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Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Теодора Къналиева

Faculty of Architecture, Department History and Theory of Architecture

Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Теодора Къналиева
Office Room A 722
Student Hours

Thuesday 13.00-14.00

Thursday 14.00-15.00

E-mail kanalieva_far@uacg.bg
Birth Place and Date Sofia 1980/05/03
Marital Status married



History of Architecture XV-XVIII c. - for Architecture students, 2 year

History of Bulgarian architecture - for Architecture students, 3 year


History of Architecture XV-XVIII c.

History of Bulgarian architecture

Buildings in Historical Context - Pre-diploma project

Fundamentals of Architectural - Design Project I

For Erasmus students:

History of Bulgarian architecture (in English) 


Language Skills

Bulgarian, English, French


Examination rules
