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Architectural Structures - Special Course

Architectural Structures - Special Course
Major Architecture
Faculty Faculty of Architecture
Department Technology of Architecture
Lead Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Gichka Kutova - Kamenova
Additional Languages French, Russian

Students are acquainted with the current development and problems of the architectural structures and details as well as with the innovative systems and technologies for execution of bearing components, walls, floors, facade and roof glazing, partition walls, facings, linings, etc. in accordance with Bulgarian and international standards. After finishing the course students are able to choose, assess and implement suitable structural solutions, systems and details in the design of different types of buildings, including sports halls and facilities, swimming pools, active and passive energy-preservation systems, etc. The course is taught with the participation of lectures from the industry and is following a flexible scope of topics. Specialist industry-oriented literature is provided as well.

