1979 Sport hall project - Russe, foundations project.
1982 Basic Mechanical engineering plant "Radomir" project. Foundations of installation buildings.
1985 Computer program for ultimate limit states evaluation of the soil base under ash-dams of "Martsa-iztok" terminal power station, taking into account soil consolidation.
1985 Packinghouse meat production "Vratsa" project. Foundations and water proofing for pumping station.
1985 "Liuliacovitsa" tailing dam project. Tailings rheological properties evaluation.
1986 Goods station "Stara Zagora" project. Static calculations for sand cushion depth determination and bearing capacity evaluation of the crane beam.
1986 Observation of the "Svishtov" wide-screen cinema site.
1986 Bridge and way’s variants on the "Sazlijka" river project. Geological and soil mechanical study.
1987 NPP Belene Blok 1, turbo-generation foundation projects. Experimental study for evaluation of the gravel-sand base dynamic parameters.
1987 Foundation project for Law Curtis and lawyer’s office "Plovdiv".
1988 Electrical substation "Iztok", Svishtov project.
1988 Soil compacting project for CVGT -"Septemvry"
1988 Tests of foundation bearing capacity for Production hall-Gorubliane.
1988 Engineering-geological study of "PPP-kv.72-Svishtov" project.
1988 Dairy factory "G.Toshevo" project. Soil samples test.
1988 Railway Strajitsa-Dralpha-Shumen project - soil base studying and evaluation.
1989 NPP "Kozloduy" water supplying channels project - dynamic triaxial test of saturated sands.
1989 "Mladej" dam project. Clay core pore water pressure and dam deformations evaluation.
1990 "Belasitsa-Petrich" dam project. Dam consolidation evaluation.
1990 NPP "Kozloduy" additional water supplying channels. Laboratory and in situ testing, static and dynamic calculations of the channel construction and soil base
1991 "17-th April" dam project Syria. Consolidation analysis.
1991 School-20 classes "Obelia"-Sofia project. Laboratory and in situ testing for compactness embankment evaluation.
1992 "Kustendil" earth dam project. Consolidation analysis.
1992 Residential building “Lozenets ul. Baucher”, Sofia. Geotechnical report.
1993 Residential building - ul. “Gorsky Patnik” 51, Sofia. Geotechnical report.
1993 NPP “Kozloduy”- Central Pump House-2. Selection of soil characteristics for dynamic soil-structure interaction analysis.
1993 Poland Embassy Complex “Belite Brezy”. Geotechnical study.
1994 Railway tunnel No2 “V. Turnovo” fortification. Geotechnical study and fortification structure project.
1995 Tigris Irrigation Project - Syria. Subproject “MALKIEN DAM”. Part: Consolidation Analysis (Clay Core Pore Water Pressure & Dam Settlement)
1995 Residential building “Borovetz” str. No5, Sofia. Geotechnical report.
1995 NPP “Kozloduy”- Central Pump House No2 and No3, water supplying channels dam. Shear strength soil characteristics evaluation.
1995 “Belmeken” Earth Dam. Shear strength soil characteristics evaluation.
1995 “KRAMIS DAM”, Algiers. Part: Consolidation Analysis (Clay Core Pore Water Pressure & Dam Settlement)
1996 “BOBOV DOL” - Thermo-electric power station. Ash-embankment project.
1996 Site: Black Sea “Bogdanov - North”. Laboratory soils properties determination according to ASTM.
1996 “BOUGOUS”, Algiers. Part: Consolidation Analysis (Clay Core Pore Water Pressure & Dam Settlement)
1997 "Liuliacovitsa" tailing dam project. Embankment Stability Analysis. Soil Properties Evaluation
1997 “AL HUSSEIN” Dam Project - Syria. Mathematical modelling for the stability of dam body. Consolidation analysis. Clay core pore water pressure and dam settlement.
