Начало / Международна дейност / ЕРАЗЪМ+ Програмни страни (асоциирани към Програмата) / Партньори /

University of Thessaly

University of Thessaly
Държава Гърция
Тематични направления

Архитектурен факултет


The University of Thessaly is founded about 30 years ago. It is located in the area of central Greece with campuses in the cities of Volos, Larissa, Trikala and Karditsa. Despite its young age, it demonstrates a remarkable presence in the academic ranking of universities. Most of its Faculties, as well as the University as a whole, have been positively evaluated by international visiting Committees, based on the considerable research and scientific performance of the academic staff and the high quality teaching programmes.

The University of Thessaly is steadily attracting high quality professors and personnel from Greece and abroad and continuously upgrading its services to the industry, central and local government and society. The new administration Authority of the University, the Rector and the Council, are optimistic that, despite the difficult financial situation, will succeed in further attracting Research & Development programmes, fully exploiting the capacities and expertise of our faculties and staff . Our growing number of graduates successfully entering the labour market vividly advertise the high quality of studies offered by our University.

Уебсайт http://www.uth.gr

Факултети и специалности

Факултет / Специалност Архитектурен факултет / Урбанизъм - бакалавър - Бакалавър (BA)
Бр. студенти 2
Времетраене 5
Учебен цикъл 1,2,3
Езикови изисквания EN/B1 CEFR level
Бр. преподаватели 1
Срокове за кандидатстване


Координатори в приемащия университет

Theodosia Vasilaki
Faculty Website http://www.prd.uth.gr/en/
Course Websitehttp://erasmus.uth.gr/en/studies-en/courses-en

Kostas Patsis, IRO, irep@uth.gr

Координатори в УАСГ

Erasmus Coordinator, Faculty of Architecture:
Chief Assist. Prof. Dr. Arch. Nora YORDANOVA

