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Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry

Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry

Three main topics are studied: Linear Algebra in n-dimensional space, Analytical Geometry, and Spherical Trigonometry. The concepts of matrices, determinants and n-dimensional vectors are introduced. Linear objects (straight lines and planes, as well as curves and surfaces of second degree) are studied. The main concepts and formulae of the Spherical Trigonometry are considered.


Матрични изчисления (с примери от MATLAB)
Учебник с монографичен характер по теория на матриците и матрични изчисления с използване на диалоговата система MATLAB.


Study materials

Examination rules

Календарен график за упражнения по МОГИ
График и правила за заверка по МОГИ упражнения/автор. доц. Христо Дечев

