Railway Engineering
Major | Structural Engineering , |
Faculty | Faculty of Transportation Engineering |
Department | Railway Construction |
Lead Lecturer | Prof. Dr. Eng. Stoyo Todorov |
This subject provides the fundamentals of the railway science and practice. It acquaints students with the economic significance, structure, design, construction and operation of the railroads and the railway transport. The following topics are considered at basic level: horizontal and vertical levelling of railways; railway superstructure geometry; some elements of traction calculations; design of the railway superstructure and substructure; types of facilities along the railroad; the place of railway transport in the system of the industrial transport.
Железопътно строителство - конспект ССС
проф. Тодоров
проф. Тодоров
Study materials
Coursework ans assignments
Examination rules
Правила за провеждане на упражненията
Календарен план, изисквания за заверка и оценка
Календарен план, изисквания за заверка и оценка