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доц. д-р мат. Екатерина Михайлова

Геодезически факултет, Катедра Приложна геодезия

доц. д-р мат. Екатерина Михайлова
Кабинет 319 P ;
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Понеделник  от 11 до 12 часа.


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Място и дата на раждане София
Постъпил в УАСГ 2012

Лекционни курсове

Дескриптивна Геометрия


английски, руски и френски език

Научни интереси

Обща топология

Научна дейност

1. "Families of subspaces of pointwise countable type", "The 29-th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, dedicated to the memory of Acad. Mitrofan Choban", Chishinau, Republic of Moldova, 25-27 August, 2022;

2. "Изобразяване на второ приближение на Земята в ортогонална Аксонометрия", съвместен с Радостин Михайлов, Юбилейна Конференция на УАСГ, Ноември, 2022;

3. Convex families of sets on topological spaces, (with M. Choban), Proceedings of the Fifth Conference of Mathematical Society of Moldova, IMCS-55, September 28 – October 1, 2019, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova;

4. Geometry of families of subspaces, (with M. Choban), Geometry of Banach spaces - A Conference in honour of Stanimir Troyanski, 10-13 June 2014, Albacete, Spain.

5. About closed mappings and one theorem of Arhangel’skii-Bella, (with M. Choban), Complex Analysis and Applications '13” Sofia, 31 October – 2 November, 2013, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics – Bulg. Academy of Sciences, p. 40.

6. Weakly Кlebanov spaces and homogeneity, International Conference CAIM2012. The 20-th Edition of the Annual Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Kishinev, August 22-25, 2012, Abstracts, Kishinev, Moldova, 2012, p. 162-163.

7. On selection principles, (with M. Choban, S. Nedev and D. Stavrova), International Conference CAIM2011. The 19-th Edition of the Annual Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Iaşi, September 22-25, 2011, Abstracts, Iaşi, , Romania, 2011, p. 34-36.
8. On factorization principles, (with M. Choban, S. Nedev and D. Stavrova), International Conference CAIM2011. The 19-th Edition of the Annual Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Iaşi, September 22-25, 2011, Abstracts, Iaşi, Romania, 2011, p. 37-39.
9. Paracompactness and Selections, (with M. Choban, S. Nedev and D. Stavrova), International Congress in Honour of Professor H. M. Srivastava on his 70th Birth Anniversary, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, 18-21 August, 2010.
10. Selections, paracompactness and full paracompactness, (with M. Choban, S. Nedev), MASSEE International Congress on Mathematics, 16–20 September 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
11. Selections of lower semi-continuous mappings and compactness, (with M. Choban, S. Nedev), The 16-th Conference on Applied and Industrial Mathematics, CAIM 2008, Oradea, Romania, October 9-11, 2008.
12. On the geometry of paracompact spaces, (with M. Choban, S. Nedev), Conference Mathematics and information technologies: research and education (MITRE 2008), Chisinau, Moldova, October 1-4, 2008.
13. On paracompactness via selections, (with M. Choban, S. Nedev), International Conference "Algebraic Systems and their Applications in Differential Equations and other domains of mathematics", Chisinau, Moldova, August 21-23, 2007.
14. Selections and selectors, (with S. Nedev), International Conference on Topology and its Applications, ICTA, September 2004, Skopie, Macedonia.

Участие в научно-изследователски проекти

1. Алгебрични структури и теория на графите, Договор на ФМИ № 85, 2006 г., ръководител проф. Недялко Ненов;
2. Алгебрични структури и теория на графите, Договор на ФМИ № 55, 2007 г., ръководител проф. Недялко Ненов;
3. Алгебрични структури и теория на графите, Договор на ФМИ № 90, 2008 г., ръководител проф. Недялко Ненов;
4. Алгебрични, топологични и комбинаторни структури, Договор на ФМИ №75, 2009г., ръководител проф. Недялко Ненов;
5. Дискретни, алгебрични и комбинаторни структури, Договор на ФМИ № 226, 2010 г., ръководител проф. Недялко Ненов;
6. Дискретни, алгебрични и комбинаторни структури, Договор на ФМИ № 187, 2011 г., ръководител проф. Недялко Ненов.
7. Обобщени попълнения на локално хомогенни пространства, Договор на ФМИ 178/9.05.2012 г., ръководител проф. Азнив Каспарян.

