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Highways and Railways

Highways and Railways

This subject provides a basic knowledge to the students in Hydraulic Engineering on the following: (1) design and construction of roads and railroads; (2) main layout elements of the road according to the site plan, horizontal and vertical levelling; (3) construction of the main road components - pavements, trenches, slopes; (4) design of the main components of the railroads taking into account the layout, horizontal and vertical levelling; (5) the main components of the railroad (superstructure and substructure) and the associated facilities; organization and main functions of the different types of stations, related to hydraulic engineering. The coursework allows students to implement the knowledge obtained from lectures and to acquire skills and experience for an independent or team-oriented work related to design and execution of road projects.

Study materials

Coursework ans assignments

Геодезия - Задания 2023
Карти със задания

Examination rules