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Prof. Dr. Eng. Milena Moteva

Faculty of Geodesy, Sustainable land use and real estate management

Prof. Dr. Eng. Milena Moteva
Office Room 323, Rectorate
Student Hours

Tuesday, 1-3 p.m.

Phone +359886919353
E-mail moteva_fgs@uacg.bg
Marital Status Married
Year Started 2012


Agricultural Land Planning for BA "Land and Reas Estate Management and Planning"

Agricultural Land Planning 1st part for MA "Geodesy - regulated profession"

Agricultural Land Planning for MA "Geodesy - regulated profession - External"

Agricultural Land Planning 2nd part (under irrigation and drainage conditions) for MA "Geodesy - regulated profession", specializaton "Cadastre and Real Estate Management"

Agricultural Land-Use Planning 2nd part (under irrigation and drainage conditions) for MA "Geodesy - regulated profession - External", specializaton "Cadastre and Real Estate Management

Protected Areas Management for BA "Land and Reas Estate Management and Planning"

Protected Areas Management for MA "Landscape Architecture and Landscape Planning"

Regional Economy for BA "Land and Reas Estate Management and Planning"


2000-2003 - PhD in the professional field 6.1. Plant Growing, scientific specialty Melioration (incl. Soil erosion and its controle) – Agricultural Academy, Research Institute for Land Reclamation and Agricultural Mechanization, Sofia

1978-1983 - MSc in Land Planning – Nigher Institute of Architecture and Construction (now University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Sifoa (ISCED 6)

1973-1978 - English Language School, Ruse, Bulgaria (ISCED 5)

Language Skills

English - C2 - Professional

Russian - C2 - Professional

French - A2 - Basic

Science Interests

spatial planning; planning and management of agricultural territories; land consolidation; protected areas management; land management; sustainable land use; ecology; soil science; management of water use for irrigation, water-saving irrigation technologies, irrigation regime of agricultural crops, evapotranspiration, model studies of soil moisture, yield-water relationships, remote methods for determining soil moisture, management of irrigation regime of agricultural crops, climate changes and agrometeorological resources of the country, vulnerability of agriculture to climate change


Bulgarian Soil Science Society

Participation in Research Projects

International Project (completed)
BUL/SGP/OP4/Y3/CORE/10/19 Sustainable use in agriculture and improvement of the quality of contaminated soils/places from the land of Chelopechene quarter (Kremikovtsi District) (2010-2012, GEF (Global Ecological Fund)

National Projects (current)

KP-06-Н66/4 of 13.12.2022 Influence of soil and climatic conditions on the technological regime of irrigation and testing of biological means for controlling phytopathogens in strawberries to increase the quality of the production (National Science Fund)

TN 20 Water-saving technologies for irrigation and sustainable management of irrigation systems in Bulgaria and modeling of elements of the hydromelioration system (2023-2025, Agricultural Academy)

National Projects (completed)

DО 01-895/06.08.09 / NI SS 1605/2006 Agroclimatic resources for growing agricultural crops under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions (2007-2009, National Science Fund)

Current and future climate changes, mitigation of their consequences and the development of sustainable agriculture in our country (2010-2012, National Science Fund)

Environmentally friendly technologies for obtaining sustainable yields from irrigated crops (1997-2000, Agricultural Academy)

Improving the operation and management of irrigation systems (1997-2000, Agricultural Academy)

Eco-friendly technologies for growing irrigated agricultural crops with optimal and insufficient water supply (2001-2007, Agricultural Academy)

Sustainable and efficient use of water in reclaimed agricultural lands in conditions of water deficit (2008-2009, Agricultural Academy)

Assessment of agro-ecological potential and development of a plan for sustainable production of important energy crops on farm level (2009-2011, Agricultural Academy)

POZM 117 Limiting the negative impact of water deficit on yields by optimizing the irrigation regime and technological improvements for efficient use of irrigation water (2011-2013, Agricultural Academy)

POZM 4 Optimizing farming systems and defining good agricultural practices to mitigate the effects of climate change (2012-2014, Agricultural Academy)

POZM 180 New and improved technological and technical solutions for plant and animal breeding (2014-2016, Agricultural Academy)

POZM 183 Improved irrigation management for sustainable agricultural production (2014-2016, Agricultural Academy)

POZM 229 Sustainable management of irrigation systems to increase the productivity of agricultural crops (2016-2019, Agricultural Academy)

POZAM 2 Systems for sustainable management of agriculture through organic and inorganic soil improvers (2019-2022, Agricultural Academy)

POZAM 5. Research and development of energy-saving, water-saving and environmentally friendly techniques and technologies for agriculture in the conditions of climate change (2020-2022, Agricultural Academy)

POZAM 6 Advanced technological approaches and technical means for obtaining sustainable and healthy agricultural production under modern weather conditions and environmental protection measures (2020-2022, Agricultural Academy)

Meteorological conditions and possibilities for applying different irrigation rates for some cereals (2014-2016, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

BN 170/14 Current problems and challenges to Agricultural land management in Bulgaria (2014-2015, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy)

BN 188/16 Content and sign system for Agricultural land use maps and plans (2016-2017, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy)

BN 209/18 Methodical Guidelines for Agricultural land planning (2018-2020, University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy)

Participation in Design Projects

Land division plans, Land consolidation plans

Participation in International Projects

International Project (completed)
BUL/SGP/OP4/Y3/CORE/10/19 Sustainable use in agriculture and improvement of the quality of contaminated soils/places from the land of Chelopechene quarter (Kremikovtsi District) (2010-2012, GEF (Global Ecological Fund)

Academic Positions

2009-2014 Associate Professor In Land Reclamation (irrigation and drainage)

2012-2023 Associate Professor in Land Management

2024 - current Professor in Land Management

Science Keywords

spatial planning, agricultural land planning, protected areas, regional economics, irrigation, irrigation scheduling, evapotranspiration, soil, climate change