1998 Project for fortification of Landslide situated on “M.Palauzov” street, Second zone, “Ardino” town
1999 Environmental remediation program -project EP-004. Encapsulation of Blue Lagoon. Study on Slime Consolidation Properties. Activities: A3.Geotechnical oedometric tests. A4. Triaxial shear tests.
1999 “Russe” railway station complex. Project for dewatering and improvement of the railway bed.
2000 Wholesale market Maritsa - Haskovo. Assembly market, Subprojects No.No. 100,110,111. , Foundations; Phase: final design.
2000 "Liuliacovitsa" tailing’s dam. Real geotechnical properties determination of the tailing’s deposit.
2000 "Buhovo" tailing dam. Geotechnical Study for determination of the physical and mechanical properties of soil samples from earth embankment
2001 “Remediation and encapsulation of Oxidative ponds Burgas”. Geotechnical study for determination of physical and mechanical properties of petroleum refusals
2002 "Liuliacovitsa" tailing’s dam. Laboratory testing for determination of physical and mechanical properties of the new tailing’s deposit.
2002 “MARKIEH” Dam Project - Syria. Consolidation analysis. Clay core pore water pressure and dam settlement.
2002 Laboratory investigation for determination of the grain size distribution and coefficient of permeability at the ”Eleshnitsa” tailings dam project.
2003 Laboratory investigation for determination of the geotechnical properties of bentonite sands mixtures
2003 Laboratory investigation of undisturbed samples taken from Liuliakovitsa tailings dam.
2003"ZEIZUN” Dam Project-Syria.Consolidation analysis. Clay core pore water pressure and dam settlement.
2005 Dry Storage Facilities at Kozloduy NPP, Geotechnical investigations.
*Germanov, T. (1975). “Some problems of instruction in scientifically based production”. Problems of higher education, 7, Sofia, pp 27-29 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1975). “Sandy-clay consolidation test, taking into account rheological properties of soil skeleton and compressibility of pore water”. Stroitelstvo, 4, Sofia, pp 26-28, (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1976). “On the multi-phase clay soils consolidation”. Stroitelstvo,1-2, Sofia, pp 25-27, (in Bulgarian). *Ter-Martirosyan, Z.,
T. Germanov. (1976). “Compression of multi-phase clay in closed system”. Annuaire de l’Institut Superieur de Genie Civil -Sofia, Vol.XXVI (1975 -1976), Fasc. IV, pp 99-105, (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1977). “Settlements of the shallow foundations base during construction”. Stroitelstvo, 12, Sofia, pp 11-13 (in Bulgarian). *Stefanoff,G.,
T. Germanov. (1977). “Experimental investigations on the consolidation of multiphase clay soil”. Proceedings of the Fifth Danube European Conference on SMFE, Bratislava, pp 359-365.
*Germanov, T. (1978). “Multi-phase clay soils consolidation analysis taking into account creeping and ageing of soil skeleton”. Dissertation for PhD, Moscow Inst. of Civil Engineering (in Russian).
*Germanov, T. (1978). “Oedometer without lateral friction”. Patishta, 7, Sofia, pp 18-20 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1978). “On the bearing capacity of the soil base under short-time static loading”. Stroitelstvo, 7, Sofia, pp 20-22 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1978). “On the coefficient of earth pressure at rest of multi-phase clay soils”. Patishta, 11, Sofia, pp 12-14, (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1978). “Evaluation of the creep parameters of clay soils”. Annuaire de L’institut Superieur de Genie Civil, vol.XXVII, Fasc.IV, Sofia, pp 23-34 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1979). “Settlements of the shallow foundations on clay base”. Stroitelstvo, 1, Sofia, pp 11-13 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1979). “Deformations of the clay soils base under high embankments”. Patishta,2, Sofia, pp 4-6 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1979). “Influence of the rheological properties of the soil skeleton on the deformations of the multi-phase clay soils”. Technical Ideas, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 3, Sofia, pp 69-74. (In Bulgarian).
