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Agrarian Buildings - Project

Agrarian Buildings - Project
Major Architecture
Faculty Faculty of Architecture
Department Industrial Buildings
Lead Lecturer Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Igor Hristov
Additional Languages English

In the project a small cow, sheep, poultry or pig breeding farm, a stud farm with a riding-hall or planning of a double residential lot with a residential building, restaurant and premises for broilers is developed. Students get acquainted with the requirements for locating the buildings in the master plan. A preliminary design of a building for animals in scale 1 : 200 and a typical detail of the fitting-up of an stock-breeding building are drawn out. The decision is accompanied by a perspective or a model.

Coursework ans assignments

Чуйпетлово-Кадастрален план - M 1:1000-png
Чуйпетлово-Кадастрален план - M 1:1000

Аграрни сгради - проект. АРХ III курс. 2020 г. Винарска изба с магазин
Изготвил: Мария Симеонова. Р-л: арх. Игор Христов

Аграрни сгради - проект. АРХ III курс. 2020 г. База за конен туризъм
Изготвил: Ния Недева. Р-л: арх. Игор Христов

