Начало / Международна дейност / ЕРАЗЪМ+ Програмни страни (асоциирани към Програмата) / Партньори /

Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II

Università degli studi di Napoli Federico II
Държава Италия
Тематични направления

Хидротехнически факултет

Строителен факултет

Архитектурен факултет


The foundation of the University of Naples, that since 1987 bears the name of its first promoter, was made public by a generalis lictera issued by Frederick II Hohenstaufen, King of Sicily and Head of the Roman Empire, a document written in Siracusa on June 5th 1224. Frederick II wished to subtract the education of the administrative personnel of his own state to the monopoly de factu of the northern Universities, especially that in Bologna, since these were virtually autonomous or subject to the Pope's influence. He is thus one of the first sovereigns to create a state university (in fact the first to be successful in doing this), a university whose teachers he could select and whose regulations he could deliberate on, in contrast with the totally free and spontaneous process, initiated by both teachers and students, which had presided to the formation of the first European universities in the previous decades. This contrast is further shown by the fact that the Emperor forbade his subjects to go and study anywhere else, and reserved to himself the right to confer academic titles.

It is not clear why the seat was established in Naples, that is in a town close to but different from Salerno, where flourishing schools of medicine (only later moved to the new seat) had existed for some time. Although the foundation letter seems to suggest a studium generale ("doctores et magistri in qualibet facultate", are mentioned therein), only one teacher is actually named, the jurist Roffredo di Benevento, who had already worked in Bologna and Arezzo. It seems however obvious that at least the artes liberales mentioned in the letter, as well as the law, were taught in Naples. As concerns the latter field, major southern jurists taught in Naples, starting with Bartolomeo di Capua and Andrea d'Isernia, who examined and annotated the laws issues by Frederick and his successors, and thus formed the important juridical tradition of the late Middle Ages and laid the foundations for the centuries-old liveliness of law studies in Southern Italy.

DOUBLE DIPLOMA with UACEG in Engineering Ecology (Università degli Studi di Architettura, Ingegneria Civile e Geodesia)


Name of the course: LM in Ingegneria per l’Ambiente e il Territorio/ Engineering Ecology

Language: ITA/ENG

Department: Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale

Coordinator: Prof. Massimiliano Fabbricino

tel: 081-7683438


Уебсайт https://www.international.unina.it/students/current-students/erasmus/

Факултети и специалности

Факултет / Специалност Хидротехнически факултет / Хидротехническо строителство - Магистър (MA)
Бр. студенти 2
Времетраене 10
Учебен цикъл 2.3
Езикови изисквания IT/ЕN/B1
Бр. преподаватели 1
Срокове за кандидатстване

The application will be open until the 15th of June (1st semester and whole year) and till 30th November (2nd semester).

Координатори в приемащия университет


Fernanda Nicotera, International Office,email: international@unina.it

Координатори в УАСГ

Erasmus Coordinator, Faculty of Hydrotechnics:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Ventzi Bojkov


Факултет / Специалност Строителен факултет
Бр. студенти 2
Времетраене 5
Учебен цикъл 2,3
Езикови изисквания IT B1/ EN B1
Бр. преподаватели 1
Срокове за кандидатстване

The application will be open until the 15th of June (1st semester and whole year) and till 30th November (2nd semester).

Координатори в приемащия университет


Fernanda Nicotera, International Office,email: international@unina.it

Координатори в УАСГ

Erasmus Coordinator, Faculty of Building and Civil Engineering:

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Lachezar Hrischev,
e-mail: lhrischev_fce@uacg.bg



Факултет / Специалност Архитектурен факултет
Бр. студенти 1
Времетраене 5
Учебен цикъл 2,3
Езикови изисквания IT B1/ EN B1
Бр. преподаватели 1
Срокове за кандидатстване

The application will be open until the 15th of June (1st semester and whole year) and till 30th November (2nd semester).

Координатори в приемащия университет


Fernanda Nicotera, International Office,email: international@unina.it

Координатори в УАСГ

Erasmus Coordinator, Faculty of Architecture:

Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Nora YORDANOVA