Dingozov, G.,T. Germanov, G.Markov.(1979). “Influence of the multiphase nature of soil on the value and the distribution of pore pressure”. Proc.VIII-th European Conf. SMFE, Brighton, A.A. Balkema, Vol.I, pp 139-142.
*Germanov, T. (1980). “On the consolidation of high dam clay core”. Bulgarian Academy of Science, Water problems, 12, pp 67-78 (in Bulgarian).
Markov G., T. Germanov. (1980). “Pore water pressure during compression”. Stroitelstvo, 2, Sofia, pp 19-22 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T., Z.Ter-Martirosyan. (1980). “The influence of the thickness of the compacted layers on the stress and strain state of the multiphase clay soils”. Proc. of Sixth Danube-European Conference on SMFE, Section 2, Varna, Bulgaria, pp 89-100 (in Russian).
*Germanov, T., V.Ganthev. (1980). “Pore pressure in a multi-phase soil with no drainage possibility during construction”. Annuaire de l’Inst. D’Architecture et Genie Civil, vol.XXVII, Fasc. IV, Sofia, pp 59-67, (in Bulgarian).
*Dingozov, G., T. Germanov. (1981). “Consolidation des Noyaux d’Argile de Grants Barrages”. Proc. of X-th ICSMFE, Stockholm, A.A. Balkema, Vol.9, 12/16, pp 645-648.
*Stefanoff, G., A.Alexiew, T.Etimov, T. Germanov, K.Hamamdsiev. (1981). “VI Danube-European Conference on Soil mechanics and Foundation Engineering”. Patishta, 5, Sofia, pp 4-9 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T., P.Yotov, G.Jantchev. (1982). “Prediction of the deformations of high embankment during construction and operation”. Patishta, 11, Sofia, pp 1 - 4 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1982). “On the boundary conditions of the embankment pore water pressure analysis”. Annuaire de l’Inst. D’Arch. et Genie Civil, vol.XXIX, Fasc. IV, Sofia, pp 28-36 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T., G. Jantchev. (1983). “Evaluation of the creep parameters of clayey soils using standard odometer”. Patishta, 4, Sofia, pp 14-16 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T., J.Jellev. (1983). “In situ tests of the multi-phase soils stress-strain-state”. Found. Eng. and Soil mechanics, 4, Moscow, pp 30 - 31 (in Russian).
*Germanov, T. (1983). “Prediction of the stress-strain-state of high-way embankments on soft soil base”. Proc. VII-th Danube-European Conference on SMFE, Kishenew, II/5, pp. 213-216 (in Russian).
*Germanov, T., B. Kirov. (1985). “Influence of waste waters on soil consolidation”. Proc. of XI-th ICSMFE, San Francisco, 9/C/7 A.A. Balkema, pp 2407-2409.
*Germanov, T. (1986). “Bericht zu Sitzung E – Special problems in analysing embankments”. Proc. 8-th Danube-European Conference on SMFE, Nurnberg, vol.II, pp 65-67.
*Krastilov, I., T.Germanov, et al. (1986). “Guidance of soil mechanics and foundation engineering”. "Technika", Sofia (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1986). “One-dimensional consolidation at the alternate limit of the layer”. Annuaire de l’Inst. D’Arch. et de Genie Civil, vol. XXXII, Fasc. IV, Sofia, pp 29-36 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1986). “On the stress state of multi-phase soils”. Annuaire de l’Inst. D’Arch. et de Genie Civil, vol.2 XXXII, Fasc. IV, Sofia, pp 37-44, (in Bulgarian).
*Abadjiev,C.B., T.S.Germanov, G.T.Markov. (1987). “Determination of tailings consolidation for a high spigotted upstream tailings dam”. Proc. IX-th European Conference on SMFE, Dublin, A.A.Balkema, 4.1, pp 355-357.
