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Statics of Structures II

Statics of Structures II

Year of education: 3, Semester: 6/summer
Assessment: Exam
Method of teaching: Lectures and seminars
Total hours: 30 lectures and 45 seminars (Academic Hours)
ECTS credits 5

Goals and objectives of the subject: Statics of structures is the first, basic and the most important subject of structural mechanics. The main target of the second part of Statics of structures is to consolidate and further develop the knowledge and skills acquired in the first part of the subject. The statically indeterminate plane frames are analysed by application of slope and deflection method here. The students acquire knowledge for determination of axial forces due to applied loads and influence lines in statically indeterminate plane trusses and combined systems. The influence lines for generalized forces and displacements in statically indeterminate frames are investigated in this course. The application of initial parameters method for investigation of beams on elastic foundation is a subject of Statics of structures II.

Characteristics of the subject: Statics of structures II continues the first part of the subject studied in the 5-th semester starting with statically indeterminate plane frames analysed by slope and deflection method.
Then methods for determination of internal forces, support reactions and displacements in statically determinate and indeterminate plane trusses, complex systems, space frame structures as well as statically indeterminate arches and beams on elastic foundation are considered.
Influence lines, whose examination starts in the first part of Statics of structures, are upgraded with problems related to various complex statically determinate plane frames. Influence lines for displacements are also included whose determination, as elastic curves of the plates belonging to the road lane, is done by application of conjugate beam method. Based on them and on the application of method of forces influence lines for support reactions and internal forces in statically indeterminate plane frame systems are developed.
Some aspects related with material nonlinearity in engineering structures are considered. More specifically the simplest variant of theory of plasticity is examined, namely the limit state analysis for plane beam and simple frame structures.

Acquired knowledge: The students acquire knowledge for determination of internal forces and deformed state of various complex statically determinate and indeterminate plane frames, arcs and trusses as well as for construction of influence lines of required quantities. The acquired knowledge supposes abilities for construction of internal forces, generalized displacements and soil reaction diagrams in beams of elastic foundation. The internal forces diagrams in 3D space frame structures are integral part of the knowledge acquired in Statics of structures II.

Acquired skills: The students acquire skills for determination of internal forces diagrams in statically determinate space frames, indeterminate plane frames and pinned jointed frames. The knowledge on Statics of Structures II is essential for learning the other subjects taught by Structural Mechanics Department, as well as for all the structural subjects and engineering practice.

Preliminary requirements: In order to achieve the level of education put in the current curriculum the students must have knowledge on Statics of structures I-st part as well as fundamental subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Theoretical mechanics and Strength of materials, and last but not least Soil mechanics.


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Examination rules
