The summer internship is offered by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science.
For additional information, please write at
As for the summer internship, the date of submitting applications ...
Source: University of Bielsko-Biala
Student News
3+ week in person summer schools - Masaryk University - Czech Republic
22.03.2023, MU
Our 3+ week in person summer schools continues our commitment to provide students with a comprehensive academic and social program that enables them to learn and grow both in and outside of the program. Each of our in person summer schools bring ...
Master Course "Public International Law" - open for students from all disciplines
16.03.2023, Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, and UNITAR
A one-year master program in "Public International Law", starting in fall 2023.
The program is also open for students from disciplines other than law.
Source: Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, and UNITAR
Source: Sigmund Freud University, Vienna, and UNITAR
"Интермодални терминали в малки и средноголеми гари" Лекция на проф. Здраво Русев от TU Vienna
Summer 2023 admissions by City Internships
26.02.2023, ЦМДМ
Център за международна дейност и мобилност (ЦМДМ) към УАСГ обявява график на изпитите за езикова оценка към Център по приложна ...
Докторантско място за 4 години в HTW Berlin
Language and Culture Assistants in Spain
Source: Counsellor of education at the Spanish Embassy in Bulgaria
International Student Week in Timișoara
Dear students from around the world,
How does a student festival experience abroad sound to you?
ISWinT (International Student Week in Timișoara) is an educational intercultural
festival organized by the League of Students from the Faculty of ...
Source: Politehnica University Timișoara
Source: Politehnica University Timișoara