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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Neli Banishka

Faculty of Structural Engineering, Department Construction Management and Economics - Head of department

Faculty of Structural Engineering, Department Construction Management and Economics

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Neli Banishka
Office Room 1040
E-mail nbanishka@abv.bg
Marital Status married


Organization and management  construction - part 1

Human Resources Management for Master Program: Project management in construction


2007 - University of  Architecture, Civil  Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG) , Sofia, Specialized Scientific Council of Water Engineering, Degree: Doctor (PhD), Professional field: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

 2000 - 2004 Institute of Land Reclamation and Agricultural Mechanization (ILRAM), Sofia - PhD student

 1992 - 1997 University of  Architecture, Civil  Engineering and Geodesy (UACEG) , Sofia,  Speciality: Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, Degree: M.Sc. Civil Engineer – Irrigation and Drainage Engineering

Language Skills



Science Interests

  • Оrganization and Management of Construction
  • Human Resources Management in Construction
  • Organization and Management of Drainage and Irrigation Engineering


 Chamber Of Engineers In The Investment Design

Participation in Research Projects

 Research project "Rehabilitation and reconstruction of the drainage systems and facilities in Bulgaria", 2001 - 2005 y. 

Research project "Sustainable and efficient water management in the reclaimed agricultural lands in conditions of water deficit",  2006 - 2007 y. 
Research Project: "Integrated management of irrigation and drainage in conditions of climate change", 2008 - 2009 y. 
 Research project: Providing ecological and sustainable agriculture in waterlogged agricultural lands by underground water management, 2006 - 2008 y.

Participation in Design Projects


- Investment project "Completion, reconstruction and rehabilitation of water supply network and construction of sewerage network with sewage treatment plant - town of Valchedram" Vulchedrum Municipality, Technical aid under Priority axes 1 of Operational Programme Environment 2007 - 2013, 2010 y.
- Investment project «Completion of the sewerage network and construction of sewage treatment plant - Mezdra» Priority axes 1 of Operational Programme Environment 2007 - 2013, reference number: BG161PO005 / 10 / 1.11 / 02/16 for agglomerations over 10000 PE, 2012 y.
- Investment project „Integrated water management town of Belogradchik” Priority axes 1 of Operational Programme Environment 2007 - 2013, reference number:: BG161PO005/11/1.12/02/25 for agglomerations between 2000 and 10000 PE.
- Investment project „Construction of sewerage network and wastewater treatment plant for effluent and completion, reconstruction and rehabilitation of water supply network in the Rakitovo municipality: Rakitovo, Kostandovo, Dorkovo“, Priority axes 1 of Operational Programme Environment 2007 - 2013, reference number:: BG161PO005/11/1.12/02/25 for agglomerations between 2000 and 10000 PE
- Working project "Closing of landfill - town of Berkovitsa", 2011 y.
- Working project: «Closure and reclamation of landfill - town of Krivodol», 2012 y.
- Investment project: "Construction of sewerage system with sewage treatment plant in the village of Rasovo, Medkovets municipality ", Program for Rural Development 2007 – 2013, Measure 321, 2009 – 2013 y.
- Investment project: «Reconstruction of water supply network and construction of sewerage system with sewage treatment plant in the village of Kopilovtci, Georgi Damyanovo municipality - First Stage», Program for Rural Development 2007 – 2013, Measure 321, 2009 – 2013 y.
- Investment project: "Reconstruction of part of the water supply network in the settlements - Lehchevo, Gromshin, Madan, Murchevo and Vladimirovo, Boychinovtsi Municipality " Program for Rural Development 2007 – 2013, Measure 321, 2013 y.
- Working project "Correction of Popovska River in the village of Voden, Bolyarovo Municipality ", 2013 y.
- Investment project "Reconstruction of part of the water supply systems of the settlements - village of Borovan and village of Dobrolevo, Borovan municipality " Program for Rural Development 2007 – 2013, Measure 321, 2013 y.
- Working project "Correction Golema River and Malka River in the village of Kamenica - Mirkovo Municipality", 2013 y.
- Technical project "Reconstruction of water supply network in the village of Kameno pole, Roman municipality", 2014 y
- Investment project "Construction of sewerage network and sewage treatment plant and reconstruction of water supply network in the village of Dren, Radomir Municipality ", 2014 y.
- Working Project "Drainage System In The Village Of Dolni Tsibar - Ist Stage - Vulchedrum Municipality", 2014 y. 

Academic Positions

Assoc. Profesor -   Department: Construction Management and Economics, UACEG, 2015 y.

Chief  Assistant - Department : Construction Management and Economics , UACEG, 2010 y.  - 2015 y. 

Research Associate III, II, I degrees - Institute of Land Reclamation and Agricultural Mechanization (ILRAM), Sofia, 2004 - 2010 у.


 - Banishka, N., Pl. Petkov, S. Kalcheva, 2003, Studies of the soil moisture regime in areas equipped with irrigation - drainage and controlled drainage systems. - corpus of scientific reports "50 years university of forestry." section "agronomy", 1 - 2april, Sofia, p. 131-135.

- Banishka, N. 2003, Lysimetric investigation for establishing the effect of high underground water on the grain maize yield - Agricultural engineering № 3, p. 32 – 36. 