1. Живков, Ж., М. Мотева. 1993. Ефективно използуване на поливната вода в условията на частно земеделие. Сб. "Аграрната реформа в страните от Източна и Централна Европа”, 105-111
2. Кирева, Р., М. Мотева. 1994. Характеристика на навлажняване на излужена канелена горска почва при капково напояване и по бразди. Известия на Института по хидротехника и мелиорации, том XXIV, с. 131
3. Dimitrov, P., M. Moteva, R. Kireva. 1995. Optimum Use of Water Resources in the Struggle against Drought for Sustainable Agriculture in Bulgaria. International Workshop on Drought in the Carpathian Region, 3-5 May, Hungary
4. Димитров, П., М. Мотева, Р. Кирева. 1996. Модел за влияние на напояването върху добива от царевица за зърно. Научни трудове, Селскостопанска академия, том 3, св. 2
5. Dimitrov, P., R. Kireva, M. Moteva. 1996. Irrigation Impact on Vegetable Growing in Unheated Plastic Greenhouses. Second International Symposium on Irrigation of Horticultural Crops, Chania, Greece
6. Popov, S., P. Dimitrov, R. Petrova, S. Kalcheva, J. Jivkov, S. Chehlarova, M. Moteva. 1996. Management Information System in Irrigation. 16th ICID Congress, 15-22 September, Cairo, Egypt
7. Мотева, М. 1997. Комасацията – средство за повишаване ефективността от поливните площи. Сб. доклади от Конференция “Младите специалисти в хидромелиорациите”, IV-то Национално честване “Световен ден на водата”, София: 15-17
8. Мотева, М., Р. Гаджев. 1998. Подход за ограничаване на екологичния риск в хидромелиоративните площи при съвременните форми на земеползване. Известия на Института по хидротехника и мелиорации, т. XXV, С., 507-509
9. Мотева, М., Сп. Калчева. 2002. Високите подпочвени води – ресурс в борбата с водния стрес при растенията. Екология и бъдеще, т. I, № 2-4, с. 43-45
10. Славов, Н., М. Мотева. 2002. Влияние на климатичните промени върху някои характеристики на засушаванията в България. Екология и бъдеще, т. I, № 2-4: 31-33
11. Славов, Н., М. Мотева. 2003. Влияние на промените на климата върху изпарението в България. Сборник научни доклади от международна научна конференция “50 години Лесотехнически институт”. Секция “Екология и опазване на околната среда”, 1-2 април, 172-176
12. Славов, Н., М. Мотева. 2003. Оценка на ресурсите слънчева радиация за пресмятане на евапотранспирацията по FAO Penman–Monteith в България. Селскостопанска техника, № 5-6, 149-152
13. Славов, Н., М. Мотева. 2003. Климатичните промени в България и засушаването през вегетационния период. Сп. Земеделие плюс, №3: 25-26
14. Славов, Н., М. Мотева, V. Georgieva. 2004. Промените на климата и засушаването в България през последното столетие. Водно дело, 1-2: 33-37
15. Florov, V., M. Moteva. 2004. Water saving technology with “Agrodrip” pipes. Advantages and scope of application. Interregional ICID Conference on Food Production and Water: Social and Economic Issues of Irrigation and Drainage, 5-11 September, Moscow, Russia, CD version
16. Moteva, M., D. Davidov. 2004. Land Consolidation of Irrigated and Drained Territories. In Proceedings of the Second Conference of the Union of Scientists “Energy Efficiency and Agricultural Engineering”, Rousse, Bulgaria, 3-5 June, 549–556
17. Slavov, N., M. Moteva, G. Patamanska. 2004. Mathemaical modelling of crop water regime. Proceedings of the 4-th International Workshop on Irrigation and Drainage Research as Part of a Celebration of the World Water Day, Macedonia, 107–112
18. Slavov, N., M. Moteva. 2004. Relation between the reference evapotranspiration and the measured evaporation from open water surface in Bulgaria. BALWOIS International Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support, 25-29 May, Ohrid, Macedonia, CD version
19. Мотева, М. 2005. Върху разстоянието между поливните бразди при царевица за зърно. Селскостопанска техника, № 6, 32-37
20. Славов, Н., В. Георгиева, М. Мотева. 2005. Промяна на климата в България през последното столетие и негативните изменения на природните ресурси. Сб. Научни доклади от Национална конференция с международно участие “Управление, използване и опазване на почвените ресурси”, 15-19 май 2005 г., С., 533-538
21. Славов, Н., Г. Георгиев, М. Мотева. 2005. Изследване характеристиките на засушаването през последното столетие в Северозападна България. Сб. Научни доклади от юбилейна научна конференция с международно участие “Селекционни и технологични аспекти при производството и преработката на соя и други бобови култури”, 8 септември, Павликени, 227-235
22. Славов, Н., М. Мотева, В. Георгиева. 2005. Върху усвояемостта на валежите при формиране на водните запаси на почвата. Сб. Доклади от І Национална научна конференция по екология “Биоразнообразие, екосистеми, глобални промени”, 4-5 ноември, 2004, София, 417-424
23. Славов, Н., М. Мотева. 2005. Изследване характера на засушаванията в Северна България през миналото столетие. Екология и индустрия, т. 7, № 1, 68-70
24. Славов, Н., М. Мотева. 2005. Върху някои характеристики на засушаванията в Южна България. Сб. доклади “Селекция и агротехника на полските култури”, Балканска научна конференция, посветена на 80-годишнината от създаването на Института по земеделие, Карнобат – 2 юни 2005, ІІ част, 363-368
25. Славов, Н., В. Георгиева, М. Мотева. 2005. Промени на климата и засушаването в България през изминалото столетие. Научни трудове на НЦАН, т. 3, 272-281
