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Outgoing Staff Mobility for Teaching or Training

Staff mobility for teaching or training purposes provides opportunities for UACEG lecturers and staff to visit foreign universities with which UACEG has concluded bilateral agreements under the Erasmus+ programme for participation in the educational process.

In order to ensure that mobility activities are of high quality and have maximum impact, they must be linked to the professional development of staff members, be tailored to their needs in terms of their specialisations and their personal development.

The duration of the mobility is 5 working days, for lecturers - minimum 8 hours of academic work.

All lecturers and employees at UACEG, regardless of their position and scientific degree (professors, associate professors, assistant professors) are eligible to participate in Erasmus mobility. Priority is given to the lecturers and employees who have a basic employment contract with UACEG.
Lecturers and staff are entitled to participate in one Erasmus+ mobility within one academic year. An additional condition for participation in the mobility is a good command of the foreign language in which the teaching and learning of students at the host university takes place.
A university selection committee carries out a ranking in cases where there are more than one applicant for a mobility place. 
Mobility of lecturers and staff should take place within the academic semesters of the respective host universities.
The period of teaching abroad at a partner higher education institution enables any UACEG lecturer to teach at a partner higher education institution abroad. 
Mobility of staff members for teaching purposes can take place in any field of study. 
The aim is to establish new contacts of a scientific and didactic nature, to initiate and maintain collaborations that can be an inspiration for improving the didactic/scientific potential of the unit and/or the university.
A period of training abroad at a partner higher education institution allows each staff member to participate in a study abroad activity that is relevant to their daily work at UASG.
This takes the form of training events (excluding conferences) or of exchanges of experience through observation of colleagues' work and periods of supervision.
The aim is to improve qualifications and skills that will contribute to improving the performance of all team members and to raising awareness of intercultural differences. 
* Individual support: single rate/day/participant relative to the group of countries.
There is additional funding for participants with special needs.