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Cartography I (Map Exprorations)

Cartography I (Map Exprorations)
Major Geodesy regulated profession
Faculty Faculty of Geodesy
Department Photogrammetry and Cartography
Lead Lecturer Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Temenoujka Bandrova
Additional Languages English

Mathematical and geodetic fundamentals, necessary for calculation and usage of map projections, are observed. Their classification in three basic topics (conformal, equal area and conventional) is made in line with the world standards, used in contemporary GIS and CAD systems. Deformations generated in map projections are reviewed in qualitative and quantitative aspect. Applications and the usage of map projections are considered from the point of view of the future practical work students will perform after graduation.

Study materials

Координатни системи
Иван Георгиев, Пламен Гъбенски, Георги Гладков, Тошко Ташков, Димитър Димитров

Картни проекции - Учебник
проф. Т. Бандрова

Coursework ans assignments

Индикатриса на Тисо по метода на Риц
Упражнение 3/ Картни проекции