• Coastal Hydrodynamics and Coastal Structures;
• River Morphology and River Training Works;
• Applied Hydraulics;
• Hydraulic Modeling.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Kristjo Daskalov
Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering, Department Hydraulics and Hydrology - Lecturer (retired)
Office Room | A403 |
Phone | +359 2 8 666 375;9635245/686; GSM: +359 887 697 372 |
Fax | Няма |
daskalov_fhe@uacg.bg | |
Marital Status | married |
Institution: Higher Institute of Civil Engineering (today University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), Sofia, Bulgaria
Date: from (month/year):September 1963
to (month/year) :July 1969
Degree(s) of Diploma(s) obtained:High; Diploma in Civil Engineering of Water Power Constructions.
Institution: Higher Institute of Civil Engineering (today University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG), Sofia, Bulgaria (Diploma No. ОП-002889/16.07.1969)
Date: from (month/year):February 1982
to (month/year): February 1986
Degree(s) of Diploma(s) obtained:Degree/qualification: PhD.
Topic: Hydraulic Modelling of Sediment Transport in Coastal Zones.
Language Skills
Competence for Reading, Speaking, Writing from 1 to 5 (1 - excellent; 5 - basic)
• Bulgarian - native
• English: 1 1 2
• Norwegian: 2 2 3
• Russian: 1 2 2
Science Interests
Applied Hydraulics, Engineering Hydrology, River Morphology and River Training Works, Coastal Hydrodynamics and Coastal Structures, Hydraulic Modeling.
Participation in Research Projects
• Erosion processes along Bulgarian part of the Danube river, critical sections and measures for their stabilising (on Bulgarian), Jan. 1998 - Febr. 1999 (Bulgarian);
• “Beli Iskar” Dam – Calculation of catastrophic Wave due to dam failure, 2001 г (Bulgarian);
• Probability assessment of the morphological changes of Arda river at Kardgali, March 2001 (Bulgarian);
Participation in Design Projects
Short summary of some projects executed by or with participation of Kristjo Daskalov:
• Theoretical investigations and hydraulic model tests for local scour around Danube bridge piers and recommendation for revetment works upstream and downstream the bridge, (Bulgarian),-1997;
• Design of bottom protection works around piers 19 and 21 of the bridge Rousse - Gurgevo, (Bulgarian), - 1997;
• Mexena Dam - Algeria,. Hydraulic Model Tests of Gated Side Channel Spillway, Chute and Flip Bucket. - 1991;
• Koudiet Rosfa Dam - Algeria, Hydraulic Model Tests of Mexican type Spillway, Chute and Flip Bucket. - 1992;
• Bougous Dam - Algeria, Hydraulic Model Tests of Side Channel Spillway, Chute and Flip Bucket - 1994;
• Kramis Dam - Algeria Hydraulic Model Tests of Mexican Type Spillway, Nonprismatic Chute with artificial roughness and nonprizmatic Stilling Basin - 1995;
• Saf-Saf Dam - Algeria - Hydraulic Model Tests of Mexican Type Spillway, Chute and Stilling Basin - 1997;
• El-Hakika Dam - Algeria - Hydraulic Model Tests of Side Channel Spillway, Chute and Flip Bucket - 1997;
• Master plan of Port "Bourgas"-Wind, Waves and Sea Level, (Bulgarian), - 1992 - 1995;
• New East Breakwater of Port "Bourgas" Hydraulic Model tests and Stability, (Bulgarian), - 1997;
• Oil Terminal of Port : "Bourgas" - Waves and Climatic Conditions in the Region, (Bulgarian), - 1997 - 1998;
• Vacation village “DYUNI” – Environmental assessment, Final report, April 2000, (Bulgarian);
• Hydraulic Model Investigation of the Facilities for Releasing Flood Water and Bottom Outlet from “Madan” Dam Reservoir – Cascade “Upper Arda”, (Bulgarian), - 1999;
• Hydraulic Model Investigation of the Facilities for Releasing Flood Water from “Madan” Dam Reservoir – Cascade “Upper Arda” – Bg, Variant-Underground Structures, (Bulgarian), - 1999;
• Barrage "ElHamimine"-Algerie - Etude hydraulique sur modele reduit, 1999;
