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Покана за CivilIstanbul 2023


 В Техническия университет Ялдъз, Турция ще се проведе 11-то издание на CIVILISTANBUL, международна конференция с участието на студенти. Събитието ще включва лекции, панели, работилници, както и разнообразна културна програма.

Подробна информация можете да откриете в поканата по-долу и в прикрепените файлове:

 As YTU SOCIETY OF CONSTRUCTION, which operates within the body of Yıldız Technical University Faculty of Construction and Architecture, we are preparing to hold the 11th of our CIVILISTANBUL event, which is an international organization that we organized since 2012, on 16-17-18 March 2023 at YTU Davutpasa Culture and Congress Center.  

CivilIstanbul, aiming to bring together the leading names of the sector with students; is international engineering and architecture conferences that allow students from our country and from all over the world to follow the agenda of the sector and to be included in the sector with conferences, panels, workshops. CivilIstanbul, which is seen as an interesting organization by the sector due to its being one of the most well-known student activities in the sector, its rich content, and its concept updated every year, is an organization that attracts great attention in many promotional media, especially in social media, and takes place with many news in the written and visual media.

For applications and detailed information, you can look at our page:


 Our official Instagram account of Civil Istanbul:
