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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Sonia Parvanova-Yoncheva

Faculty of Structural Engineering, Department Structural Mechanics

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Sonia Parvanova-Yoncheva
Office Room 441
Phone 9635245/463
Fax втори e-mail: slp_y@abv.bg
E-mail slp_fce@uacg.bg
Marital Status married


Structural Mechanics
Dynamics of structures
Stability of structures
Finite element method
Limit state analysis


1999 - MSc in Civil Engeneering-University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy – Sofia, Faculty of Civil Engineering
2008 - PhD in "Structural Mechanics, Strength of Materials"

Science Interests

Research in the fields of numerical methods and fracture mechanics, boundary element method (BEM) and its application for 2D elastostatics and elastodynamics.

Application of BEM for modelling of finite, semi-infinite, and infinite regions, containing different types of heterogeneities

Science Activity

Development and application of BEM in the following categories of problems:
(1) Fracture mechanics; (2) Micro-mechanics, modelling of finite regions containing different types of heterogeneities and inclusions; (3) Wave propagation in multi-layered geological regions; (4) nano-mechanics.

Participation in Research Projects

Mathematical modelling of nonlinear behaviour of structures made of quasi-brittle materials like concrete by using Fracture Mechanics principles
Research project to the ministry of education and sciences, № TN–1406/04, Prof. G. Gospodinov, Assoc. Prof. K. Kazakov, Assist. Prof. I. Kerelezova, Assist. Prof. S. Parvanova, Prof. M. P. Nielsen.

Development of models for nonlinear behaviour of structures made of quasi-brittle materials like concrete by using Fracture Mechanics principles
Research project to the ministry of education and sciences, № BN–54/2004, Prof. G. Gospodinov, Prof. M. P. Nielsen, Assoc. Prof. K. Kazakov, Assist. Prof. I. Kerelezova, Assist. Prof. S. Parvanova.

Development of dual boundary element method for some problems of linear and nonlinear fracture mechanics
Research project to the research and design centre of UACEG, Sofia, № ND-40/08, 2008, Prof. G. Gospodinov, Assist. Prof. S. Parvanova.

Application of boundary element method for lightly reinforced concrete beams and its development for some problems of micro-mechanics
Research project to the research and design centre of UACEG, Sofia, № BN-97/09, 2009, Prof. G. Gospodinov, Assist. Prof. S. Parvanova, O. Vladimirov.


Participation in International Projects

Dynamic Behaviour and Seismic Response of Geological Deposits Containing Underground Structures as Tunnels or Pipe-lines by the Boundary Element Method, Ministry of Education, fund “Science”, project № BG051PO001-3.3-05/0001 according to project «Science and Business», financed by «Human Resources Development» Operational Program, one month education in high technology science complexes and infrastructures - Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Institute of Applied Geo-Science.18.11-18.12.2013.

Germany, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel, Institute of Applied Geo-Science, 2014, Fellowship (3 months) financed by DAAD, ref. code A/14/02829, Germany: Seismic response of underground structures in laterally inhomogeneous geological media, 26/06/ 2014 – 11/09/2014

Academic Positions

2012- Associate Professor
2001-2012 Assistant Professor

Science Keywords

BEM; Fracture mechanics;Micro-mechanics; Wave propagation in multi-layered geological regions; SSI; Nano-mechanics


Scopus Author Identifier: 24281447100

ResearchGate profile


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