Interior - Pre - Diploma Project II
Major | Architecture |
Faculty | Faculty of Architecture |
Department | Interior and Architectural Design |
Lead Lecturer | Prof. Dr. Arch. Kalin Tiholov |
Work, connected with the problems of reconstruction of existing interior spaces and possible change in their function. Examples, typical for the current practice, are chosen. The decision should take into account the existing structure and should reflect the installation problems. A new architectural image of interior space is created by moulding the internal volumes and their furnishing.
Study materials
Интериор Ръководство за проектиране
проф. д-р арх. Огнян Грозев и проф. д-р арх. Калин Тихолов
проф. д-р арх. Огнян Грозев и проф. д-р арх. Калин Тихолов