8. Топологични и геометрични свойства и техни приложения в архитектурното проектиране, Договор на ЦНИП - УАСГ 149/2013 г., ръководител доц. Екатерина Михайлова


Участие в международни проекти

 Взаимовръзка между Топологията и Теорията на Банаховите пространства, проект ДНТС/Русия 01/9/23.06.2017, договор за двустранно сътрудничество с Русия към ФНИ с ръководител Акад. Юлиан Ревалски.

Ключови думи за научно-изследователска дейност

Селекции на многозначни изображения, хомогенни пространства, локална хомогенност, метризуеми фамилии от подпространства на топологични пространства.


1. Special families of subspaces of topological spaces and their applications, with Mitrofan Choban, Topology and its Applications, Accepted;

2. Submetrizable spaces and open mappings, with Mitrofan Choban, Acta e commentationes exact and natural sciences, Vol. 10, 2, 2020, pp 32-46.

3.Weight properties in remainders and classes of spaces, with Mitrofan Choban, Topology and its Applications, Volume 227, 15 August 2017, Pages 51-58.

4. Mitrofan Choban, Ekaterina Mihaylova, About weight properties of spaces, Vol. 50, 2017, Issue 2, Annual of the University of Architecture, Civil engineering and Geodesy, Pages 119-122.

5. Mitrofan Choban, Ekaterina Mihaylova. About remainders of rectifiable spaces, Proceedings of the 45-th Spring Conference of UBM, Pleven 6-10 April 2016, p-p 124-129, ISSN 1313-3330.

6. Mitrofan Choban, Ekaterina Mihaylova. The motivation for studying descriptive geometry, Proceedings of the 45-th Spring Conference of UBM, Pleven 6-10 April 2016, p-p 202-204, ISSN 1313-3330.

7. E. Mihaylova, 2014, Generalized Homogeneity And Weakly Klebanov Spaces, Topology and its Applications,  169, 156-160.

8. Choban M., E. Mihaylova, I. Parvanova, 2013 About methods of constructing plane sections of special figures, Proc. of 42-st Spring Conference of the UBM, Borovets, 2-6 april.

9. Choban M., E. Mihaylova, S. Nedev and D. Stavrova, 2013 Paracompactness, selections and factorization principles, Comp. Rend. Bulg. Akad. Sci. 66, 2, 163-170.

10. Arhangel’skii A, M. Choban and E. Mihaylova, 2012 Openness, homogeneity and Baire property in the remainders of spaces, Comp. Rend. Bulg. Akad. Sci. 65, 12, 1623-1630.

11. Arhangel’skii A, M. Choban and E. Mihaylova, 2012 About homogeneous spaces and conditions of completeness of spaces, Proc. of 41-st Spring Conference of the UBM, Borovets, 9-11 april.

12. Arhangel’skii A, M. Choban and E. Mihaylova, 2012 About homogeneous spaces and the Baire property in remainders, Proc. of 41-st Spring Conference of the UBM, Borovets, 9-11 april.

13. Arhangel’skii A, M. Choban and E. Mihaylova, 2012 About topological groups and the Baire property in remainders, Proc. of 41-st Spring Conference of the UBM, Borovets, 9-11 april.

14. Mihaylova E. and S. Nedev, 2011 Selections and selectors Topology and its Applications, 158 (2) 134-140.

15. Choban M., E. Mihaylova and S. Nedev, 2010 Selections, paracompactness and compactness, Serdica, 36, 4, 299-328.

16. Choban M., E. Mihaylova and S. Nedev, 2008 On selections and classes of spaces,, Topology and its Applications, 155 (8), 797-804.

17. Mihaylova E., 2007, Open images of metrizable families, Mathematica Balkanica, 21, Fasc. 3-4, 407-420.

18. Nedev S. and Mihaylova E., 2005, Metrization of proximities, Mathematica Balkanica, 19 (The volume continues publication of papers presented at the 1st Congress of Mathematical Society of South-Eastern Europe), Fasc. 1-2, 167-174.


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