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International office

The Centre for International Relations and Mobility (CIRM) at UACEG administers and coordinates the relations of UASG in various international educational and research programmes and projects, membership in international organisations, bilateral cooperation with higher education institutions in EU and non-EU countries. It organises international appearances in the field of architecture, construction and higher education, as well as the administration of international correspondence and overseas assignments of lecturers, students, PhD students and staff.

 You can now follow us on Facebook: CIRM UACEG

CIRM supports the implementation of the Internationalisation Strategy; prepares agreements with international partner universities, administers and disseminates various European educational programmes and projects - Erasmus+, Ceepus, Ausmip, EEA Grants and many others.

As an Erasmus office at the central university level, CIRM develops and submits mobility projects under the Erasmus+ KA 1 Programme to the National Agency and is responsible for the overall implementation and reporting of approved mobility projects. In addition, it carries out the following activities:

- administering and promoting student and faculty mobility;

- maintaining updated information on the UACEG website on outgoing and incoming students;

- organising information sessions for outgoing students and orientation activities for incoming students;

- selection procedures for student and faculty mobility - inbound and outbound streams;

- preparation of financial agreements and other administrative documents related to the KA1 programme;

- assisting in the issuance of visas for students and faculty from non-EU countries related to the KA1 programme

- organising thematic events related to the KA1 programme

- dissemination of the results of the activities

UACEG is registered in the European system for identification of participants in projects and programmes funded by the European Union with PIC 999871151

The new registration code of UASG for the ERASMUS+ projects is E10208893

Erasmus code of UACEG : BG SOFIA04

UACEG is part of the European University Alliance BAUHAUS4EU together with 9 other European universities


The BAUHAUS4EU Alliance is composed of ten universities spread across Europe: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Blekinge Institute of Technology (Sweden), Polytechnic Institute of Castelo Branco (Portugal), Polis University (Albania), University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy (Bulgaria), University of Bergamo (Italy), University of Economics in Katowice (Poland), University of Macedonia (Greece), Université Lumière Lyon 2 (France) and Université de Picardie Jules Verne (France).
The partners of the BAUHAUS4EU alliance collaborate in the fields of education, research, innovation and service to society and seek to contribute to the sustainable and inclusive transformation of European regions through international and multilateral cooperation. To this end, the alliance addresses current regional challenges that are shared within the consortium and builds on complementary expertise of the universities and their regional partners, as well as the themes and values of the European initiative »New European Bauhaus« (»Beautiful, Sustainable, Together«) as leading movement for sustainability transformation.
The BAUHAUS4EU Alliance is part of the European University Inititiative (more information HERE)

Further information on the Erasmus+ programme can be found in the following documents: