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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Yasen Kyosev

Faculty of Architecture, Department Urban Planning

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Arch. Yasen Kyosev
Office Room A209
E-mail ykyosev_far@uacg.bg



01. "History of Urbanism" - course of lectures and seminars for first year students in the BSc Programme of Urbanism
02. Participation in the course of lectures "Urban Planning" for second/third year students in the MSc Programme of Architecture - delivering lectures in part 1 of the course - "History of Cities"; 
03.  Urbanism - course of lectures for second year students in the BSc Programme of Land and Property management
04. Participation  in the "Urban Planning II" course of lectures at the head with Prof. PhD S. Dimitrov for fifth year students in the MSc Programme of Architecture

05. Seminars in the "History of Urbanism" course for first year students in the BSc Programme of Urbanism;
06. Participation in "Planning of a small settlement" project course for third year students in the MSc Programme of Architecture;
07. "Housing area and city centre" project course for fourth year students in the MSc Programme of Architecture;

08. Participation in "Landscape Architecture" project course for third year students in the MSc Programme of Architecture;

09. Participation in "Landscape Architecture" project course for students in the MSc Programme of Geodesy


PhD Architect (UACG - Sofia) 2004

Master of Architecture (UACG- Sofia) 1999

Specialization period at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) - Stockholm 2001

First English Language School in Sofia - 1993

Language Skills

English language - advanced level of knowledge of the written and spoken language
ability for reading and understanding in Russion language


Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria, license number 03236

Participation in Design Projects


01. Competition project for the design and regeneration of public spaces in the Centre of Sofia City - participation with the team of "Phorum Consultanti" - district 2 (Graf Ignatiev Str., Solunska Str., Shesti Septemvri Str., General Parensov Str., Tsar Shishman Str., Petko Rachov Slaveykov Sq., giuseppe garibaldi Sq., Patriarch Evtimiy Sq., garden around Sveti Sedmochislenitsi Church, 2013

02. Urban concept and architectural design and development of Sveta Nedelya Square, City of Sofia - competition project, Third Prize, project team of Prof. PhD Arch. A. Alexandrov, 2013

03. Competition project for the design of pedestrian areas in the City Center of Sliven, project team of Prof. PhD Arch. A. Alexandrov, 2012

04.Competition project for the City Centre of Sliven - First Prize, project team of Prof. Dr.Sc. Arch. Ivan Nikiforov, 2004

05. Competition Project for Sofia residential park, with the team of Prof. Dr.Sc. Arch. Ivan Nikiforov, 2004

06. Reconstruction of Plovdiv-Svilengrad railroad for optimal speed of 160 km/h, with the team of Prof. Dr. Sc. Arch. I. Nikiforov, 2004

07. Urban design project for the New city centre of Veliko Tarnovo on the former Military School area, with the team of Prof. Dr. Sc. Arch. I. Nikiforov, 2002

08. Competition project for the Western Axis Redevelopment in the city centre of Sofia - Second Prize, with the team of Prof. Dr. Sc. Arch. Ivan Nikiforov, 2001  

09. Landscape and Regional Development plan of the territory of Gorna Arda Cascade 1999-2000, with the team of Prof. Dr. Sc. Arch. I. Nikiforov, project received the Yearly Award of the Union of Architects in Bulgaria for 1999-2000

10. Reconstruction of Zhenski Pazar Marketplace in Sofia, sectors D and E, with the team of Prof. PhD Arch. R. Nikiforova



01. Family house in Detski grad area in the city of Sofia, 2013, Arch. Yasen Kyosev

02. Collider Activity Center Competition Project - Leader of Students' team, 2013

03.Family house in plot V, district 206а, in the town of Samokov, 2010, Arch. Y. Kyosev

04. Apartment building in plot VІ-2853, district 209, in the town of Bansko, 2008-2009, Arch. Y. Kyosev

05. Pine Mountain apartment complex in plot 155127, Assanitsa area near Bansko, 2006-2008, Arch. Y. Kyosev

06. Nessebar Heights apartment complex - part 1, plot 7739 in Kokalu area near Nessebar, 2006-2007, Arch. Y. Kyosev

07. Nessebar Heights apartment complex - part 2, plot 7739 in Kokalu area near Nessebar, 2006-2007, Arch. Y. Kyosev

08. Vacation houses complex in plot 075002 in the town of Dolna Banya, 2008, Arch. Y. Kyosev

09. Apartment complex in plots 002040 and ПИ 002041, in Kukurevo area near Razlog, 2006-2007, Arch. Y. Kyosev and Arch. M. Nikiforova 

10. Family house in plot ХХVІІ, district 92, 2006, Arch. Y. Kyosev

11 . Vacation village in plot I-12, district 67а, in the town of Dolna Banya, 2006, Arch. Y. Kyosev and Arch. M. Nikiforova 

12. Mixed use building in plot 223, Pamporovo resort complex in the municipality of Chepelare, 2006, Arch. Y. Kyosev

13. Apartment building in plot ІІІ, district 17 in the village of Dospey, 2006, Arch. Y. Kyosev

14. Reconstruction and enlargement of former factory dining area in Elena Georgieva factory in the town of Pernik into a fast food restaurant, 2006, Arch. M. Nikiforova and Arch. Y. Kyosev

15. The Bear Vacation Village in plot ІІ, district 1 in the village of Mala Tsarkva, 2005, Arch. Y. Kyosev

16. Regency View apartment complex  in plot VІІІ-2712, district 33, Intsaraki area in the municipality of Nessebar, 2005-2006, Arch. Y. Kyosev 

17. Apartment hotel in plot 41, district 1 in Solishte area in the village of Beli Iskar, 2005, Arch. Y. Kyosev and Arch. M. Nikiforova

Academic Positions

Associate Professor (2011), PhD Architect (2004)

Science Keywords

urban planning, urban design, architecture, history

Other Posts and Activities

architectural practice


01. "Deficiencies in applying planning parameters in housing structures", report at the Urban planning - problems and perspectives conference, 12.11.2010, Yasen Kyosev;

02. "Development of Urban Planning Projects in the Architectural Education in UACG", Yearly Review of the University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Sofia, Yasen Kyosev;

03. "The different town", Bulgarian Architect Bulletin, issue 23 / 23.09.2010, Yasen Kyosev;

04. „Property and responsibility - the challenge of owning a property",  „Индекс имоти” magazine, issue 03 (75), 06.2010, Y. Kyosev;

05. Participation at the "Interdisciplinary Cooperation in Architecture, Urban Planning and Landscape Planning" workshop in the city of Kassel - Germany, 8-11.05. 2005,  presenting a report by Assoc. Prof. PhD Arch. E. Sentova, PhD Arch. Yasen Kyosev, MSc Arch. Rumen Alexandrov

06. "Characteristic features of the development of centres of medium-sized cities in Bulgaria in the second half of the twentieth century", Aspecti, 1/2004, Yasen Kyosev;

07. Cultural Landscapes – Contemporary Interpretation and Art Expressiveness for the Use of Social Life and Tourism, International Integration Students Workshop in Florence 7-14 December 2003, position: Tutor of Working group;

08. "Medium-sized cities in the network of settlements in Bulgaria", report of Yasen Kyosev at the Jubilee conference of UACG - Sofia, 2002
