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Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aneta Marichova

Faculty of Transportation Engineering, Social Sciences

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aneta Marichova
Office Room A208
E-mail marichova_fte@uacg.bg


Economics (micro and macroeconomics)
Industrial economy
Market organization
Managerial economics
Business planning and forecasting


Master Degree "Political Economy"
University of National and World Economy

Language Skills

English and Russian

Professional Skills

Teaching and research practice in the areas of micro- and macroeconomics, market structures, managerial economics, marketing, and business planning.

Lecturer in courses with Bachelor degree and Master - regularly and distance education and postgraduate studies at the UACEG and NBU.

Development and evaluation of the project: "The architectural process and architectural firm from the viewpoint on the perspective of customers and competitors "together with students department Architecture .

Science Interests

Research in economics, industrial economics, management and marketing.
Studies of the economic problems in the construction markety, applying the model "Market Structure - Strategic behavior - Competitive Advantages"
Studies on the dynamic capabilities of the firm, their building and development taking into account the firm's specifics.

Science Activity

Research and publications in the field of economics, industrial economics, management and marketing.
Studies of the economic problems in the construction industry, applying the model "Market Structure - Strategic behavior - Competitive Advantages"
Building the dynamic capabilities of the construction firm


Participation in Research Projects

Еconomic principles of development of the city. Economic development and fragmentation of Sofia and Sofia Municipality
Economic study of the city, made within a project at the UACEG on the theme: "The process of spatial development and differentiation in Bulgarian cities (the example of Sofia), 2012


Academic Positions

2015 - Associate Professor
2014 - PhD in Economics
1995 - Assistant Professor
1992-1995 - Senior Assistant Professor
1987-1992 - Assistant

Science Keywords

Construction market, construction firm
Dynamic capabilities
Functional competencies
Competitive advantage and Performance


Books and educational materials:

Marichova, A. Market Structures and Analyzes. 2019. Avangard Prima.ISBN 978-619-239-168-3
Marichova, A. Economics for Construction Managers. 2018. Avangard Prima. ISBN 978-619-239-117-1
Marichova, A. Competition in the Construction Market. 2017. Avangard Prima. ISBN 978-619-160-763-1
Marichova, A. The Dynamic Capabilities of the Firm. 2015. Avangard Prima. ISBN 978-619-160-427-2
Marichova, A. Guide to Market Research and Corporate Behavior. 2015.  Avangard Prima. ISBN 978-619-160-440-1

Rakarova, S. & Marichova, A., Guide on Managerial Economics. 2013. NBU. ISBN 9768-954-535-741-1
Rakarova, S. & Marichova, A., Industrial Economy. 2012. NBU. ISBN 978-954-535-705-3
Rakarova, S.& Marichova, A.Industrial Economy. 2010. NBU. ISBN 978-954-535-641-4
Marichova, A. Microeconomics. 1996.  First Private School of Management and Law  "Prof. I. Apostolov".
Marichova, A. & Doneva,  D.  Marketing - Texts, Assignments, Case Studies. 1995. Slavena.ISBN 954-579-013-X

Other publications

Published articles and reports in proceedings of international conferences

Construction company policy to create a strategic resource to build competitive advantage. 2018. UACEG Yearbook. Vol. 51, Issue 5, pp. 93-112. ISSN 2534-9759

Corporate social capital - a factor for effective management of a construction company. 2018. UACEG Yearbook (co-authored). Vol.51, Issue 5, pp.51-70. ISSN 2534-9759

The dynamic capabilities of the company - a major factor for successful innovation policy. 2015. Second Scientific Applied Conference with International Participation "Project Management in Construction". UACEG. Nov. , pp. 26-35. ISSN 2367-6752

The role of clusters for the sustainable development of a construction company. 2015. Second Scientific Applied Conference with International Participation "Project Management in Construction". UACEG. Nov., pp.36-45. ISSN 2367-6752

Strategic management of a small construction company. 2014. First Scientific Applied Conference with International Participation "Project Management in Construction". UACEG. Dec., pp.24-31. ISSN 2367-6752

Structural business analysis of construction in EU-27 economies. 2012. International Jubilee Scientific Applied Conference - 70 years of UACEG. Reports. Vol. 3, pp. 103-113. ISBN 978-954-724-049-0