26. Славов, Н., М. Мотева, В. Георгиева. 2005. Изменението на климата през последното столетие в Североизточна България и влиянието му върху земеделието. Известия на Съюза на учените – Русе, сер. 3 “Аграрни и ветеринаромедицински науки”, т. 3, 160-165
27. Славов, Н., М. Мотева, В. Георгиева. 2005. Промени на природните ресурси на Южна България и влиянието им върху земеделското производство. Научни трудове на Аграрен университет Пловдив, т. L, № 1: 271-277
28. Moteva, M. 2005. Furrow irrigation with optimum and reduced irrigation rates and the impact of the pre-irrigation soil moisture. Proceedings of ICID Workshop on “Use of Water and Land for Environmental Sustainability – Role of Young Professionals”, 12 Sept., Beijing, China, http//www.irncid.org/upf.pdf , 59-66
29. Moteva, M., N. Slavov, A. Mehandjieva. 2005. Depletion of the available water at rain fed and furrow-irrigated maize in a cunnamonic red forest soil. ICID 21st Regional Conference 2005 – 15-19 May 2005 – Frankfurt (Oder) and Slubice – Germany and Poland, CD Version
30. Slavov, N., M. Moteva. 2005. Computing solar radiation in order to estimate FAO Penman-Monteith reference evapotranspiration in Bulgaria. Селскостопанска техника, № 2, 45-51
31. Мотева, М., С. Калчева. 2006. Напояване и торене на царевица за зърно при високи подпочвени води. Field Crop Studies, Vol. ІІІ, No. 3, 425-434
32. Славов, Н., М. Мотева, П. Ристевски. 2006. Глобалното затопляне и изменението на климата на територията на република България и Македония. Екология и индустрия, т. 8, 16-18
33. Славов, Н., М. Мотева. 2006. Влияние на изменението на климата върху процесите на засушаването и деградацията на земите в България. Почвознание, агрохимия и екология, год. ХХХХ, No. 3, 3-10
34. Florov, V., M. Moteva. 2006. Comparative analysis of the “on-line” and “in-line” drip irrigation systems for perennial plants. Proc. EE&AE’2006 International Scientific Conference, Rousse, Bulgaria, 7-9 June, 279-282
35. Славов, Н., М. Мотева. 2006. Уязвимост и адаптация на земеделската растителност към изменението на климата на Балканите. Механизация на земеделието, № 9-10, 12-15
36. Moteva, M. 2006. Impact of pre-irrigation soil moisture on maize yield at furrow irrigation with optimum and reduced irrigation depths. Proc. EE&AE’2006 International Scientific Conference, Rousse, Bulgaria, 7-9 June, p. 265-271
37. Moteva, M., V. Kazandjiev, J.Jivkov. 2006. Impact of the agrometeorological factors upon the potential evapotranspiration of maize in Bulgaria. Proc. 8th Conference on Meteororogy-Climatology-Atmospheric Physics, Athens, 24-26 May, v. C: 193-199
38. Slavov, N., M. Moteva. 2006. Investigation of PHAR efficiency during the process of photosyntesis at maize. Proc. EE&AE’2006 International Scientific Conference, Rousse, Bulgaria, 7-9 June, 272-278
39. Slavov, N. M. Moteva. 2006. Investigation of the open water surface evaporation over the territory of Bulgaria. BALWOIS International Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support, 23-26 May, Ohrid, Macedonia, CD version
40. Georgieva, V., M. Moteva, V. Kazandjiev. 2007. Impact of climate change on water supply probability of winter wheat in Bulgaria. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus Journal , Vol. 72, No. 1, 39-44
41. Moteva, M., Zh. Zhivkov. 2007. Dynamics of the available water in cinnamonic forest soil at two kinds of grain crops. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus Journal, Vol. 72, No. 1, 45-51
42. Кирева, Р., Р. Петрова, М. Мотева. 2007. Възможности за напояване на слънчоглед при настъпващите климатични промени в България. Селскостопанска наука, 40, 3, 32-39
43. Славов, Н., М. Мотева. 2007. Определяне на изпарението от свободна водна повърхност за оценка на евапотранспирацията на земеделските кулури в България. Почвознание, агрохимия и екология, год. XLI, 2: 3-9
44. Славов, Н., М. Мотева. 2007. Върху пространствената представителност на изпарението от водна повърхност в България. Селскостопанска наука, год. XL, 5: 3-10
45. Moteva, M., V. Kazandjiev, Zh. Zhivkov, V. Georgieva. 2007. Investigation of reference evapotranspiration under the climatic conditions of Bulgaria. Proc. ICID 22nd European Regional Conference, 2-7 Sept., 2007, Pavia, Italy, CD Version
46. Slavov, N., M. Moteva. 2007. The agroclimatic resources of Bulgaria and the climate changes during 20th century. Proceedings 3rd International Conference “Global Changes and Regional Challenges 28-29 April 2006, Sofia University, Faculty of Geology and Geography, 399-404
47. Георгиева, В., М. Мотева, В. Казанджиев. 2008. Естествена водоосигуреност и добиви от зимна пшеница през периода на съвременния климат. Научни трудове на Аграрен университет, Пловдив, Доклади от Х Национална научна конференция «Екология и здраве», Пловдив, 10 април, 73-80
48. Kazandjiev, V., V. Georgieva, M. Moteva. 2008. Agroclimatic resourcies in Bulgaria for field crop cultivation under irrigated and rain-fed conditions. International Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support, 27-31 May, Ohrid, Macedonia, CD version
49. Славов, Н., М. Мотева. 2008. Фитоклиматична оценка на сроковете на преходите през характерни температурни граници. Наука за гората, 2: 5-18