• Hydraulic Model Investigation of the Facilities for Releasing Flood Water and Bottom Outlet from “Ardino” Dam Reservoir – Cascade “Upper Arda”, (Bulgarian), , 2000;
•Hydraulic Model Investigation of the Intake structures from “Ardino” Dam Reservoir – Cascade “Upper Arda”, (Bulgarian), 2000;
• Hydraulic Model Investigation of the Facilities for Releasing Flood Water and Bottom Outlet from “Sarnitca” Dam Reservoir – Cascade “Upper Arda”, (Bulgarian), 2000;
• “Yadenitca” Dam – Calculation of catastrophic Wave due to dam failure, (Bulgarian), 2000;
• Hydraulic Model Investigation of the Facilities for Releasing Flood Water From Markieh Dam Reservoir – Syrian Arab Republic, 2002;
• Hydraulic Model Investigation of the Facilities for Releasing Flood Water and Bottom Outlet from “Tcankow Kamak” Dam Reservoir – Cascade “Vatcha”, (Bulgarian), 2002;
Participation in International Projects
• Morphological changes and abbatment of the negative effect on a selected part of the Danube river, Phare projectt No. OFF96-5158.00, 1997;
• Phare project "Study to Improve Navigation on Danube between Bulgaria and Romania" - 1999;
• Danube Bridge-2 Vidin-Kalafat at Km. 796 – Preliminary Hydrotechnical Studies, Final Report, May 2001
Academic Positions
• Scientific Council of the Faculty of Water Engineering -UACEG;
• Academic Council of UACEG;
Science Keywords
•Techno-Scietific Union “Water Affairs”;
•Black Sea Coastal Association - Varna – Member of the Managing committee;
•Permanent International Association of Navigation Congress (PIANC) – Member of Bulgarian National Committee for PIANC.
Principal Publications after January 1, 1998:
•Kr. Daskalov - Reasoning on Coastal Regulation in Bulgaria, Proseedings of the International Training Seminar “Environmental Aspects of Port Development Related to Black Sea Ports”, 21 - 24 Sept.1998, Varna
•Б. Казаков, Кр. Даскалов, Николай Лисев - Хидравлични изследвания върху фрагментни модели на застрашените от ерозия на речното легло опори на моста на р. Дунав при Русе-Гюргево, Юбилейна научна конференция “50 години ХТФ на УАСГ, 6 - 8 Окт. 1999 г, София (Hydraulic Study of the Local Scour around piers 19 and 21 of Rouse-Gurgevo Danube Bridge – Int. Conference “50 Years Anniversary of the Hydrotechnical Faculty of UACEG, Sofia”, 06 – 08 Oct. 1999, Sofia (in Bulgarian));
•Kristjo Daskalov, Nikolay Lissev – Environmental Problems Related to Reconstruction and Maintenance of the Marina at Vacation Village “Diuni”, Second International Conference “PORT DEVELOPMENT & COASTAL ENVIRONMENT, 5 –7 June 2000, Varna;
•Nikolay Lissev, Kristjo Daskalov - Berm Type Breakwater – an Alternative Solution for New East Breakwater for Port of Burgas, Second International Conference “PORT DEVELOPMENT & COASTAL ENVIRONMENT, 5 –7 June 2000, Varna;
•Богдан Казаков, Жак Таджер, Кръстю Даскалов – Хидравлични изследвания на хидровъзел на равнинна река с основно предназначение водовземане, Годишник на УАСГ, 2001 г ( Hydraulic Study and Optimisation of Lowland river Water Intake , Wear-Book of UACEG, 2001, Sofia);
•Кръстю Даскалов, Стефан Модев, Константин Ялъмов – Оценка на хидрологичните и хидравлични условия за река Дунав в участъка на Дунав мост - 2, (Assessment of Hydrological and Hydraulic conditions of Danube River in the section of Danube Bridge-2 Vidin-Kalafat, May 2001) Научно-практична конференция “Иновативност и опазване на околната среда по поречието на р. Дунав”, София, Май 2001;
•Kristjo Daskalov, Bernardo Lizama, Nikolay Lissev – Some Aspects of the Water Mass Circulation in the Bourgas Bay, Jubilee Scientific Conference-60 Years UACEG, Sofia, November 2002, Vol. 7
•Kr. Daskalov, B. Savov, V. Penchev – Physical Model Study of an Innovative Type of Concrete Caisson Floating Breakwater, User Group Meeting on Fundamental Hydraulic Research for Coastal Areas by Using Large-Scale Facilities of the Hydro-Lab Cluster North Germany, 26 –28 Nov.2002, Hannover, Germany.
