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Prof. Dr. Eng. Margarita Mondeshka

Faculty of Geodesy, Department Sustainable land use and real estate management

Prof. Dr. Eng. Margarita Mondeshka
Office Room Bl.7-114
Phone 9635245/711
E-mail mondy_fgs@uacg.bg
Marital Status married, 1 daughter
Year Started 1989


1. MS Civil Engineer (Hydroengineering- Melioration)- University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy
2. PhD in Agricultural science (Soil melioration)- University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy

Language Skills

German, English, Russian

Professional Skills

More than 20 years teaching practice for M.Sc. students in the field of Soil science, Land use and protection, Environmental protection;
Scientific experience in Soil degradation processes /esp. soil salinization and soil heavy metals pollution/, Soil melioration (irrigation with mineralized water, quality of irrigation water), Sustainable land management, Land reclamation / incl. land remediation /, Land evaluation.
Licensed expert in Environmental Risk Assessment (soils);

Science Interests

Sustainable land management, soil degradation processes, soil remediation /phytoremediation/, environmental protection


Bulgarian Soil Science Society

 International Humic Substances Society

Participation in Research Projects

1. Evaluation of the land contamination in the Devnia region and design of restricted regime of land use, NLC (National Land Council), 1991/92;
2. Evaluation the land and waters contamination in the Ichtiman plain - villages of Givkovo, Verinsko and Boeritsa, NLC (National Land Council), 1991/92;
3. Land reclamation in Kavarna region, 1991;
4. Melioration project "100 hectares of land for reclamation in Abdali - Kuwait"
Carried out by the EL Batteel Trading and Contracting Company.1989-1990.
4. A number of Expertises in Environmental Risk Assessment:

Ø      Environmental Impact Assessment to Comprehensive Development Plan of Sofia Municipality (preliminary study)( part "Soils"), 2002-2003;

Ø      Environmental Impact Assessment to Comprehensive Development Plan of Wind-Energy Park on the land of Sveti Nicola village, Kavarna municipality (part "Soils"), 2004;

Ø      Environmental Impact Assessment to the Comprehensive Development Plan of Resort-Tourist Localization “Samokov – Borovetz – Beli Iskar”(part "Soils"), 2005;

Ø      Environmental Impact Assessment to Detailed Development Plan of Wind-Energy Park on the land of Balgarevo village, Kavarna municipality (part "Soils"), 2005;

Ø      Environmental Impact Assessment Report on Wind-Energy Park on the land of Balgarevo village, Rakovski village, Hadzhi Dimitar village and Poruchik Chunchevo village, Kavarna municipality (part "Soils"), 2006;

Ø      Environmental Impact Assessment Report on “Ski track and passenger funicular in the area of Treshtenik, Yakoruda town. 2006;

Ø      Environmental Impact Assessment to the Comprehensive Development Plan of Resort-Tourist Localization “Pamporovo, Chepelare Municipality ” (preliminary study)(part "Soils"), 2007;

Ø      Environmental Impact Assessment on the Changes of the Sofia Municipality Comprehensive Development Plan (part "Soils"), 2009;

Ø      Environmental Impact Assessment Report on “Northern High Speed Tangent, Sofia, from km 0+000 to km 16+400Investment proposal. 2010 ( part “Soils”);

Ø      Environmental and Social Impact Assessment of the NABUCCO GAS PIPELINE, Part ( part “Soils”). 2009-2013;


Participation in International Projects

1. Long term environmental risks for soils, sediments and groundwater in the Danube catchment area "Chemical time bombs in the Danube basin", 1990/91
2. Programme TEMPUS - JEP 2154 "Improving the environmental education in the universities and preventing the technological risk", 1991-93;
3. Swiss Cooperation Program in Science and Research of the SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation): International Project 7 IP 051790 "A preliminary study to evaluate soils heavy metal pollution in two selected sites in Bulgaria", 1997/98.
4. Scientific Co-operation between Eastern Europe and Switzerland of SNSF (Swiss National Science Foundation): International Project 7 IP 062642 "Geostatistical soil quality assessment and regional mass flux analysis for sustainable land use planning and management", 2000- 2003.
5. Project “Capacity Building for Sustainable Land Management in Bulgaria”. 2005-2008. UNDP.
6. Rhodope Project. UNDP/GEF, 2005-2008."Integration of UN Conventions on Biodiversity, Desertification and Climate change into the municipality planning and activity implementation".
7.EEA Grants/Project BG0036 -GAE-00-E-V1–EEA FM/Toward better surrounding environment - investigation and forecasting of the potential environmental pollution from landfills. 2009-2013.

8. Methodological support for ecosystem services assesssment and biophysical valuation (MatEcosMap). EEA Grants/ Project BG 03 "Biodiversity and ecosystems". 2015-2017.



Mondeshka, M. 2012. Ecology and Environment Protection. Avangard Prima, Sofia.ISBN 978-619-160-087-8. 208 pp. 

Mondeshka, M. at all. 2006. Soil degradation Processes and Options for Sustainable Land Management in Bulgaria. Minerva Publisher. Sofia. Bulgaria. Pp: 165-303.

Miglena Zhiyanski, Stoyan Nedkov, Margarita Mondeshka, Nadezhda Yarlovska, Vassil Vassilev, Svetla Bratanova-Doncheva, Kremena Gocheva, Nesho Chipev „METHODOLOGY FOR ASSESSMENT AND MAPPING OF URBAN ECOSYSTEMS condition AND THEIR SERVICES IN BULGARIA”, Издател (978-619-7379) Clorind,  ISBN 978-619-7379-03-7, Sofia, 2017, pp 81.

Svetla Bratanova- Doncheva, Miglena Zhiyanski, Margarita Mondeshka, Yavor Yordanov, Iva Apostolova, Desislava Sopotlieva, Nikolay Velev, Elena Rafailova, Albena Bobeva, Yordan Uzunov, Ventzislav Karamfilov, Stoyan Vergiev, Kremena Gocheva, Radka Fikova, Nesho Chipev, „METHODOLOGICAL FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSMENT AND MAPPING OF ECOSYSTEM condition AND ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN BULGARIA Подзаглавие  Guide for in situ verification of the assessment and mapping of ecosystems condition and services”, Издател (978-619-7379Clorind, ISBN 978-619-7379-23-5, Sofia, 2017, pp 81. 



Study materials

Examination rules


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