50. Мотева, М., А. Стоянова. 2008. Опитни резултати от гравитачно напояване през бразди в два района на Южна България. Растениевъдни науки, 45, 4, 334-338
51. Мотева, М., А. Стоянова. 2008. Коефициенти Kc по FAO при царевица за зърно в два района на Южна България. Растениевъдни науки, 45, 4, 328-333
52. Мотева, М., В. Казанджиев, В. Георгиева. 2008. Изследване на еталонната евапотранспирация по FAO Penman-Monteith на територията на България”, Селскостопанска техника, 5, 26-33
53. Moteva. M. 2008. Precise estimation of the evapotranspiration losses in Bulgaria – a precondition for water and energy conservation for the economy. Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science, Vol. 4, No. 2, 151-156
54. Moteva, M., V. Kazandjiev, V. Georieva. 2008. Interaction between Reference Evapotranspiration and the Meteorological Parameters in FAO 56 Penman-Monteith Equation. Global Environmental Change: Challenges to Science and Society in Southeastern Europe International Conference, Sofia, 19-21 May, 2008, CD Version
55. Давидов, Д., М. Мотева. 2009. Анализ на формулата FAO Penman-Monteith за изчисляване на еталонната евапотранспирация. Proc. Int. Conf. “Soil Tillage and Ecology”, 1-5 Sept., Albena, Bulgaria, 149-156
56. Мотева, М., В. Георгиева, В Казанджиев. 2009. Климатична влагообезпеченост на земеделските култури в България. Селскоскопанска техника, 1, 31-38
57. Georgieva, V., M. Moteva, V. Kazandjiev. 2009. Contemporary Water Supply of Winter Wheat in Southern Bulgaria. Proc. XXХIII CIOSTA, CIGR V Conference “Technology and Management to Ensure Sustainable Agriculture, Agro-Systems, Forestry and Safety”, 17-19 June, 2009, Reggio Calabria, Italy 1265-1270
58. Moteva, M., V. Kazandjiev, V. Georgieva. 2009. Assessment of the contemporary hydro-thermal conditions for crop growing in Bulgaria. Proc. Int. Conf. “Soil Tillage and Ecology”, 1-5 Sept., Albena, Bulgaria, 134-141
59. Moteva, M., V. Kazandjiev, V. Georgieva. 2009. Reference evapotranspiration in Bulgaria and the impact of climate change. Proc. 4th Conf. “Energy Efficiency & Agricultural Engineering, 1-3 Oct., Rousse, Bulgaria, 287-295
60. Moteva, M., V. Georgieva, V. Kazadjiev, P. Dimitrov. 2009. Atmospheric water supply for the potential evapotranspiration in Bulgaria. ICID 23rd ERC 2009 “Progress in Managing Water for Food and Rural Development”, 18-24 May, Lviv, Ukraine, CD Version
61. Vidinova, E., M. Moteva. 2009. Valuation of maize (grain) irrigation scheduling under water deficit conditions. Сборник доклади от Семинар по екология, СУБ, ЦЛОЕ-БАН, 24-24 април, София, България, 295-302
62. Давидов, Д., М. Мотева. 2010. Сравнение на евапотранспирацията, изчислена по формулата FAO Penman-Monteith и чрез температурата на въздуха. Селскостопанска техника, 1, 102-106
63. Казанджиев, В., М. Мотева, В. Георгиева. 2010. Климатични промени, агроклиматични ресурси и агроклиматично райониране на земеделското производство. Селскостопанска техника, 3, 109-116
64. Мотева, М., В. Казанджиев, В. Георгиева. 2010. Влияние на климатичните промени върху еталонната евапотранспирация в България. Растениевъдни науки, 47, 2, 181-186
65. Мотева, М., А. Стоянова. 2010. Ефект от напояването и икономически резултати при царевица за зърно, отглеждана на излужена смолница. Растениевъдни науки, 6, 604-608
66. Kostadinov, G., M. Moteva. 2010. Optimum use of the irrigational water in a maize (grain) field. Proc. 4th International Conference “Trends in Agricultural Engineering 2010”, 7-10th Sept., Prague, Czech Republic, 322-328
67. Moteva, M., A. Matev, A. Stoyanova. 2010. Possibilities for obtaining high yields from row crops in water deficit conditions: a case study in Bulgaria. Proc. 14th Intern. Wat. Tech. Conf. IWTC 2010, 21-23 March, Cairo, Egypt,14-24
68. Moteva, M., V. Kazandjiev, V. Georgieva. 2010. Climate change and the hydrothermal and the evapotranspiration conditions in the planning regions of Bulgaria. Proc. 14th Intern. Wat. Tech. Conf. IWTC 2010, 21-23 March, Cairo, Egypt, 3-14
69. Moteva, M., V. Kazandjiev, V. Georgieva. 2010. Impact of Climate Change on Soil Water Table in Sofia Region, Bulgaria. International Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support, 25-29 May, Ohrid, Macedonia, CD version
70. Мотева, М., Н. Славов, В. Казанджиев, В. Георгиева, Г. Костадинов. 2011. Анализ на изпарението от свободна водна повърхност по райони за планиране в България. Сб. Доклади от международна конференция „100 години почвена наука в България”, 16-20 май 2011, София, 323-329
71. Georgieva, V., V. Kazandjiev, M. Moteva. 2011. Soil moisture regime of Chernozems Bulgaria and the water supply of winter wheat crops. Proc. GeoMed2010 2nd International Geography Symposium, 2-5 June, 2010, Kemer, Antalya, Turkey, 53-63
72. Georgieva, V., M. Moteva, V. Kazandjiev. 2011. Contemporary irrigation requirements of maize (grain), grown on Chernozems in north Bulgaria Proc. XXXIV CIOSTA CIGR V Conference 2011 “Efficient and safe production processes in sustainable agriculture and forestry”, 30.06-1.07. 2011, Vienna, Austria, CD Version
73. Moteva, M., V. Kazandjiev, G. Kostadinov, V. Georgieva. 2011. Evapotranspiration demand on the territory of Bulgaria. Proc. XXXIV CIOSTA CIGR V Conference 2011 “Efficient and safe production processes in sustainable agriculture and forestry”, 30.06-1.07. 2011, Vienna, Austria, CD Version
