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Grants of Excellence for study in Mexico
Government of Mexico's scholarships of Excellence for Foreigners 2024 Merit Awards for International Students
Кандидатстване за студентска мобилност с цел ПРАКТИКА по програма Еразъм+ 2024/2025 Програмни страни - ВТОРА ПОКАНА
Център за международна дейност и мобилност (ЦМДМ) към УАСГ обявява конкурс за набиране на кандидати за осъществяване на мобилност по ...
КЛАСИРАНЕ за NEW RURALITIES (NERU) международна съвместна творческа работилница
12.06.2024, ЦМДМ
ЦМДМ обявява класиране за международната съвместна творческа работилница NEW RURALITIES (NERU) в Порто до Сон, Испания, за периода 05.09.2024 - ...
Children's University at UACEG in September 2024
10.06.2024, CIRM
The Children's University is organised by the CIRM team in collaboration with the ESN-UACEG in line with the international initiative of the same name. The idea is to challenge and encourage children's natural curiosity and critical thinking, to ...
The first underwater dive with equipment for the new group of UACEG divers
On Children's Day - 01.06.2024 the first diving under water with equipment for the new group of divers of UACEG took place in the pool of TU-Sofia, carried out with the help of diving instructors from diving club Neptune, Plovdiv - Sofia section.
27.05.2024, ЦМДМ
ЦМДМ обявява класиране за СМЕСЕНА ИНТЕНЗИВНА ПРОГРАМА: NextGen Engineers - курсове за напреднали BIP - 17-31 август 2024 г. Краткосрочна студентска ...
UACEG highly recognized by INSPIRELI World Architecture University Ranking
UACEG ranked in the top 100 of INSPIRELI World Architecture University Ranking
Source: INSPIRELI Ranking
Call for students to solve 100+ challenges of Horizon Europe project INDUSAC - join now!
Dear students, Within the Horizon Europe INDUSAC project students of all programmes are invited to join 3- to-6-member international teams and solve companies' challenges! In addition to working on a real-life challenge, you will also: ...
Source: Jožef Stefan Institute
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