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DAAD scholarships for students, scientists and university teachers

30.08.2023, ЦМДМ

Join the Master's Scholarship in Architecture and research stays for university teachers for 2024/2025 academic year!

The application deadline for a Master's Scholarship in Architecture is 25.09. and all important application information can be found at this link: Study Scholarships - Field of Architecture.

The application deadline for research stays for university teachers is 15.11. and 30.04. all other important information can be found at this link: Study Visits for Academics - Artists and Architects.

For additional information you can contact Jacqueline Dyballa M.A.

DAAD- Lektorin

Universität Sofia Sv. Kliment Ohridski

Institut für Germanistik und Skandinavistik

Bul. Tsar Osvoboditel 15

1504 Sofia / Bulgarien 


Източник: DAAD