- Banishka, N., Pl. Petkov, S. Kalcheva, 2003, Study the dynamics of soil moisture in various ways to regulate the underground water table. – Agricultural engineering № 5 – 6, p. 71 – 74.
- Banishka, N., S. Kalcheva, 2004, Effect of drainage systems reconstruction on grain maize yield, Scientific Conference, 20 – 21 October, Kardzhali, Scientific researches, p. 212 – 216
-  Banishka, N., 2005, Determination of the optimal soil moisture regime in lands with high underground water in maiza yield. - Ecology and future № 2 –3, p. 109 – 114.
- Banishka, N. 2005, Technical and economical evaluation of underground drainage use for managing the underground water table. – Proceedings of 21st European Regional Conference, 15 – 19 May, Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice, 6 pp.
- Banishka, N. 2008, The managing of the high underground water - precondition for sustainable agriculture development. - Agricultural engineering № 5, p. 34 – 41
- Banishka, N. 2008, Drainage – Irrigation Systems As Possibility For Rational And Effective Use Of Water Resources, Conference on water observation and information system for decision support, BALWOIS, 27-31 May, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia
- Banishka, N., An. Stoyanova, 2008, Ecological assessment under different management regimes on underground water on the drainage flow quality. - Plant Science № 6, p. 535 – 539
- Kalcheva, S., N. Banishka, V. Petrova, 2008, Characteristic and impact of the main laboratory indicators of irrigation water quality assessment, Scientific conference with international participation "Science in the conditions of globalization", 1 – 2 October, Kardzhali, Vol. 3, part 2, p. 117 – 123
-Petrova, V., N. Banishka, J. Vilček, St. Torma 2008 Methodological directions and general model of irrigation water quality indicators assessment, Seventh International Symposium "Ecology - Sustainable Development", 23 – 25 October, Vratsa,  Scientific Works, p. 78-82
- Petrova, V., N. Banishka, S. Kalcheva, St. Torma, J. Vilček, 2008, Expert System for use of irrigation water depending on its quality - methodology and software development, Scientific-practical conference “Natura 2000 in northwestern Bulgaria and the cross border region -Problems and Future ", Vratsa, Proceedings, p. 127 – 142
- Banishka, N., V. Petrova, 2008, Research of modern mechanization for construction of drainage systems and facilities - Mechanization of Agriculture, № 9-10, p.19 - 22
- Banishka, N., V. Petrova, 2009, Research of modern mechanization for maintenance and exploatation of the drainage systems and facilities - Mechanization of Agriculture, № 3-6, p.12 - 17
- Banishka N. etc.. 2011, Software development of system for the use of irrigation water depending on its quality - structure and algorithm. - Plant Science, Y. XLIV, № 2, p. 231 - 236
- Banishka, N., Pl. Petkov, V. Petrova, 2010, Appropriate schemes for reconstruction of the drainage systems in irrigated lands, - Agricultural engineering № 2, p. 175 – 181
- Petrova - Branicheva V., N. Banishka 2010, Transition toward biological production, - Agricultural engineering № 2, p. 130 – 136 
- Petrova, V., N. Banishka, St. Torma, J. Vilček, P. Dimitrov 2010, Model and software preparation for effective use of irrigation water depending on its quality. - Agricultural engineering № 3, p. 96 -100
- Chehlarova S., Pl. Petkov, N. Banishka etc. 2011, Integrated management of irrigation and drainage in terms of climate change, Third National Conference with international participation "Opportunities to limit the damage from drought in crops", 7 October 2010, Sofia, Agricultural Science, Y XLIV, № 2, p. 28 - 38
- Banishka, N. 2012, Management irrigation - drainage systems by using computer -based models, Proceedings 70th anniversary UACEG International Jubilee conference: Shience and practice, 15 -17 November, Sofia, Vol. 3, p. 333-338
- Banishka, N. 2013, Role of the human resources in the management of the drainage systems, “Ovidius” University Annals of Constantza - Series Civil Engineering (2013), Section IV. Integrated water management. Environment protection, pp 141-146
- Zheliazkova V., N. Banishka, 2014, Role of the human resources in the management of infrastructure investment projects in the Roads, Proceedings 14th International scientific conference VSU,  5 – 6 June, Sofia, Vol. IV, p. 515 – 520
- Petrova Р., N. Banishka, 2014, Management Of Investment Infrastructure Projects For Reconstruction And Rehabilitation Of The Irrigation Systems. -  Water Affairs (submitted for printing)
- Banishka, N., V. Petrova - Branicheva, 2014, Economic Efficiency Of Using Drip Irrigation Systems, Jubilee International Conference: Science & Technic 65th anniversary Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering and 15th anniversary Hydraulic Engineering in German, UACEG, 6-7 November. (submitted for printing)
- Banishka, N.  2014, Necessity Of Human Resources In The Management Of Irrigation Systems During The New Programming Period 2014 - 2020, Jubilee International Conference: Science & Technic 65th anniversary Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering and 15th anniversary Hydraulic Engineering in German, UACEG, 6-7 November. (submitted for printing)
- Petrova - Branicheva V., N. Banishka 2014, The Тechnology For Subsurface Drip Irrigation, Jubilee International Conference: Science & Technic 65th anniversary Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering and 15th anniversary Hydraulic Engineering in German, UACEG, 6-7 November. (submitted for printing)
- Petrova Р., N. Banishka, 2014, Public procurement procedures in the water sector. Selection criteria, Jubilee International Conference: Science & Technic 65th anniversary Faculty of Hydraulic Engineering and 15th anniversary Hydraulic Engineering in German, UACEG, 6-7 November. (submitted for printing)
- N. Banishka, 2014, Planning Organization For The Management Of Investment Projects In Sector "Hydromelioration", First Scientific - Applied Conference With International Participation "Project Management In Construction", UACEG, 4 - 5 December, Sofia, Proceedings 


Study materials

Examination rules
