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Prof. Dr. Arch. Asen Pisarski

Faculty of Architecture, Industrial Buildings - Lecturer (retired)

Prof. Dr. Arch. Asen Pisarski
Office Room A706
Phone 865-67-19;9635245/452
E-mail apisarski@mail.bg
Year Started 1987


Architecture of the Engineering Structures - 1998-continuing;
Informatics in Architecture – Part1 - 1994-continuing
Advanced Copputer Technologies in Architecture – 1994-continuing;
Lectures in the specialised course Architecture of Industrial Buildings


1989 Ten months English course ( level I and II) at the Foreign language Center at the Foreign Students Institute in Sofia
1982-85 Ph.D. Thesis – Architecture of the Engineering Structures - Moscow Architectural Institute
1980-81 Postgraduate Student at the Industrial Buildings Department at the Faculty of Architecture in Sofia
1974-79 Student at UACEG Sofia.
1969-74 School for French Language in Sofia
1962-69 Elementary School in Sofia

Language Skills

French – very good level
Russian - very good level
English - good level


Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria
Union of Architects in Bulgaria



Study materials

Coursework ans assignments


ОЦЕНКИ АИС 2019-2020