Road Construction
Major | Structural Engineering , |
Faculty | Faculty of Transportation Engineering |
Department | Department of road construction and transport facilities |
Lead Lecturer | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Yagoda Todorova |
After finishing the course and the coursework students are able to select and determine possible routes for the layout of a road; to design the site plan, horizontal and vertical levelling of the road; to build drainage facilities; to lay out earth mass; to choose the type of road structure; to dimension and strengthen road pavements.
Study materials
Тема 1 - Пътно строителство
Ирена Сулай
Ирена Сулай
Coursework ans assignments
Examination rules
Календарен план на лекциите по дисциплината Пътно строителство за специалност ССС
гл. ас. д-р инж. Марин Дончев
гл. ас. д-р инж. Марин Дончев