This is relatively new building engineering discipline which contributes to contemporary science in relation to analysis of the actual stress and strain condition of building facilities. It further promotes the development of main building engineering science regarding precise recognition of element/ structure behaviour and improvement of the relevant design codes. The investigation and testing of building facilities enhances the possibilities for refining calculation methods and improving quality of construction. Furthermore in the process of exploitation and reconstruction of facilities arises the necessity for evaluation of their serviceability and durability through investigation and testing.
The goals of this discipline are to teach methods for experimental investigation of stress and deformed state of building structures and models as well as to train students to perform experimental- theoretical analysis of the technical condition and behaviour of a given facility.
Besides this students acquire knowledge of the needs for the investigation of structures before reconstruction or repair works.
Limited academic hours normally do not allow relatively wide consideration of the subjects but yet in the course are included advanced and perspective themes on investigation and testing of building structures are included according to the contemporary level at foreign high schools which information we observe.
Обследване и изпитване на строителни конструкции
Специалност | Строителство на сгради и съоръжения - английски |
Факултет | Строителен факултет |
Катедра | Масивни конструкции |
Водещ преподавател | доц. д-р инж. Емад Абдулахад |
Безразрушителни изпитвания на строителни конструкции, С., "Дайрект Сървисиз" ООД, 2011 - съдържание
Проф. д-р инж. Д. Димов
Проф. д-р инж. Д. Димов