Published articles in national magazines

The problem of "innovation in construction". 2014. Transport Construction and Infrastructure. 5, pp.31-35. ISBN 978-954-92620-3-2

Published articles in international journals

Creating a Sustainable Business Model in the Construction Firm. SCIENDO. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS - CONSTANTZA. Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Year 21, pp. 75-86. http://revista-constructii.univ-ovidius.ro/index.php/en/. ISSN 2392-6139/ISSN-L 1584-5990, DOI: 10.2478/ouacsce-2019-0010

Dynamics of the External Environment (Market) and Strategic Behavior of the Construction Firm. SCIENDO. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS - CONSTANTZA. Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Year 21, pp. 87-98. http://revista-constructii.univ-ovidius.ro/index.php/en/. ISSN 2392-6139/ISSN-L 1584-5990, DOI: 10.2478/ouacsce-2019-0010

Impact of Macroeconomic Policy on the Development of the Construction Market. Study of the Example of Bulgaria. 2019. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT). SJIF:5,15.. Vol. 4, Iss. 11, Nov., рр.207-216, www.ijisrt.com, ISSN: 2456- 2165

The Creation of a Strategic Alliance - A Factor for the Successful Development of a Small Construction Firm. 2019. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR). Vol. 8, Iss. 11, Nov., 1008 – 1013. RG Journal Impact: 0.28 *, SJIF: 7.426, ISSN: 2319-7064

Role of the Manager for Development of Innovative Construction Firm. 2019. The International Journal of Business Management and Technology. Vol. 3, Iss. 5, Sept.–Oct., pp. 24-30, www.theijbmt.com, ISSN: 2581-3889.

Innovation and Dynamic Capabilities of The Construction Firm. 2019. International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT). IF. Vol.4, Iss.9, Sept., pp. 243-249, IJISRT19SEP1138, www.ijisrt.com, ISSN 2456-2165.

Vertical Connections on the Construction Market. 2018. SCIENDO. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS - CONSTANTZA. Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Year 20, pp. 7-18. http://revista-constructii.univ-ovidius.ro/index.php/en/ ISSN 2392-6139/ISSN-L 1584-5990

Improving the Partnership between the Participants in the Vertical Chain of the Construction Market. 2018. SCIENDO. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS - CONSTANTZA. Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Year 20, pp. 19-30. http://revista-constructii.univ-ovidius.ro/index.php/en/ ISSN 2392-6139/ISSN-L 1584-5990

Building an integrated vertical chain - a factor for sustainable construction. 2018. International Journal of Modern Research in Engineering and Technology (IJMRET). IF. Vol. 3 Issue 11 ǁ Nov., pp. 28-38. www.ijmret.org. ISSN: 2456-5628

Application VRIO framework to evaluate capabilities of the construction firm to create competitive advantages. 2018. International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology. IF. Paper Code: ijesrt/N022/18. Vol. 7. Iss.8. Aug., pp.362-369. ISSN: 2277-9655

Building Strategic Resource - A Factor for the Competitive Advantages of the Construction Firm. 2018. Civil Engineering Research Journal. 5(5). CERJ -RA-18-765. ISSN: 2575-8950

Efficiency of the construction market and need for government regulation. 2017. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS - CONSTANTZA. Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Ovidius University Press. Year XIX– Issue 19, pp. 37-49. http://revista-constructii.univ-ovidius.ro/index.php/en/2014-07-28-12-43-52. ISSN 1584-5990

Product differentiation policy of the construction firm. 2017. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS -CONSTANTZA.Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Ovidius University Press. Year XIX– Issue 19, pp. 51 -63. http://revista-constructii.univ-ovidius.ro/index.php/en/2014-07-28-12-43-52. ISSN 1584-5990

Рricing policy of the construction firm. 2016. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS -CONSTANTZA. Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Ovidius University Press. Year XVIII. – Issue 8, pp. 163-174. http://revista-constructii.univ-ovidius.ro/index.php/en/2014-07-28-12-43-52. ISSN 1584-5990

Effective organization of construction firm. 2016. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS -CONSTANTZA.Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Ovidius University Press. Year XVIII. – Issue 8, pp. 175-186. http://revista-constructii.univ-ovidius.ro/index.php/en/2014-07-28-12-43-52. ISSN 1584-5990

