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Major Structural Engineering
Faculty Faculty of Architecture
Department Industrial Buildings
Lead Lecturer Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Ekaterina Sentova

The course is dedicated to engineering students and gives them practical knowledge about the principles and requirements for successful architectural design. The small project for public, residential or industrial building is going to be developed - at the individual choice of students. The main accents of the course are: architectural methods and norms, specific forms and design of buildings and built environment, including logics of structural systems. The successful completion of the course gives students a basic knowledge about architectural design and composition of different buildings.


Study materials

Coursework ans assignments

Проект по архитектура, ССС II курс, 2018 г. - Производствена сграда - Печатница
Изготвил: Христо Маринов, Ф№16419 (р-л: арх. Игор Христов)