•Kr. Daskalov, D. Smilov - Urgent or Strategic Measures for Improving Navigation on the Lower Danube, Third International Conference “PORT DEVELOPMENT & COASTAL ENVIRONMENT, 3 –5 June 2003, Varna;
•Kr. Daskalov – Berm Type Breakwater – an Alternative Solution for New Breakwaters, NATO-ARW, 25-27 May 2004, Varna, Bulgaria.
•Б. Казаков, Н. Лисев, Кр. Даскалов – Хидравлични изследвания на водомерни преливници в трапецовидни канали, Годишник на УАСГ- 2002-2004 г, Том XLI, Свитък VI.
(Hydraulic Investigation of measuring Spillways in Trapezium-Shaped Canals, Wear-Book of UACEG-Sofia, 2002-2004,Vol. XLI, Ch.6);
More Info
Specific Foreign Countries experience:
The Netherlands,Delft Hydraulics, Researcher, October 2003
Germany,University of Hannover - Institute of River and Coastal Engineering, Researcher, August–October 2002
Syria,2002, Hydraulic Model Investigation of the Facilities for Releasing Flood Waters From Markieh Dam Reservoir;
Romania,1999, Phare project "Study to Improve Navigation on Danube between Bulgaria and Romania";
Iran,May 1987 – Aug. 1988, Senior engineer at the Mahab Ghodss Consulting Engineers Co., Dam Department-Section of Hydraulics and Hydraulic Structures,
Russia,Feb. - March 1984, Specialization at Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering, Department of Navigation and Port Engineering;
Algeria Algeria, Guidance of Hydraulic model tests for the reconstruction of Ghrib Dam, Feb. 1972 - July 1972, Hydraulic Model Tests of Shefia Dam Spillway – 1976, Barrage ElHamimine-Algerie, Etude hydraulique sur modele reduit 1999 г; Model Tests of “Draa el Kifan Dam” – 2000;
Norway, Specialization at the Technical University of Norway - Trondheim, Institute of Water Power Engineering,1967 – 1968, 1972 – 1973, 1980, 1998;
Consulting activities:
• Short Term Consultant of the World Bank as Hydrologist Technical Expert for a feasibility studies for the restoration and conservation of Lake “Pomoriisko” – June- July 2003 – Supervision and review of the preparation activities as they relate to the restoration of the lake “Primorsko”;
• Short Term Consultant of the World Bank as Hydrologist Technical Expert for reviewing the Progress Report and Assessment of Hydrological Status and Feasibility of Alternative Hydraulic and Civil Structures for restoration and conservation of Lake “Pomoriisko” – April -June 2004;
• Administrative Capacity and Need Assessment Local Expert for Framework Contract N°IB/AMS/451- Technical Assistance to the Bulgarian Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works for preparation of Tender Documents for project “Integrated Management of Transboundary Groundwater between Bulgaria and Romania in Dobrudja/Dobrogea Area” – Nov.2005 – May 2006;
• Consultant of NGO “Green Balkans” on Detailed Technical Design and Realization of the Hydraulic and Civil Engineering Structures Necessary for Conservation, Restoration and Management of Lake “Pomorie”
• Consultations and Expert Reports for different Private and Public Companies in the field of Hydrology, River Training Works and Coastal Engineering.
Kr. Daskalov
Kristjo Daskalov
Kr. Daskalov