"Industrial building's arcitecture" - course leader - V and VI semesters-faculty of architecture - UACG;
"Arcitecture, energy efficiency and humanbeen healt" - course leader- IX and X semesters-faculty of architecture- UACG;
"Architectural norms and means of use"- course leader- VII semester-faculty of Buildin Construction's engineers- UACG;
"General architecture"- course leader - IV semester-faculty of Geodesy- UACG
Prof. Dr. Arch. Yordan Radev
Faculty of Architecture, Department Industrial Buildings - Lecturer (retired)
Office Room | А705, R237 |
Student Hours | tuesday 09 - 11, room 705, corp.A,sevent floor, after the leture ouers according to the current semester timetable
Phone | +359 2 9635245/365, |
y.v.radev@gmail.com | |
Website | www.uacg.bg |
Marital Status | married |
Year Started | 1975 |
Higher, UACG - 1972,MSc.(Architecture,Sofia)
Language Skills
Professional Skills
Obtained: Ms.C (Arch. UACG), PhD (Arch. 1991, UACG), Professional Certificate “Municipal Energy Planning and The ENCON process” – ENSI (1999)
Science Interests
Scientific and design participation in Buildings for Industry architecture, Regional planning, Common Architecture,Energy efficiency and biological architecture. Awards for more then 4 national architectural competitions. specialization in Scotland (GB) - planning and design for industry, conservation and reconstruction of sites and buildings.
Science Activity
- research activities in Bioclimathic architecture
- research activities with "Center of Energy efficiency"- EnEffect-Sofia
- Member of Union of bulgarian Architects, UBA
- Member of Chamber of bulgarian Architects, CBA
- Member of Association of Bulgarian Valuers of Real Estate Property, ABVREP
- Leader of Architectural Design studio "Terra Arch" - Architects, Engineers and Planers
Participation in Research Projects
"Spatia and Planing arrangemants for buildings of Small and Medium cize Enterprices " - team research project leader - UACG-2003
Participation in Design Projects
(recent projects within last 5 years):- Master plan of Sofia – final design, stage 2005 – 2025 approved; - Preliminary and final design for –town of Obzor, “Ticha black beach hotel”;- Bulgarian National Bank - Headquarter, town of Bourgas branch - design for revitalization, conservation and reconstruction; - Preliminary and final design for Technical University of Sofia, Electrical department - BG, ):- Master plan for industrial zone of town of Pernik – final design.
Academic Positions
PhD in Architecture "Buildings and rurall estat planinig for Inustry" - 1991
Professorin Architecture - UACG - 2005
Member of UACG Accademic Council: 2004-2008
Member of Faqculty of architecture Council - UACG:2000-2008
Member of Cpecialized Scientific Board in Architecture - Higher Atestacion Commission (VAK)witth Minister's Council of Bulgaria
Science Keywords
- Director – University Centre of Research and International investment projects - UACG
administration – Sofia, BG
Full time Lecturer
- in arcitecture with Department of Architecture
- in arcitecture with Department of Civil Engineerin-UACG;
- in arcitecture with Department of Geodesy-UACG
- in Rural estate development and evaluation with Post-graduation study Department-UACG
- memler of Sub-group "National Experts" to the Group of Co-ordinators for Qualification
and Diploma recognation in the fild of Architecture EC - Brussels
- memler of Superiors council of the Chamber of atchitects in Bulgaria,
Other Posts and Activities
Reserch and design participation in Buildings for Industry architecture, Regional planning,
1. Y.Radev, K. Kostov, UASG, t. XXXVII 1994;“Bioclimatic architecture in action. A single story dwelling house “. An article, published; 2. Y. Radev, UASG, t. XXXXII 1995 “The Sun - energy in the space and architecture. Energy efficiency. Sun ray’s effect to human health”. An article, published; 3. K. Kostov, Y.Radev, Stroitelstvo, XLISSN 1993 -0562-1852 “The window’s energy efficiency dimensions on industrial and dwelling houses buildings”. An article, published 4. V.Donchev, Y. Radev, Aristotelio University of Thessalonica, Greece2001, International conference on “Economic, Social, Environmental and Planning Reconstruction of Declining and Destroyed Areas of Europe ” Presented paper “The theory of urban areal and urban transformations: the history of space is the history of the city” An article, published in English.
5.Y. Radev, Tzv. Simeonov, N. Mironski, Hilton hotel, Istanbul, Turky 2002, The Second Balkan Conference on lighting “Balkan light’02, Presented paper “Daylight in buildings for industries – BSS and European standards”. An article, published in English. 6. Y. Radev, Athens, 2004 “Labor and Daylight in industrial buildings “ International conference. An article, published in English. 7. Y. Radev, Kolev,K. Turkey , 2005 “Daylight and visual comfort in Architectural design “International congress. An article, published in English. 8. Y. Radev, Sofia, 2005 “Architectural Norms and Means of design “Book. University press. Published 9. Y. Radev, Sofia, Detaili, 2006 “Energy as power potential of spatial design “,An article, published.
More Info
Licenced lecturer in Energy efficiency architecyure with "Key Number" Norway software of ENSY
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