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Industrial Buildings

Industrial Buildings
Major Architecture
Faculty Faculty of Architecture
Department Industrial Buildings
Lead Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Jordan Christov
Additional Languages German

Basic requirements for the design of industrial buildings and territories. Concise history of industrial buildings architecture. Industrial territories – determination of a region, relationship between industry and the settlement, planning and construction of industrial zones and enterprises (basic principles, transport, engineering and social infrastructure). Industrial buildings and engineering equipment – main types (industrial, auxiliary, service), characteristics, function, structure, architectural image. Ecological problems of industrial territories and enterprises. Working environment in industry – main factors, organization and structure, elements of interior, lighting, colouring.


Coursework ans assignments

Промишлени сгради - II проект. АРХ IV курс. 2020 г. Устройствен план ПЗ Форубляне. Винарска изба
Изготвил: П. Николова, В. Димитрова, Т. Маданска (Устройствен план); П. Николова (Винарска изба). Р-л: арх. Игор Христов

Промишлени сгради - II проект (втора част). АРХ IV курс. 2020 г. Винарска изба
Изготвил: Теодора Маданска. Р-л: арх. Игор Христов

Промишлени сгради - II проект. АРХ IV курс. 2020 г. Устройствен план ПЗ Горубляне. Логистичен център
Изготвили: Вл. Димитров, В. Петров, М. Кунчева (Устройствен план); Вл. Димитров (Логистичен център). Р-л: арх. Игор Христов

