The offered course (“Finite Element Method”) is intended for students studying in the program for obtaining the Master of Science degree in Hydraulic Engineering. The aim of the course is to provide systematic knowledge of the theory and application of the finite element method. The generalized presentation of the lectures is based on the basic knowledge taught within different disciplines in the main course of study. This goal is achieved by applying a unified, common approach to solving various problems in the field of civil engineering and also by presenting the finite element method and clarifying its nature as a method for numerical solution of a particular class of mathematical problems. The lecture course considers significant number of particular topics, oriented to the software application of the finite element method to solve specific engineering problems, including such that are specific to hydraulic engineering. The structure of the course and the selection of the topics make it open to changes and adaptations that the rapid development of computer applications requires.
Finite Element Method
Major | |
Faculty | Faculty of Structural Engineering |
Department | Structural Mechanics |
Lead Lecturer | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Aleksandar Traikov |
Съгласно утвърден учебен план от 2021 година:
• Вид на дисциплината – Факултативна
• Курс на обучение – 4 (четвърти)
• Семестър на обучение – VII, VIII (по избор на студентите седми или осми сем.)
• Пълен хорариум на аудиторните занятия: Лекции 30 часа / Упражнения 0 часа
• Сигнатура: FEMbFBH, ECTS кредити 2
Въведение в матричното смятане
Иван Марков
Иван Марков