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Technical university of Kosice

Technical university of Kosice
Държава Словакия
Тематични направления

Строителен факултет



The Technical University of Košice is a modern, dynamic educational institution of international character. Our mission is to provide quality university education with high employment rates of graduates on both domestic and international labour market.

We offer education in unique laboratories, modern methods of teaching, individual approach to students, support for the personal development of talented students, opportunities to participate in carrying out research and development tasks as well as working on industry-related projects during their study. Students can broaden their knowledge and improve skills through taking a range of courses, lectures and other extracurricular activities. They can complete part of their studies abroad choosing from a wide variety of Erasmus programs at prestigious international universities.

Our students can enjoy a wide range of sports opportunities, cultural and social experiences as well as other after-school activities. We aim to provide you with top-quality education and support comprehensive personal development.

Уебсайт http://www.tuke.sk

Факултети и специалности

Факултет / Специалност Строителен факултет
Бр. студенти 2
Времетраене 10
Учебен цикъл 1,2,3
Езикови изисквания EN/B1
Бр. преподаватели 1
Срокове за кандидатстване



Местата се разпределят между СФ, ФТС и ХТФ при кандидатстване. 

Координатори в приемащия университет

Institutional Erasmus coordinator:
Ing. Arch. Eva ADAMČÍKOVÁ,

Letná 9, 042 00 Košice, Slovakia
+421 55 602 2114
Doc. Ing. Dušan Śuch, PhD.
Grešákova 6, 040 01 Košice
Phone/fax: +421 55 6224373
E-mail: Dusan.Such@tuke.sk

Academic contact: Ing.arch. Martin DRAHOVSKÝ
drahovsky.martin@ dpa.sk
+421 905630950

Координатори в УАСГ

Erasmus Coordinator, Faculty of Geodesy: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Christina Mickrenskaq e-mail: kmikrenska_fgs@uacg.bg

Erasmus Coordinator, Faculty of Hydrotechnics: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ventzi Bojkov, e-mail: bojkov_fhe@uacg.bg

Erasmus Coordinator, Faculty of Transportation Engineering: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Nikolay Milev, e-mail: milev_fte@uacg.bg

Erasmus Coordinator, Faculty of Building and Civil Engineering: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Lachezar Hrischev, e-mail: lhrischev_fce@uacg.bg

