Architectural Photogrammetry
Major | Geodesy regulated profession |
Faculty | Faculty of Geodesy |
Department | Photogrammetry and Cartography |
Lead Lecturer | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Plamen Maldganski |
The following issues are considered: application of photogrammetric methods for documenting architectural and cultural monuments; elaboration of digital models of surfaces, buildings and spatial bodies; architectural surveying; facade plans; laser-scanning of ground objects; reconstruction and retrofitting of buildings and structures on the basis of their photographs and elaborated models; 3D photo-realistic modelling. Students acquire skills to work with terrestrial photogrammetric cameras, photogrammetric processing technologies and elaboration of models of architectural and acreational objects.
Развитие на методите за заснемане и обработка на данни в архитектурната фотограметрия
Study materials
Архитектурна фотограметрия(лекции)