Building of dynamic capabilities in new, innovative firm. A study of Bulgarian construction market. 2015. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS - CONSTANTZA. Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Ovidius University Press, pp. 25-34. http://revista-constructii.univ-ovidius.ro/index.php/en/2014-07-28-12-43-52.ISSN1584-5990
Building of dynamic capabilities in the small firm. A study of Bulgarian construction market. 2015. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS-CONSTANTZA. Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Ovidius University Press, pp. 35-46. http://revista-constructii.univ-ovidius.ro/index.php/en/2014-07-28-12-43-52.ISSN1584-5990

The dynamic capabilities of the firm - a major factor for sustainable competitive advantage. A study of Bulgarian construction industry. 2014. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS –CONSTANTZA. Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Ovidius University Press. Year XVI– Issue 16 (2014), рр. 41-52. http://revista-constructii.univ-ovidius.ro/index.php/en/2014-07-28-12-43-52. ISSN 1584-5990

Economic crisis and perspectives of the construction firm. 2014. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS –CONSTANTZA. Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Ovidius University Press. Year XVI– Issue 16 (2014), pp.53-62. http://revista-constructii.univ-ovidius.ro/index.php/en/2014-07-28-12-43-32. ISSN 1584-5990

Structural analysis of construction industry and firm's strategy: A study of Bulgarian construction industry. 2013. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS- CONSTANTZA. Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Ovidius University Press. Year XIV– Issue 15 (2013), pp. 63-70. http: // www.revista-constructii.univovidius.ro. ISSN 1584-5990

Competitive strategy and competitive advantage in the civil engineering construction industry. 2013. OVIDIUS UNIVERSITY ANNALS –CONSTANTZA. Series: CIVIL ENGINEERING. Ovidius University Press. Year XIV– Issue 15 (2013), pp. 71-78.http: // www.revista-constructii.univovidius.ro. ISSN 1584-5990

 Participation in international scientific seminars:

The 4rd Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas, ARSA 2015 (December 1 - 5, 2015, www.arsa-conf.com), www.arsa-conf.com
Participant. Paper: Marichova A., Application of VRIO framework to evaluate capabilities of the construction firm for creating competitive advantages

The 3nd HASSACC 2015 - Virtual Conference Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference, HASSACC 2015 ( October 2- 9,2015 ), www.hassacc.com.
Participant. Paper: Marichova A., Role of managers to build a dynamic capabilities in the firm

The 4rd Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference, EIIC 2015, from 10-14 August, 2015, www.eiic.cz.
Participant. Paper: Marichova A., Influence of the organizational characteristics of the firm on building and development of dynamic capabilities 

The 2nd Virtual Multidisciplinary Conference, QUAESTI 2014, December 15 – 19, 2014, www.quaesti.com.
Participant. Paper: Marichova A.,  Building of strategic resource in the construction firm

The 3rd Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas, ARSA 2014 December 1 - 5, 2014, www.arsa-conf.com
Participant. Paper: Marichova A., Influence of dynamic capabilities on innovation in the firm and performance

The 2nd HASSACC 2014 - Virtual Conference Human and Social Sciences at the Common Conference, HASSACC 2014 (November 17-21, 2014), www.hassacc.com.
Participant. Paper: Marichova A., Analysis and evaluation of dynamic capabilities for the development of the firm. A study of Bulgarian construction industry

The 3rd Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference, EIIC 2014, from 1st-5th September, 2014, www.eiic.cz.
Participant. Paper: Marichova A., Sustainable long term development of the construction firm

The 2nd Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference, EIIC 2013, 2nd-6th September, 2013, Czech Republic, www.eiic.cz.
Participant. Paper: Marichova A., Strategy management in construction industry

The 1st International Virtual Conference on Advanced Scientific Results (SCIECONF-2013), Slovakia, Zilina, June 10. - 14., 2013, www.arsa-conf.com
Participant. Paper: Marichova A., Structural analysis of construction industry and competitive strategy of firms: A study of Bulgarian construction industry

Participation in national scientific seminars:

Marichova A., Strategic behavior of the firm in the market of the civil engineering in the country, International jubilee scientific and practical conference, section "Social Sciences" UACG, 2012

Marichova A., Marketing strategies of foreign investors and the development of industrial management in Bulgaria, International Jubilee Applied Science Conference, 2002