74. Moteva, M., V. Kazandjiev, Zh. Zhivkov, V. Georgieva, I. Georgieva. 2011. Irrigation Scheduling on the Base of Differently Estimated Crop Evapotranspiration. Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science. Vol. 7, No. 3, 225-230
75. Moteva, M., V. Kazandjiev, T. Mitova, V. Georgieva. 2012. Climatic risks for rapeseed (Brassica Napus, L.) growing in Sofia Region, Bulgaria. BALWOIS2012 – Ohrid, Macedonia, 28 May – 2 June 2012, CD Version, ISBN: 978-608-4510-00-0.
76. Мотева, М., И. Георгиева, Ж. Живков. 2012. Намаляване на водния стрес при царевица чрез напояване през бразди. Bulgarian Journal of Meteorology and Hydrology, 1, 79-85, ISSN 0861-0762 (printed version) ISSN 2535-0595 (online version)
77. Moteva, M., Z. Dimov, V. Tanaskovik. 2013. Cotton production in Bulgaria and Macedonia trough the years. Proc. Int. Symp. for Agriculture and Food, 12-14 Dec. 2012 , Scopie, RMacedonia 1, 86-96, UDC 633.511(497.7)
78. Moteva, M., T. Trifonova, A. Gigova, V. Georgieva. 2013. Effect of irrigation on productivity of three cultivars of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) Proc. 2nd Int. Simposium on Kaz Mountains and Edremit “Human-Environment Interactions and Ecology of Mountain Ecosystems” 3-5 May 2013, Edremit, Turkey, 379-388, ISBN 978-605-62253-6-9
79. Georgieva, I., M. Moteva, Zh. Zhivkov. 2013. Distribution of soil moisture in the profile of tpical chernozems under wide-space irrigation and impact on the yield of maize (Zea mays L.). Scientific Papers, Series A. Agronomy, Univ Agronomic Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest (USAMV), 56, 261-269, ISSN 2285-5785; ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793; ISSN Online 2285-5807, WoS (Core collection)
80. Simunic, I., V. Spalevic, M. Vukelic-Shutoska, V. Tanaskovik, M. Moteva, N. Uzen. 2013. Climate changes and water requirements in field crop production, Proc. 24th Int. Sci.-Expert Conf. on Agric.&Food Industry, 26-28 Sept., Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 309-313, ISBN 978-9958-597-38-1
81. Gigova, A., M. Moteva, T. Mitova, G. Kostadinov. 2013. Irrigation impact on leaf area and net photosnthetic productivity of canola. Proc. 5th Int.Conf. Trends in Agricultural Engineering (TAE) 2013, 3-6 Sept., Prague, Czech Republic, 173-180, ISBN: 978-80-213-2388-9, SCOPUS https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100310043&tip=sid&clean=0
82. Мотева, М. 2014. Земята като ресурс – конференция на Европейската Комисия по глобалните и европейските проблеми на земеползването (преглед на събитието). Геодезия, картография, земеустройство, 3-4, 44-48, ISSN 2535-0927
83. Moteva, M., V. Kazandjiev, Zh. Zhivkov, R. Kireva, B. Mladenova, A. Matev, R. Kalaydzhieva. 2014. Estimation of crop evapotranspiration in Bulgarian climate conditions. Scientific Papers, Series A. Agronomy, Univ Agronomic Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest (USAMV), 57, 255-263, ISSN 2285-5785; ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793; ISSN Online 2285-5807, WoS (Core collection) https://mjl.clarivate.com/search-results
84. Moteva, M., M. Mondeshka, A. Stoeva, N. Yarlovska. 2014. Contemporary issues of land use and water management for agriculture in Bulgaria. „Scientific Papers. Agronomy Series“ Journal, 57 (2), "Ion Ionescu de la Brad" University Press, Iaşi, Romania, 59-68, ISSN: 1454-7414 (print), 2069-7627 (online)
85. Kazadjiev, V., M. Moteva, V. Georgieva. 2014. Near and far future climate conditions for crop growing in Bulgaria. Proc. 12th Int. Congress on Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture, 3-6- Sept., Nevşehir, Turkey, Çukurova University, 183-189, ISBN: 978-975-487-197-5
86. Kostadinov, G., M. Moteva. 2014. Errors of leaf area measurements by using digital camera and scanner. Journal of Agricultural Machinery Science, 10 (2), 107-111, ISSN 1306-0007, eISSN 2651-4320
87. Moteva, M., N. Yarlovska, M. Mondeshka, A. Stoeva, I. Simunic, V. Spalevic, V. Tanaskovik, M. Vukelic. 2015. Spatial planning as an aproach to improving land and water use in the agricultural areas. Proc. 6th Croatian Water Conference “Croatian Waters on the Investment Wave”, 895-904, ISBN 078-953-7672-12-6
88. Мотева, М., В. Казанджиев, В. Георгиева. 2015. Пространствени характеристики на еталонната евапотранспирация през последните десетилетия в България. Селскостопанска техника, 52, 2, 57-64, ISSN 0037-1718 (print)
89. Moteva, M., V. Kazadjiev, V. Georgieva. 2015. The impact of climate changes during the period 1971-2010 on the reference evapotranspiration in North Bulgaria. Инженерна геология и хидрогеология, 29, БАН, 59-68, ISSN 0204-7934 (Print), ISSN 2738-6996 (Online)
90. Moteva, M., V. Kazadjiev, V. Georgieva. 2015. Climatological and Meteorological Information for Future Sustainable Agriculture in Bulgaria. In: Environment, Ecology and Sustainability at the Beginning of 21st Century, Ed. Prof. Recep Efe, S., BAS, 91-111, ISBN 978-954-07-3999-1
91. Гигова, А., М. Мотева, Т. Митова, В. Георгиева, В. Танаскович. 2015. Динамика на водния запас на излужена канелена горска почва при зимна маслодайна рапица. E-Cб. научни доклади от межд. конф. “Почвата и агротехнологиите в променящия се свят”, 11-15 май 2015, ИПАЗР „Никола Пушкаров, София, 568-594, ISBN: 978-619-90560-0-4
92. Simunic, I., B. Matkovic, M. Moteva, M. Vukelic-Shutoska. 2015. Required water quantities for irrigation of agricultural crops – demonstration project Červar-Porat-Bašarinka. Proc. 6th Croatian Water Conference “Croatian Waters on the Investment Wave”, 967-976, ISBN 078-953-7672-12-6
93. Кръстева, В., В. Стефанова, М. Мотева, З. Митрева. 2015. Агроекологичен потенциал на земеделските земи на община Павел Баня за отглеждане на маслодайна роза (Roza damascena), E-Cб. научни доклади от межд. конф. “Почвата и агротехнологиите в променящия се свят”, 11-15 май 2015, ИПАЗР „Никола Пушкаров, София, 169-175, ISBN: 978-619-90560-0-4
94. Казанджиев, В., В. Георгиева, М. Мотева. 2015. Динамика на някои агроклиматични индекси през периода 1990-2010 г. на територията на България. E-Cб. научни доклади от межд. конф. “Почвата и агротехнологиите в променящия се свят”, 11-15 май 2015, ИПАЗР „Никола Пушкаров, София, 395-401, ISBN: 978-619-90560-0-4
95. Tanaskovik, V., Cukaliev, O., Moteva, M., Jankulovska, M., Markoski, M., Spalevic, V., Rusevski, R., Bogevska, Z. and Davitkovska, M. 2015. The influence of irrigation and fertilization regime on some phenological stages and earliness of pruned pepper. Agriculture and Forestry, 61, 2, 7-17, Podgorica, DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.62.1.42
96. Georgieva, V., V. Kazandjiev, M. Moteva. 2015. A Water Balance Model for Calculation of Soil Water Content in a Winter Wheat Field, Proc. 15th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconferences & EXPO SGEM 2015, Albena, b. 3, v. 1, p. 9-17. ISSN: 1314-2704, SCOPUS, https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100274701&tip=sid&clean=0
97. Гаджалска, Н., Р. Кирева, В. Събкова, Г. Патаманска, М. Мотева, В. Браничева, Е. Грънчарова, К. Караиванов. 2015. Ефективност на напояването на черноземи. В: Черноземите в България – проблеми, оценка, използване и опазване. Под ред. на проф. д-р М. Теохаров, С., Българско почвоведско дружество, 80-94, ISBN 978-619-90414-1-3,
98. Moteva M. 2016. Agricultural land-use planning and the role of the state. AgroLife Scientific Journal, 5, 1, 144-149, Univ. Agronomic Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest (USAMV), 5, 1, 144-149, ISSN 2285-5718; ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5726; ISSN ONLINE 2286-0126; ISSN-L 2285-5718, WoS (Core collection) https://mjl.clarivate.com/search-results
99. Moteva, M. 2016. “Current Challenges and Issues to Agricultural Land-Use Planning in Bulgaria” In: Developments in Science and Engineering, Chief ed. Prof. Recep Efe, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 1-19, ISBN 978-954-07-4137-6
100. Мотева, М. 2016. Земеустройството в съвременните еколого-икономически реалности. Годишник на УАСГ, т. 49, 4, 37-50, ISSN 1310-814X (печатно издание), ISSN 2534-9759 (онлайн издание)
101. Moteva, M., V. Spalevic. 2016. Towards a new concept for the agricultural land-use planning in the new socio-economic conditions in Bulgaria. Int. J. “Agrofor”, 1, 1, 76-85, ISSN 2490-3442 - Online, ISSN: 2490-3434 – Printed, DOI: 10.7251/AGRENG1601076M, WoS (CABI) http://agrofor.ues.rs.ba/page.php?id=4
102. Moteva, M., K.A. Mamonov, O.V. Pyrkova. 2016. Solving problems of urban development monitoringof land use using GIS. Материалы Международной научно-практической конференции „Европейские стандарты оценки, землеустройства и кадастра: проблемы внедрения и пути их реализации в Украине“, 28 апрель 2016, Полиграфцентр „Влавка“, Харьков, 148-151, УДК 349.412, ББК 67.307, Е 24
103. Мотева, М., К.А. Мамонов, Х. Донева, Г. Христова. 2016. Консолидация земепользований аредаторов: конструктивная идея в условиях Болгарии. Матеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції присвяченої п’ятдесятиріччю кафедри Земельного адміністрування та геоінформаційних систем, 3 ноября, 2016г. Харьков, Украина, 46-50, УДК 349.412, ББК 67.307
104. Moteva, M., Spalevic, V., A. Gigova, V. Tanaskovik. 2016. Water use efficiency and yield-dependences for canola (Brassica napus, L.) under irrigation. Agriculture & Forestry, 62, 1, 403-413, Podgorica, DOI: 10.17707/AgricultForest.62.1.42
105. Мотева, М., Т. Трифонова, В. Георгиева, В. Казанджиев. 2016. Актуализиране на напоителните норми при съвременните климатични условия в България. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, 19, 6, 226-242, Print ISSN 1311-0489, Online ISSN 2367-8364, WoS (CABI) https://randii.nacid.bg/register/search
106. Мотева, М. В. Казанджиев, В. Георгиева, М. Мондешка, А. Каранов. 2016. Изменение на климата и актуално пространствено вариране на еталонната евапотранспирация в земеделската територия на България. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, 19, 5, 230-247, Print ISSN 1311-0489, Online ISSN 2367-8364, WoS (CABI) https://randii.nacid.bg/register/search
107. Moteva, M., V. Tanaskovik, A. Gigova, T. Mitova, V. Kazandjiev, V. Georgieva , I. Simunic. 2016. Yield and yield components of canola (Brassica napus, L.) under irrigation. Symp. Proc. 2nd Int. Symposium for Agriculture and Food, Ohrid, 7-9 Oct.2015, 631-642, ISBN 978-9989-845-64-2
108. Moteva, M., N. Gadjalska, V. Kancheva, T. Tashev, V. Georgieva, N. Koleva, I. Mortev, V. Petrova-Branicheva. 2016. Irrigation scheduling and the impact of irrigation on the yield and yield components of sweet corn. Scientific Papers, Series A. Agronomy, University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Univ Agronomic Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest (USAMV), 59, 332-339, ISSN 2285-5785; ISSN CD-ROM 2285-5793; ISSN Online 2285-5807; WoS (Core collection) https://mjl.clarivate.com/search-results
109. Tanaskovik V., Cukaliev O., Moteva M., Taparauskiene L., Bojan S., Spalevic V., Markoski M., Nechkovski S. 2016. Bioclimatic coefficient of plastic house grown pepper as influenced by irrigation and fertilization techniques. Symp. Proc. 2nd Int. Symposium for Agriculture and Food, Ohrid, 695-706, 7-9 Oct., 2015, 695-706, ISBN 978-9989-845-64-2, UDC: 635.649-167/-18:631.544.1(497.711)
110. Tanaskovik, V., O. Cukaliev, V. Spalevic, M. Moteva, M. Markoski. 2016. Effects of irrigation and fertilization on the number of formed flowers and fruits sets in pruned pepper. Book of Proceedings, 7th International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “Agrosym 2016”, 6-9 October 2016, Jahorina, Bosnia and Hercegovina, 2184-2192, ISBN 978-99976-632-7-6
111. Spalevic, V., A. Behzadfar, A.Silva Tavares, M. Moteva, V. Tanaskovik. 2016. Soil loss estimation of s7-2 catchment of the Shirindareh watershed, Iran using the river basin model. Int. J. Agrofor, Vol.1, No. 1, 113-122, ISSN 2490-3442 (Online), ISSN: 2490-3434 (Printed), DOI: 10.7251/AGRENG1601113S, WoS (CABI) http://agrofor.ues.rs.ba/page.php?id=4
112. Spalevic V., Vujacic, D., Barovic G., Simunic I., Moteva M., Tanaskovik V. 2016. Soil erosion evaluation in the Rastocki Potok watershed of montenegro using the erosion potential method. Journal of Agricultural Food and Environmental Sciences (JAFES), 69, 32-40, online ISSN: 2545-431, https://doi.org/10.55302/JAFES
113. Behzadfar, A., A. César Ferreira Guiçardi, M. Markoski, N. Rodolfo Ribeiro Sakuno, R. Luiz Mincato, M. Moteva, V. Tanaskovik. 2016. Calculation of soil loss from the s7-3 catchment of the Shirindareh watershed, Iran using the river basin model. Agriculture & Forestry, 62, 3, 65-71, Podgorica, DOI: 114.17707/AgricultForest.62.3.06
40. Moteva, M., G. Kostadinov, V. Spalevich, V. Georgieva, V. Tanaskovik, N. Koleva. 2017. Sweet corn - conventional tillage vs. no-tillage in humid conditions. Agriculture & Forestry, Podgorica, 63, 1, DOI: .17707/AgricultForest.62.1.42
115. Pawlikowska, Е., P. Popek, A. Bieda, M. Moteva, A. Stoeva. 2017. Analysis of the legal methods of agricultural land protection in Central Europe on the example of Poland and Bulgaria. Real Estate Management and Valuation, 2, 25, 58-71, eISSN: 2300-5289, Print ISSN: 1733-2478, SCOPUS https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100782865&tip=sid&clean=0
116. Мотева, М. А. Стоева, П. Пенев, А. Каранов. 2017. Земеустройствен план, карта на възстановена собственост и кадастрална карта – настояще и перспективи. Годишник на УАСГ, 50, 4, 9-24, ISSN 1310-814X (печатно издание), ISSN 2534-9759 (онлайн издание)
117. Moteva, M. 2018. Spatial Planning of the Agricultural Territories in Bulgaria – How to Fill the Gap? Int. Sci. J. Mikro, Macro & Mezzo Geo Information, 10, 22-35, ISSN: 1857-9000, EISSN: 1857-9019
118. Moteva, M. 2018. Integration of the Agricultural Territory in the Spatial Planning Process in Bulgaria. 1st Int. Congr. on Agricutural Structures and Irrigation, 26-28 Sept. 2018, Antalya, Turkey, 130-139, ISBN 978-605-81136-0-2
119. Moteva, M., Naydenov, N., P.T. Penev. 2018. A New Concept on the Agricultural Territory Development and its Cartographic Visualization. Proc. 7th International Conference on Cartography and GIS, 18-23 June 2018, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 631-644, ISSN: 1314-0604 https://iccgis2018.cartography-gis.com/proceedings/, ISSN: 1314-0604, WoS (ISI) https://iccgis2018.cartography-gis.com/proceedings/
120. Moteva, М., G. Kostadinov, A. Stoyanova. 2018. Optimizing the irrigation of corn in water deficit conditions. Годишник на УАСГ, 51, 6, 129-145, ISSN 1310-814X (печатно издание), ISSN 2534-9759 (онлайн издание)
121. Moteva, M., D. Parashkevova. 2019. Planning tools for Agricultural Territory in Bulgaria Proc. 5th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium WMESS 2019, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Bronze Open Access, 362, 1, ISSN 1755-1307, DOI 10.1088/1755-1315/362/1/012034, SCOPUS, https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=19900195068&tip=sid&clean=0
122. Moteva, M., M. Mondeshka. 2019. Structural Design of the Agricultural Territory Accounting for Water Use and Erosion Control. 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference & EXPO SGEM 2019, 19, 3.2, 433-440, ISBN 978-619740876-8, ISSN 1314-2704, DOI: 10.5593/sgem2019/3.2/S13.057 SCOPUS https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100274701&tip=sid&clean=0
123. Moteva, M., G. Kostadinov. 2019. Optimum use of the irrigational water in a wide-spaced irrigation technology. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 25, 1, 204–214, ISSN 1310-0351 – print, ISSN 2534-983X - online SCOPUS https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=19400157213&tip=sid&clean=0
124. Мотева, М., С. Сюлейман, В. Кръстева. 2019. Възможности и нормативни ограничения за комасационни дейности в България. Годишник на УАСГ, 52, 3, 707-717, ISSN 1310-814X (печатно издание), ISSN 2534-9759 (онлайн издание)
125. Marinova, B., M. Moteva. 2019. Issues in Creation and Use of Roads in Agricultural Areas. 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference & EXPO SGEM 2019, Proc. vol. 19 “Ecology, Economics, Education and Legislation”, 5.4, 493-500, ISBN 978-619740876-8, ISSN 1314-2704, DOI 10.5593/sgem2019/5.4/S22.065, SCOPUS https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100274701&tip=sid&clean=0
126. Желясков, А., M. Мотева. 2019. Результаты земельной реформы в России и Болгарии на рубеже веков. Агротехнологии XXI века, Материалы Всероссийской научно-практической конференции с международным участием, посвященной 100-летию высшего аграрного образования на Урале, Пермь, 26-28 февраля 2019 года, Часть 3, ИПЦ „Прокростъ“, Пермь, 12-17, УДК 631, ББК 65.32, А 265
127. Mondeshka, M., N. Yarlovska, M. Moteva. 2019. How the Concession of Maritsa–Iztok Mines Affects and will Affect Ecosystem Services in the Region of Radnevo Town. 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference & EXPO SGEM 2019, 19, 5.2, 427-434, ISSN 13142704, ISBN 978-619740876-8, DOI 10.5593/sgem2019/5.2/S20.053, SCOPUS https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100274701&tip=sid&clean=0
128. Moteva, M. 2020. Structural land planning in the irrigation and drainage areas. Scientific Papers-Series E-Land Reclamation Earth Observation & Surveying Environmental Engineering Univ. Agronomic Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest (USAMV), 9, 154-160, Online ISSN 2393-5138, ISSN-L, Print ISSN 2285-6064, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-6072, Online ISSN 2393-5138, ISSN-L 2285-6064, WoS (Core collection), https://mjl.clarivate.com/search-results
129. Moteva, M. 2020. Legal conditions and data provision for land property exchange in the processes of land consolidation and land compensation in Bulgaria. Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, Open Access, 14, 2, 59–71, ISSN 1898-1135, DOI 10.7494/geom.2020.14.2.59, SCOPUS, https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100940509&tip=sid&clean=0
130. Moteva, M. 2020. Consolidation of tenants' land the practical approach in Bulgaria. Scientific Papers-Series E-Land Reclamation Earth Observation & Surveying Environmental Engineering, Univ. Agronomic Sciences & Veterinary Medicine Bucharest (USAMV), 9, 193-198, Online ISSN 2393-5138, ISSN-L, Print ISSN 2285-6064, CD-ROM ISSN 2285-6072, Online ISSN 2393-5138, ISSN-L 2285-6064, WoS (Core collection) https://mjl.clarivate.com/search-results
131. Moteva, M. B. Marinova. 2020. Agricultural Land Protection by Spatial Planning in Bulgaria. Geomatics and Environmental Engineering, Open Access, 14, 3, AGH University of Science and Technology Press, 89-105, ISSN 1898-1135, https://doi.org/10.7494/geom.2020.14.3.89, SCOPUS, https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100940509&tip=sid&clean=0
132. Moteva, M., M. Mondeshka. 2020. The Need for Agricultural Land-Use Planning in Bulgaria. Proc. 20th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference & EXPO SGEM 2020, Conference Proceedings, Hybrid Gold Open Access, Vol. 2020-August, 5.1, 961–968, ISSN 1314-2704, DOI 10.5593/sgem2020/5.1/s23.121, SCOPUS, https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100274701&tip=sid&clean=0
133. Мотева, М. Г. Костадинов. 2020. Енергетичната обезпеченост на земеделските стопанства – предпоставка за извършване на комасационни дейности. Годишник на УАСГ, т. 53, 4, 1109-1120, ISSN 1310-814X (печатно издание), ISSN 2534-9759 (онлайн издание)
134. Moteva, M., M. Mondeshka, G. Kostadinov. 2020. Planning Options for Sustainable Land Use in accordance with Modern Agricultural Technology Proc. 20th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geoconference & EXPO SGEM 2020, Hybrid Gold Open Access Volume 2020-August, 3.1, 507–518, ISSN 1314-2704, DOI 10.5593/sgem2020/3.1/s13.066, SCOPUS, https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=21100274701&tip=sid&clean=0
135. Stoyanova, A., G. Kostadinov, M. Moteva. 2020. Influence of controlled water deficit at different levels of fertilization on the yield of greenhouse tomatoes. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 26 (Supplement 1), 9-18, ISSN 1310-0351 – print, ISSN 2534-983X – online, SCOPUS https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=19400157213&tip=sid&clean=0
136. Moteva, M., D. Parashkevova-Simeonova. 2023. Agricultural Territory Planning in Bulgaria - Current Functionality of Legislation and Perspectives. 8th World Multidisciplinary Earth Sciences Symposium – WMESS 28 Aug–1 Sept, 2023, AIP Conference Proceedings, (in print), SCOPUS https://www.scimagojr.com/journalsearch.php?q=26916&tip=sid&clean=0
137. Мотева, М., М. Александров, Д. Симеонова. 2023. Влияние на параметрите на земеделската техника върху земеустройственото проектиране, // Годишник на УАСГ, 56, 2, 989-1000, ISSN 1310-814X (печатно издание), ISSN 2534-9759 (онлайн издание)


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