Multimedia Tools for 3D modelling
Major | Geodesy regulated profession |
Faculty | Faculty of Geodesy |
Department | Photogrammetry and Cartography |
Lead Lecturer | Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Temenoujka Bandrova |
Additional Languages | English |
Introduction in three-dimensional (3D) cartographic space, 3D cartographic models in their contents: main, secondary and additional. Advantages and disadvantages in comparison with traditional cartographic models. Ways for creation of 3D models: preparation of database, processing, 3D mapping, visualization and animation of cartographic models. Photo-texturing and photo-realistic representation of 3D models as 3D maps. Symbol systems, generalization, and accuracy in 3D maps.
Software for creation and usage of 3D models and maps: different needs and users.
Multimedia Equipment for creation, visualization and usage. An usage of VRML and other standards for visualizing in Internet.
Coursework ans assignments
Проект 3D картографско моделиране
проф. Т. Бандрова
проф. Т. Бандрова