, Vrancea earthquakes,  seismic microzonation, earthquake danger and earthquake risk assessment, earthquake scenario

More Info

2013: Co-director of the International Conference on Nonlinear Mathematical Physics and Natural Hazards Mitigation in South East Europe, 28.11-03.12.2013, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria; with the support of the UNESCO Venice Office;

2009-2011: Co-Editor of the Pageoph Topical Volumes:                                                                                      1. Panza, G.F.; Irikura, K.; Kouteva-Guentcheva, M.; Peresan, A.; Wang, Z.; Saragoni, R. (Eds.) Part I: Seismic Hazard Assessment , Springer Basel, Softcover, ISBN 978-3-0348-0039-6, 1st Edition., 2011, VI, 366 p.
2. Panza, G.F.; Irikura, K.; Kouteva-Guentcheva, M.; Peresan, A.; Wang, Z.; Saragoni, R. (Eds.) Part II: Regional Seismic Hazard and Seismic Microzonation Case Studies, Springer Basel, Softcover, ISBN 978-3-0348-0091-4, 1st Edition., 2011, 320 p.

2010: Co-Director of the Advanced Conference "Seismic Risk Mitigation and Sustaineble Development", http://cdsagenda5.ictp.trieste.it/full_display.php?email=0&ida=a09145) 10-15.05.2010, ICTP, Trieste, Italy ( www.ictp.it)


Examination rules


Списък публикации 2024 г
проф. д-р инж. М.Кутева

Списък публикации докторат
проф. д-р инж. М.Кутева

Списък публикации 2013 / доцент
проф. д-р инж. М.Кутева

проф. д-р инж. М.Кутева

Photo Gallery

  • Магистърска програма
  • Актуални софтуерни решения за моделиране и анализ на строителни конструкции, базирани на BIM (Строително Информационно Моделиране)
  • УАСГ75
  • МКГ_лекциионни курсове
  • http://drmkc.jrc.ec.europa.eu/partnership/Science-Policy-Interface/SeminarDRMKC/Meeting-2018#documents/783/list
  • 3rd Annual Seminar of the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre, 26-27 April 2018, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia
  • BEF2018_01
  • NATO CMDR COE Annual Conference
  • Монография СИМ
  • Учебник АИТ
  • Springer proceedings in Physics 163