The summer internship of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science is for Erasmus students.
Deadline for submitting applications - 30.04.2023.
Източник: University of Bielsko-Biala
3+ week in person summer schools in Czech Republic - deadline extended
22.03.2023, Masaryk University
Application Deadline - 31 May
Our 3+ week in person summer schools continues our commitment to provide students with a comprehensive academic and social program that enables them to learn and grow both in and outside of the program. Each of our in ...
Master Course "Public International Law" - open for students from all disciplines
16.03.2023, Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, and UNITAR
A one-year master program in "Public International Law", starting in fall 2023.
The program is also open for students from disciplines other than law.
Източник: Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, and UNITAR
Източник: Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, and UNITAR
"Интермодални терминали в малки и средноголеми гари" Лекция на проф. Здравко Русев президент на ЕАА
Summer 2023 admissions by City Internships
26.02.2023, ЦМДМ
Център за международна дейност и мобилност (ЦМДМ) към УАСГ обявява график на изпитите за езикова оценка към Център по приложна ...
Докторантско място за 4 години в HTW Berlin
Програма за чуждестранни помощник-учители по английски език и култура в Испания/Language and Culture Assistants to Spain (активна до 04.04.2023 г.)
Източник: Counsellor of education at the Spanish Embassy in Bulgaria
International Student Week in Timișoara
Dear students from around the world,
How does a student festival experience abroad sound to you?
ISWinT (International Student Week in Timișoara) is an educational intercultural
festival organized by the League of Students from the Faculty of ...
Източник: Politehnica University Timișoara
Източник: Politehnica University Timișoara