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Lublin University of Technology

Lublin University of Technology
Subject Area

Архитектурен факултет
Строителен факултет



Lublin University of Technology was established as Evening Engineering School in May 1953 on initiative of Lublin technical societies.


The first faculty, which began its activity in 1953, was Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
In 1963/64 Electrical Engineering Faculty was established and in 1964 specialisation of Industry Electrical Engineering was added to it.

Next year, the Faculty of Building Engineering begun to function. In 1989 it was transformed into the Faculty of Civil and Sanitary Engineering and since July 2009 the name Building and Architecture Faculty has been used.

The Evening Engineering School was altered into the High Engineering School on the 28th April 1965.

And finally, celebrated moment for the University was appointed for the 1st August 1977 when the Lublin University of Technology was brought into begin. The complementation of the LUT's origin was accented with the establishment of the Management and Fundamentals of Technology Faculty in 1988. On 28th December 2007 the Faculty was altered into the Faculty of Management.

Moreover, on 28th December 2004 the Minister of national Education and Sport published formal Regulation to establish the fifth Faculty of the Lublin University of Technology - Environmental Engineering. On the 28th December 2007, the University was broadened with the Faculty of Fundamentals of Technology.


Website http://en.pollub.pl/

Faculties and Majors

Faculty / Major Faculty of Architecture / Architecture - Master (MA)
Nr Students 2
Duration 10
Study Cycle 1, 2
Language Requirements EN/B1
Nr Lecturers 1
Application Terms

 15/06 - 30/11

Заб.: местата се поделят между АФ и СФ

Contact Data - Exchange University

 Aleksandra Matyjaszczyk
Office of International Education
38D Nadbystrzycka Street, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
tel.: 0048815384671 | @: a.matyjaszczyk@pollub.pl

Erasmus Institutional Coordinator:
Paweł Droździel, PhD, D.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor

International Exchange Coordinators:
Magdalena Grudzińska, PhD Eng.
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture


Contact Data - UACEG

Erasmus Coordinator, Faculty of Architecture:
Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Nora YORDANOVA


Faculty / Major Faculty of Structural Engineering
Nr Students 1
Duration 5
Study Cycle 1,2
Language Requirements EN/B1
Nr Lecturers 1
Application Terms


Заб.: местата се поделят между АФ и СФ

Contact Data - Exchange University

 Aleksandra Matyjaszczyk
Office of International Education
38D Nadbystrzycka Street, 20-618 Lublin, Poland
tel.: 0048815384671 | @: a.matyjaszczyk@pollub.pl

Erasmus Institutional Coordinator:
Paweł Droździel, PhD, D.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor

International Exchange Coordinators:
Magdalena Grudzińska, PhD Eng.
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture

Contact Data - UACEG

 Erasmus Coordinator, Faculty of Building and Civil Engineering:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Lachezar Hrischev,
e-mail: lhrischev_fce@uacg.bg