*Germanov, T., I.Ignatov. (1987). “Subgrade stability in non-consolidated state”, Stroitelstvo, 10, Sofia, pp. 30 - 32 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1988). “Base stability evaluation of the embankment on a highly compressible peaty soil”. Proc. Baltic Conference on SMFE, Tallin, vol. 1, pp 174-179 (in Russian).
*Germanov, T. (1988). “Creep and ageing effects on stresses and deformations of saturated clayey soils”. Proc. International conference on rheology and soil mechanics, Coventry, Elsevier Applied Science, London and New York, pp 194-203.
*Germanov, T., L.Mihova (1988). “Algorithm and program of two-dimensional problem of consolidation of nearly saturated clay Soils”. Annuaire de l’Inst. D’Arch. et de Genie Civil, Sofia, vol. XXXIII, Fasc. IV, pp 25-33 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (1988). ”Stress and strain state of earth massifs”. General report of the II Conference on SMFE, Russe), Annuaire de l’Inst. D’Arch. et de Genie Civil, Sofia, vol. XXXIII, Fasc. IV, pp 157-163 (in Bulgarian).
*Alexiew,A., E.Baloushev, W.Wenkov, T.Germanov, et al. (1989). “Handbook of soil mechanics and foundation engineering”. vol.1 and vol. 2, Technika, Sofia (in Bulgarian).
*Stefanoff,G., N.Kossev, T.Germanov. (1989). “Deformation in a weathered rock crust next to a dam”. Proc. XII-th ICSMFE, Rio de Janeiro, A.A.Balkema, 22/8, pp 1631-1634.
*Germanov, T., M.Konstantinov. (1989). “Numerical solution of two dimensional consolidation of multi-phase clay soils”. Annuair de l’Inst. D’Arch. et de Genie Civil, Sofia, Vol.XXXIV, Fasc.IV, pp 9-16, (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T., V.Kostov. (1990). “Geotechnical problems in earthquake regions”. Pros. of the First Sofia-Kyoto University Joint Seminar Workshop on Civil Engineering, Sofia, pp 40-42.
*Denev, D., T.Germanov. (1990). “Stress-time state of anchor retaining walls for deep excavations”. Proc. IX-th Danube-European Conference SMFE, Budapest, Akademiai Kiado, pp 69-74.
*Germanov, T., L.Mihova. (1990). “Finite element analysis of two dimensional consolidation of saturated clay soil under static loading”. Annaire de l’Inst. D’Arch. et de Genie Civil, Sofia, vol. XXXV, Fasc.IV, pp 37-50 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T., N.Dimitrov, Br.Stantcev. (1991). “Time-settlement of a water supplying channel”. Proc. X-th European conf. on SMFE, Florence A.A.Balkema, pp 413-416.
*Germanov, T.(1992) “History and general aspects of geotechnical engineering”. Annuaire de l’Inst. D’Arch. et de Genie Civil, Sofia, vol.XXXVI, Fasc.IV., pp 7-25 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T., L.Mihova. (1992). “Comparison of 1-d and 2-d stress-strain state analysis of multi-phase soil massifs”. Annuaire de l’Inst. D’Arch. et de Genie Civil, Sofia, vol.XXXVI, Fasc.IV, pp 47-56 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T., D.Toshev. (1993). “Consolidation and filtration analysis of the "17-th April" dam project - Syria”. Stroitelstvo, 10, Sofia, pp 20- 25 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov,T., V.Kostov. (1993). “Tailing properties for seismic stability evaluation of the “Benkovsky” Tailings dam”. Proc. IV Bulgarian Conference on dam construction, June 1993, pp 107 - 118 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T., V. Kostov. (1994). “Liquefaction Potential Evaluation of Sands from NPP Sites”. Proc. XIII ICSMFE, New Delhi (5-10 January 1994), Oxford & IBH Publishing CD, Vol. l.3, pp 1311-1320.
*Germanov, T., I. Ilarionov, M. Konstantinov. (1994). “Algorithm and computer code for two - dimensional consolidation analysis of multi-phase soils”. Annaire de l’Inst. D’Arch. et de Genie Civil, Sofia, vol. XXXVIII, Fasc.IV, pp 8 -21 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T., V. Kostov. (1994). “Determination of Tailings Properties for Seismic Response Analysis of a Tailings Dam”. Proc. First International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 10 - 15 July 1994, pp 499 - 504.
*Germanov,T., M. El Azab. (1994). “Geotechnical properties of Port-Said clays”. Annuaire de l’Inst. D’Arch. et de Genie Civil, Sofia, vol.XXXVIII, Fasc.IV, pp 69-82.
*Germanov,T., R. Soffev (1998). “Evaluation of nonlinear soil characteristics for design of high embankments”. Annuaire de l’Inst. D’Arch. et de Genie Civil, Sofia, vol.XXXIX, Fasc.IV, pp.17-27 (in Bulgarian).
*L.Mihova, T. Germanov, M. Konstantinov. (1998). “A new solution for two - dimensional consolidation analysis of multi-phase soils”. Annuaire de l’Inst. D’Arch. et de Genie Civil, Sofia, vol.XXXIX, Fasc.IV, pp 43-54 (in Bulgarian)
*Dimitrov, N., T. Germanov, D.Serafimov. (1998). “Analysis of the Earth pressure Distribution on Harbour Structures” .Proc. XII ECSMGE, (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) ”Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Infrastructure, Barends at al. (eds) 1999 Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5809 7 pp.725 - 729.
*Balushev, E., T.Germanov, et al. (1999). “Soil mechanics". (Editor T.Germanov) "UACG", Sofia, ISBN 954-724-015-03 (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T.S. (2000). "Some problems of the geotechnical engineering education in Bulgaria". Proceedings First International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering and Training, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 97 - 100.
*Germanov, T. (2000). "Effect of the Pore Water Pressure on the Stress-Strain behaviour of Earth Dams". Proceedings of the GEOTECH - Year 2000 Development in Geotechnical Engineering, AIT, Bangkok, Thailand, pp.429-438.
*Germanov, T. (2001). "Effect of the Seismic Actions on the Value and Distribution of Pore Water Pressure in Cohesive Soils”. Annuaire de l’Inst. D’Arch. et de Genie Civil, Sofia, vol.XL, Fasc.IV, pp. 61-72 (in Bulgarian).
Germanov, T. (2001). “Stress-strain-time behavior of embankment structures and soil base”. Habilitation work for full professor position conferment. http://new.uacg.bg/filebank/att_1332.pdf, (175 pages) (in Bulgarian).
*Germanov, T. (2003). “Geotechnical properties of industrial waste deposits in Bulgaria”. Proceeding XIIIth European conference on SMGE, Prague, Vol.1, pp. 93-101.
*Germanov, T. (2003). “Limit states (Stability, deformation, erosion….)”. Proceeding XIII-th European conference on SMGE, Prague, Vol.3, pp. 119 - 125.
*Kaltchev I.S., Germanov, T. S. (2005). “Evaluation of the Design Parameters of Overburden Dump Construction from an Open Pit Mine in Bulgaria“. Proceeding VIII-th International conference on SMGE, Osaka, Japan.
Simeonov, S., Germanov, T., Hadjiyski, K., Todorov, М. (2010) “National parameters for BDS EN 1998-5; 2004, Eurocode 8, Foundation, retaining structures and geotechnical aspects”. Proceedings International Conference on Civil engineering Design and Construction and Application of Eurocodes (Science and Practice), pp. 116 -121, (in Bulgarian).
Germanov, T. (2011). “Foundation engineering” Lectures courses for civil engineering students. http://new.uacg.bg/filebank/att_1361.pdf, 152 pages (in Bulgarian).
Germanov, T. (2011). “Applied geomechanics” Lectures courses for civil engineering students. http://new.uacg.bg/filebank/att_1331.pdf, 210 pages (in Bulgarian).